У меня есть эта БД (MySQL):
CREATE TABLE `psStoreCategories` (
`id_categories_of_the_store` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
`enable` char(1) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`level` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`parent_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`name_pl` varchar(85) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
`url_address_pl` varchar(125) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
`name_en` varchar(85) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
`url_address_en` varchar(125) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
ALTER TABLE `psStoreCategories`
ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id_categories_of_the_store`);
ALTER TABLE `psStoreCategories`
MODIFY `id_categories_of_the_store` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;
Пример данных: http://serwer1356363.home.pl/pub/sql.zip
Пример дерева категорий:
Desktop and Mobile Applications
Desktop and Mobile Applications->Android Apps
Desktop and Mobile Applications->Android Apps->Games
Desktop and Mobile Applications->Android Apps->Games->Action
Desktop and Mobile Applications->Games
Desktop and Mobile Applications->Games->Action
Desktop and Mobile Applications->Games->Adventure
Desktop Applications
Desktop Applications->Games
Desktop Applications->Games->Action
Desktop Applications->Games->Adventure
В конечном счете, будет 10 подкатегорий глубиной
Мой php код:
public function getListOfCategories(int $level, int $parentId): array
$names = $this->getValuesToString($this->createValuesToArray("name", ""));
$result = $this->_db->query("SELECT id_categories_of_the_store, enable, level, $names FROM psStoreCategories WHERE parent_id=:parent_id ORDER by name_pl ASC;", array("parent_id" => $parentId));
return $result;
public function getListOfSubCategories(int $idCategory): array
$result = $this->_db->query("SELECT id_categories_of_the_store, enable, level, name_pl FROM psStoreCategories WHERE enable = 1 and parent_id=:parent_id ORDER by name_pl ASC;", array( "parent_id"=> $idCategory));
return $result;
public function getListOfFirstLevelCategories(): array
$result = $this->_db->query("SELECT id_categories_of_the_store, enable, level, name_pl FROM psStoreCategories WHERE enable = 1 and level=:level ORDER by name_pl ASC;", array("level" => 0));
return $result;
В результате вышеприведенного кода я получаю:
- main category 1
- main category 2
- main category 3
- main category 4
- main category 5
- main category 6
- main category 7
- main category 8
(getListOfFirstLevelCategories ())
После нажатия первой категории у меня есть только:
- sub category 1
- sub category 2
- sub category 3
- sub category 4
- sub category 5
- sub category 6
- sub category 7
- sub category 8
Мне нужно что-то вроде этого:
- main category 1
- main category 2
-- sub category 1
-- sub category 2
-- sub category 3
-- sub category 4
-- sub category 5
-- sub category 6
-- sub category 7
-- sub category 8
- main category 3
- main category 4
- main category 5
- main category 6
- main category 7
- main category 8
Это мой файл ветки:
<div class="card-content">
<div class="card-body card-dashboard card-dashboard-correct">
{% if pageTemplate.pageHeader.pageValue.level == '0' %}
<a href="{{ pageTemplate.pageHeader.baseHref }}{{ pageTemplate.pageHeader.pageValue.mainCategoryUrl }}/AddNewEntry" class="btn btn-success btn-min-width btn-glow mr-1 mb-1 col-lg-2 addNewVall">Dodaj nową kategorię główną</a>
{% endif %}
<div class="clearLine"></div>
{% for data in pageTemplate.pageHeader.pageValue.dataArray %}
<p class="categoryLevel1">- {{ data.name_pl }} {% if data.enable == 1 %}<span class="badge badge-default badge-info">Aktywny</span>{% endif %} {% if data.enable == '' %}<span class="badge badge-default badge-danger">Wyłączony</span>{% endif %}
<a href="{{ pageTemplate.pageHeader.baseHref }}{{ pageTemplate.pageHeader.pageValue.mainCategoryUrl }}/EditEntry?id={{ data.id_categories_of_the_store }}" class="categoryLevelOption categoryLevelOption1" >[edytuj]</a>
{% if pageTemplate.pageHeader.pageValue.level < 4 %}
<a href="{{ pageTemplate.pageHeader.baseHref }}{{ pageTemplate.pageHeader.pageValue.mainCategoryUrl }}?level={{ data.level +1 }}&parentId={{ data.id_categories_of_the_store }}" class="categoryLevelOption">[Rozwiń]</a>
<a href="{{ pageTemplate.pageHeader.baseHref }}{{ pageTemplate.pageHeader.pageValue.mainCategoryUrl }}/AddNewEntry/?level={{ data.level +1 }}&parentId={{ data.id_categories_of_the_store }}" class="categoryLevelOption categoryLevelOption1">[Dodaj podkategorię]</a>
{% endif %}
<a href="{{ pageTemplate.pageHeader.baseHref }}{{ pageTemplate.pageHeader.pageValue.mainCategoryUrl }}/removeEntry?level={{ data.level }}&id={{ data.id_categories_of_the_store }}" class="categoryLevelOption categoryLevelOption2" onclick="return confirm('Czy napewno chcesz usunąć ten rekord?')">[Usuń]</a></p>
{% endfor %}
Как это сделать?