Я делаю боец на платформе 2D, но я просмотрел весь интернет и не уверен, что смогу найти то, что искал. Я пытаюсь провести рукопашную атаку, когда вы нажимаете R-щелчок мышью, она бросается в направлении, по которому вы идете.
Я постараюсь выяснить отталкивание или урон позже. Любая помощь с движением сценария?
Я перечислю свой текущий код движения ниже.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace NinjaController {
public class NinjaController : MonoBehaviour {
private Rigidbody2D RBody { get; set; }
private PhysicsParams physicsParams;
public Vector2 Velocity { get { return(RBody.velocity); } }
public Vector2 VelocityRelativeGround { get { return(Velocity / PhysicsParams.onGroundMaxVelHorizontal); } }
private float timeRealLastGroundCollision = 0;
private float timeRealLastWallLeftCollision = 0;
private float timeRealLastWallRightCollision = 0;
public bool IsOnGround {
get {
return GetIsColliding(timeRealLastGroundCollision);
public bool IsOnWallLeft {
get {
return GetIsColliding(timeRealLastWallLeftCollision);
public bool IsOnWallRight {
get {
return GetIsColliding(timeRealLastWallRightCollision);
public bool IsInAir { get { return isPlayerInAir; } }
private bool GetIsColliding(float timeLastCollision) {
return(Time.realtimeSinceStartup < timeLastCollision + 0.05f);
private Vector2 currentVelocity = Vector2.zero;
private Vector2 currentForce = Vector2.zero;
private float EntityMass { get { return(PhysicsParams.playerMass); } }
private bool isPlayerInAir = false;
private bool keyJumpRetrigger = false;
private bool keyJumpPressed = false;
private bool isPlayerOnWall = false;
public PhysicsParams PhysicsParams {
get { return physicsParams; }
set { physicsParams = value; }
public Vector2 CurrentForce { get { return currentForce; } }
public bool IsOnWall { get { return isPlayerOnWall; } }
private List<Renderer> allRenderers;
public List<Renderer> AllRenderers { get { return allRenderers; } }
public Vector3 Position {
get {
return transform.position;
set {
transform.position = value;
public Vector2 Position2D {
get {
return transform.position;
set {
transform.position = value;
public void Awake() {
RBody = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
allRenderers = new List<Renderer>(GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>(true));
public void Update() {
//let's reset forces to 0 and then add regular gravitation
SimAddForce(new Vector2(0, PhysicsParams.gameGravity) * EntityMass);
//process key input (like jumping key pressed, etc...)
//simulate position and velocity based on all acting forces
//collision detection with static world
isPlayerOnWall = IsOnWallLeft || IsOnWallRight;
isPlayerInAir = IsOnGround == false;
private void SimResetForce() {
currentForce = Vector2.zero;
private void SimAddForce(Vector2 force) {
currentForce += force;
private void ComputeVelocity(float dt) {
currentVelocity += (currentForce / EntityMass) * dt;
//let's cap the speed in case its higher than the max
if (isPlayerInAir) {
currentVelocity.x = Mathf.Clamp(currentVelocity.x, -PhysicsParams.inAirMaxVelHorizontal, PhysicsParams.inAirMaxVelHorizontal);
} else {
currentVelocity.x = Mathf.Clamp(currentVelocity.x, -PhysicsParams.onGroundMaxVelHorizontal, PhysicsParams.onGroundMaxVelHorizontal);
RBody.velocity = currentVelocity;
private void ProcessInput() {
bool isKeyDownJump = Input.GetButton("Jump");
float inputAxisX = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
bool isKeyDownLeft = inputAxisX < -0.5f;
bool isKeyDownRight = inputAxisX > 0.5f;
//player is on ground
if (isPlayerInAir == false) {
//in case the player is on ground and does not press the jump key, he
//should be allowed to jump
if (isKeyDownJump == false) {
keyJumpRetrigger = true;
//did player press down the jump button?
if (isKeyDownJump == true && keyJumpRetrigger == true) {
keyJumpPressed = true;
keyJumpRetrigger = false;
//when pressing jump on ground we set the upwards velocity directly
currentVelocity = new Vector2(currentVelocity.x, PhysicsParams.jumpUpVel);
} else if (isPlayerOnWall == true) {
//let's allow jumping again in case of being on the wall
if (isKeyDownJump == false) {
keyJumpRetrigger = true;
if (currentVelocity.y < 0) {//apply friction when moving downwards
SimAddForce(new Vector2(0, PhysicsParams.wallFriction) * EntityMass);
if (currentVelocity.y < PhysicsParams.wallFrictionStrongVelThreshold) {//apply even more friction when moving downwards fast
SimAddForce(new Vector2(0, PhysicsParams.wallFrictionStrong) * EntityMass);
if (isKeyDownJump == true && keyJumpRetrigger == true) {
keyJumpPressed = true;
keyJumpRetrigger = false;
//in case we are moving down -> let's set the velocity directly
//in case we are moving up -> sum up velocity
if (IsOnWallLeft == true) {
if (currentVelocity.y <= 0) {
currentVelocity = new Vector2(PhysicsParams.jumpWallVelHorizontal, PhysicsParams.jumpWallVelVertical);
} else {
currentVelocity = new Vector2(PhysicsParams.jumpWallVelHorizontal, currentVelocity.y + PhysicsParams.jumpWallVelVertical);
} else if (IsOnWallRight == true) {
if (currentVelocity.y <= 0)
currentVelocity = new Vector2(-PhysicsParams.jumpWallVelHorizontal, PhysicsParams.jumpWallVelVertical);
currentVelocity = new Vector2(-PhysicsParams.jumpWallVelHorizontal, currentVelocity.y + PhysicsParams.jumpWallVelVertical);
//did player lift the jump button?
if (isKeyDownJump == false) {
keyJumpPressed = false;
//let's apply force in case we are holding the jump key during a jump.
if (keyJumpPressed == true) {
SimAddForce(new Vector2(0, PhysicsParams.jumpUpForce) * EntityMass);
//however let's stop doing that as soon as we fall down after the up-phase.
if (keyJumpPressed == true && currentVelocity.y <= 0) {
keyJumpPressed = false;
//let's apply additional gravity in case we're in air moving up but not holding the jump button
if (keyJumpPressed == false && isPlayerInAir == true && currentVelocity.y > 0) {
SimAddForce(new Vector2(0, PhysicsParams.jumpGravity) * EntityMass);
if (isPlayerInAir == true) {
//steering into moving direction (slow accel)
if (isKeyDownLeft == true && currentVelocity.x <= 0)
SimAddForce(new Vector2(-PhysicsParams.inAirMoveHorizontalForce, 0) * EntityMass);
else if (isKeyDownRight == true && currentVelocity.x >= 0)
SimAddForce(new Vector2(PhysicsParams.inAirMoveHorizontalForce, 0) * EntityMass);
//steering against moving direction (fast reverse accel)
else if (isKeyDownLeft == true && currentVelocity.x >= 0)
SimAddForce(new Vector2(-PhysicsParams.inAirMoveHorizontalForceReverse, 0) * EntityMass);
else if (isKeyDownRight == true && currentVelocity.x <= 0)
SimAddForce(new Vector2(PhysicsParams.inAirMoveHorizontalForceReverse, 0) * EntityMass);
if (isPlayerInAir == false) {
//steering into moving direction (slow accel)
if (isKeyDownLeft == true && currentVelocity.x <= 0)
SimAddForce(new Vector2(-PhysicsParams.onGroundMoveHorizontalForce, 0) * EntityMass);
else if (isKeyDownRight == true && currentVelocity.x >= 0)
SimAddForce(new Vector2(PhysicsParams.onGroundMoveHorizontalForce, 0) * EntityMass);
//steering against moving direction (fast reverse accel)
else if (isKeyDownLeft == true && currentVelocity.x >= 0)
SimAddForce(new Vector2(-PhysicsParams.onGroundMoveHorizontalForceReverse, 0) * EntityMass);
else if (isKeyDownRight == true && currentVelocity.x <= 0)
SimAddForce(new Vector2(PhysicsParams.onGroundMoveHorizontalForceReverse, 0) * EntityMass);
//not steering -> brake due to friction.
else if (isKeyDownLeft != true && isKeyDownRight != true && currentVelocity.x > 0)
SimAddForce(new Vector2(-PhysicsParams.groundFriction, 0) * EntityMass);
else if (isKeyDownLeft != true && isKeyDownRight != true && currentVelocity.x < 0)
SimAddForce(new Vector2(PhysicsParams.groundFriction, 0) * EntityMass);
//in case the velocity is close to 0 and no keys are pressed we should make the the player stop.
//to do this let's first undo the prior friction force, and then set the velocity to 0.
if (isKeyDownLeft != true && isKeyDownRight != true && currentVelocity.x > 0 && currentVelocity.x < PhysicsParams.groundFrictionEpsilon) {
SimAddForce(new Vector2(PhysicsParams.groundFriction, 0) * EntityMass);
currentVelocity.x = 0;
} else if (isKeyDownLeft != true && isKeyDownRight != true && currentVelocity.x < 0 && currentVelocity.x > -PhysicsParams.groundFrictionEpsilon) {
SimAddForce(new Vector2(-PhysicsParams.groundFriction, 0) * EntityMass);
currentVelocity.x = 0;
public void ResetVelocity() {
currentVelocity = Vector2.zero;
public void OnCollisionStay2D(Collision2D collision) {
foreach (ContactPoint2D contactPoint in collision.contacts) {
if (GetIsVectorClose(new Vector2(0, 1), contactPoint.normal)) {
timeRealLastGroundCollision = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
currentVelocity.y = Mathf.Clamp(currentVelocity.y, 0, Mathf.Abs(currentVelocity.y));
if (GetIsVectorClose(new Vector2(1, 0), contactPoint.normal)) {
timeRealLastWallLeftCollision = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
currentVelocity.x = Mathf.Clamp(currentVelocity.x, 0, Mathf.Abs(currentVelocity.x));
if (GetIsVectorClose(new Vector2(-1, 0), contactPoint.normal)) {
timeRealLastWallRightCollision = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
currentVelocity.x = Mathf.Clamp(currentVelocity.x, -Mathf.Abs(currentVelocity.x), 0);
if(GetIsVectorClose(Vector2.down, contactPoint.normal)) {
currentVelocity.y = Mathf.Clamp(currentVelocity.y, -Mathf.Abs(currentVelocity.y), 0);
private bool GetIsVectorClose(Vector2 vectorA, Vector2 vectorB) {
return(Mathf.Approximately(0, Vector2.Distance(vectorA, vectorB)));
public void OnLifeChanged (int life, Vector2 contactVector) {
const float forceEnemyCollision = 15.0f;
currentVelocity = contactVector.normalized * forceEnemyCollision;
public void ResetPlayer() {
currentVelocity = Vector2.zero;