Я новичок в Python и Pygame, и я создаю игру, в которой задействован танк, который может стрелять, я заставил его работать, однако пуля настолько быстрая, что больше похожа на лазер, и я просто хочу отпустить медленно по экрану
import pygame
# window size
windowWidth = 850
windowHeight = 600
# displaying the main window
gameDisplay = pygame.display.set_mode((windowWidth, windowHeight))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
# all colors i could use (currently don't use them all)
black = (0, 0, 0)
white = (255, 255, 255)
red = (255, 0, 0)
green = (0, 255, 0)
blue = (0, 0, 255)
darkRed = (150, 0, 0)
darkGreen = (0, 150, 0)
darkBlue = (0, 0, 150)
# player's body variables that don't change (color and size)
playerColor = darkGreen
playerWidth = 25
playerHeight = 25
# barrel variables that don't change (Horizontal and Vertical sizes of the barrel [H/V])
barrelWidthV = 5
barrelHeightV = playerHeight + barrelWidthV
barrelHeightH = 5
barrelWidthH = playerWidth + barrelHeightH
# bullet variables that don't change (size)
bulW = 5
bulH = 5
# draw a body and barrel for the player
def player(playerX, playerY, barrelX, barrelY, W, H):
pygame.draw.rect(gameDisplay, playerColor, (playerX, playerY, playerWidth, playerHeight))
pygame.draw.rect(gameDisplay, darkRed, (barrelX, barrelY, W, H))
# draw a bullet that can be shot by the player
def bullet(shotX, shotY):
pygame.draw.rect(gameDisplay, black, (shotX, shotY, bulW, bulH))
# the game loop function with variables and the actual loop
def gameLoop():
# startingplayer variables that can change
playerX = int(windowWidth * 0.1)
playerY = int(windowHeight * 0.5)
pSpeedX = 15
pSpeedY = 15
# starting barrel variables that can change
barrelX = playerX + playerWidth / 2 - barrelWidthV / 2
barrelY = playerY - barrelWidthV
W = barrelWidthV
H = barrelHeightV
# bullet variables that can change
shotX = barrelX
shotY = barrelY
bulletSpeed = 1
# the actual game loop
playing = True
while playing:
# if the game is exited actually exit
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
playing = False
# test if a key is pressed
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
# test if the key that is pressed is the spacebar
if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
# test if the bullet is still in the screen
if 0 < shotY < windowHeight and 0 < shotX < windowWidth:
# test if the player is looking down
if barrelX == playerX + playerWidth/2 - barrelWidthV/2 and barrelY == playerY:
# shoot the bullet down until it flies of the screen
while 0 < shotY < windowHeight:
shotY + bulletSpeed
shotY += bulletSpeed
pygame.display.update(bullet(shotX, shotY))
# test if the player is looking up
if barrelX == playerX + playerWidth/2 - barrelWidthV/2 and barrelY == playerY - barrelWidthV:
# shoot the bullet up until it flies of the screen
while 0 < shotY < windowHeight:
shotY -= bulletSpeed
pygame.display.update(bullet(shotX, shotY))
# test if the player is looking right
if barrelX == playerX and barrelY == playerY + playerHeight/2 - barrelHeightH/2:
# shoot the bullet right until it flies of the screen
while 0 < shotX < windowWidth:
shotX += bulletSpeed
pygame.display.update(bullet(shotX, shotY))
# test if the player is looking left
if barrelX == playerX - barrelHeightH and barrelY == playerY + playerHeight / 2 - barrelHeightH / 2:
# shoot the bullet left until it flies of the screen
while 0 < shotX < windowWidth:
shotX -= bulletSpeed
pygame.display.update(bullet(shotX, shotY))
# when the bullet flew off the screen return to the player
shotX = barrelX
shotY = barrelY
# test if the player is at the bottom edge and if so can't move left anymore thus creating a border
if playerY + barrelHeightV < windowHeight:
if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
# make sure the bullet is with the player
shotX = barrelX
shotY = barrelY
# move the body, barrel and bullet simultaniously
playerY += pSpeedY
barrelY += pSpeedY
shotY += pSpeedY
# use the vertical barrel
W = barrelWidthV
H = barrelHeightV
# place the barrel on the body (sticking out at the bottom)
barrelX = playerX + playerWidth/2 - barrelWidthV/2
barrelY = playerY
# test if the player is at the top edge and if so can't move left anymore thus creating a border
if playerY - barrelWidthV > 0:
if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
# make sure the bullet is with the player
shotX = barrelX
shotY = barrelY
# move the body, barrel and bullet simultaniously
playerY -= pSpeedY
barrelY -= pSpeedY
shotY -= pSpeedY
# use the vertical barrel
W = barrelWidthV
H = barrelHeightV
# place the barrel on the body (sticking out at the top)
barrelX = playerX + playerWidth/2 - barrelWidthV/2
barrelY = playerY - barrelWidthV
# test if the player is at the right edge and if so can't move left anymore thus creating a border
if playerX + barrelWidthH < windowWidth:
if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
# make sure the bullet is with the player
shotX = barrelX
shotY = barrelY
# move the body, barrel and bullet simultaniously
playerX += pSpeedX
barrelX += pSpeedX
shotX += pSpeedX
# use the horizontal barrel
W = barrelWidthH
H = barrelHeightH
# place the barrel on the body (sticking out at the right)
barrelX = playerX
barrelY = playerY + playerHeight/2 - barrelHeightH/2
# test if the player is at the left edge and if so can't move left anymore thus creating a border
if playerX - barrelWidthV > 0:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
shotX = barrelX
shotY = barrelY
# move the body, barrel and bullet simultaniously
playerX -= pSpeedX
barrelX -= pSpeedX
shotX -= pSpeedX
# use the horizontal barrel
W = barrelWidthH
H = barrelHeightH
# place the barrel on the body (sticking out at the left)
barrelX = playerX - barrelHeightH
barrelY = playerY + playerHeight/2 - barrelHeightH/2
# draw everything on the screen in the right order and go through the loop in 60 fps
player(playerX, playerY, barrelX, barrelY, W, H)
bullet(shotX, shotY)
# call the gameloop and when that ends close the game
так есть ли способ замедлить пулю, чтобы у вас была устойчиво движущаяся пуля (не лазер)
Я создал как можно больше комментариев, сохраняя при этом удобочитаемость, поэтому за большим количеством кода легко следить.
p.s. Я хотел бы знать, как я могу сделать пулю одним кликом, пока игрок еще может двигаться, но это не моя главная проблема