посмотрите на образец ниже, это поможет вам получить то, что вы хотите.
Broken axis example, where the x-axis will have a portion cut out.
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np
x = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
x[75:] = np.linspace(40, 42.5, 25)
y = np.sin(x)
f, (ax, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True, facecolor='w')
# plot the same data on both axes
ax.plot(x, y)
ax2.plot(x, y)
ax.set_xlim(0, 7.5)
ax2.set_xlim(40, 42.5)
# hide the spines between ax and ax2
# This looks pretty good, and was fairly painless, but you can get that
# cut-out diagonal lines look with just a bit more work. The important
# thing to know here is that in axes coordinates, which are always
# between 0-1, spine endpoints are at these locations (0,0), (0,1),
# (1,0), and (1,1). Thus, we just need to put the diagonals in the
# appropriate corners of each of our axes, and so long as we use the
# right transform and disable clipping.
d = .015 # how big to make the diagonal lines in axes coordinates
# arguments to pass plot, just so we don't keep repeating them
kwargs = dict(transform=ax.transAxes, color='k', clip_on=False)
ax.plot((1 - d, 1 + d), (-d, +d), **kwargs)
ax.plot((1 - d, 1 + d), (1 - d, 1 + d), **kwargs)
kwargs.update(transform=ax2.transAxes) # switch to the bottom axes
ax2.plot((-d, +d), (1 - d, 1 + d), **kwargs)
ax2.plot((-d, +d), (-d, +d), **kwargs)
# What's cool about this is that now if we vary the distance between
# ax and ax2 via f.subplots_adjust(hspace=...) or plt.subplot_tool(),
# the diagonal lines will move accordingly, and stay right at the tips
# of the spines they are 'breaking'
этот подход был в ломаных осях .