Я использую алгоритм pcLasso, но получаю ошибку
Ошибка в svd :: propack.svd (x [, groups [[k]], drop = F], neig = nvv):
Процедура BLAS / LAPACK 'DLASCL' выдала код ошибки -4
# Importing the dataset
dataset = read.csv('fluxomicgender.csv')
dataset = dataset[2:4231]
X = dataset[,1:4229]
y = dataset$Gender
y = factor(y,levels = c('Female', 'Male'),labels = c(0, 1))
y = as.numeric(y)
# Splitting the dataset into the Training set and Test set
split = sample.split(y, SplitRatio = 0.80)
training_set = subset(X, split == TRUE)
test_set = subset(X, split == FALSE)
train_y = subset(y, split == TRUE)
test_y = subset(y, split == TRUE)
# Feature Scaling
X[1:4229] = scale(X[1:4229])
training_set[, 1:4229] = scale(training_set[, 1:4229])
test_set[, 1:4229] = scale(test_set[, 1:4229])
# Fitting pcLasso to the Training set
classifier = pcLasso(training_set, train_y, theta = 10)