function words(x) {
switch (x) {
case 1:
var word = new Array("balte", "table", "hat", "tab", "belt", "lab", "eat", "tea", "ate", "tale", "bale", "let", "bet", "teal", "late", "beat");
case 2:
var word = new Array("atwre", "water", "wet", "wear", "tear", "war", "ret", "rate", "eat", "ate", "tea", "awe", "raw", "rat", "wart", "art", "tar");
case 3:
var word = new Array("dclaen", "can", "cane", "and", "clan", "lane", "lean", "lend", "land", "den", "dean", "dance", "lance", "clean", "deal", "ale", "dale", "candle", "clad");
case 4:
var word = new Array("aepinlar", "air", "airplane", "plane", "plan", "lane", "lean", "pane", "ear", "near", "nap", "nape", "lair", "pen", "pan", "ape", "leap", "ale", "peal", "nap", "rap", "par", "pare", "pale", "are", "rail", "ail", "pail", "nail", "air", "pair", "ran", "pin", "pine", "line", "nip", "rip", "ripe", "lip", "earn", "learn", "ire");
case 5:
var word = new Array("redykboa", "keyboard", "key", "board", "bored", "bore", "bark", "dark", "dork", "oar", "boar", "ark", "dare", "bare", "are", "red", "rod", "road", "bode", "rode", "ode", "bread", "read", "bead", "bred", "break", "drey", "day", "boy", "broke", "rake", "bake", "ear", "dear", "bear", "dye", "dyer", "doer", "oak", "boa", "doe", "okay", "dab", "bade", "ade", "drake", "bard", "yard", "year", "beak", "beard", "bad", "bed", "bay");
return word;
compWords = new Array();
notAword = new Array();
playWords = new Array();
function displayLetters() {
var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1;
compWords = words(num);
yourWord = compWords[0];
document.getElementById("letters").innerHTML = yourWord;
function displayEntries() {
document.getElementById("entries").innerHTML = playWords.toString();
function boggle() {
var play = "";
var score = 0;
var flag = 0;
//get player entries
while (play != "Q") {
play = prompt("enter a word or enter Q when done");
if (play != "Q")
//document.getElementById("entries").innerHTML = playWords.toString();
// check winning score and list bad words
var complgth = compWords.length;
var playlgth = (playWords.length - 1);
for (var i = 0; i < playlgth; i++) {
flag = 0;
for (var k = 0; k < complgth; k++) {
if (playWords[i] == compWords[k]) {
flag = 1;
if (flag == 0)
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = ("Your score is " +
score + ". The following entries " +
"are not valid words: <br />" +
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<h1 align="center"><em>Greg's Game of Boggle</em></h1>
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<p>The object of the game is to create as many words as you can, in a given time limit, from the letters show below. When you are ready to begin, click the Diplay letters button, then Begin game button.</p>
<p><input type="button" value="Display letters" onclick="displayLetters();" /></p>
<p><input type="button" value="Begin the game" onclick="boggle();" /></p>
<h2><br /><br />Letters you can use:<br />
<div id="letters"> </div><br /></h2>
<h2>Your words so far: <br />
<div id="entries"> </div><br /></h2>
<h2>Results:<br />
<div id="result"> </div>
<div id="footer">Copyright © 2013 Greg's Gambits<br />
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