В игре, которую я создаю, есть квадрат, где игра происходит внутри. Я хочу, чтобы круги, которые появляются, начинались сверху и спускались вниз. В оригинальной программе они перемещаются слева направо. Как бы я пошел по этому поводу? Я не знаю, как заставить его начинать сверху и двигаться вниз, вместо того, чтобы начинать слева и двигаться вправо.
Вот оригинальный код (я знаю, что это много, извините). Я пытаюсь помочь другу.
--Made by Joms or /u/jomy582
--Please credit me if using this in a battle.
spawntimer = 0
timerspawn = 0
storedtime = Time.time
bullets = {}
bulletsbig = {}
bulletswarn = {}
dir = 1
bigheight = {33, 98}
function Update()
spawntimer = spawntimer + (Time.dt*Time.mult)
timerspawn = timerspawn + (Time.dt*Time.mult)
--normal bullets
--change the number in the if statement to make them spawn more frequently/less frequently
--EX: spawntimer > 0.2 spawns them pretty fast
--EX2: spawntimer > 1 spawns them pretty slow
--Make sure to change the subtraction method in the if statement
if spawntimer > 0.16 then
spawntimer = spawntimer-0.16
local bullet = CreateProjectile("bullet", -Arena.width/2, math.random(-Arena.height/2, Arena.height/2))
bullet.SetVar("deadly", true)
table.insert(bullets, bullet)
--warning. spawns a warning every 5 seconds
--You could change it, but that may cause some bugs
if timerspawn > 2.2 then
timerspawn = timerspawn-2.2
dir = math.random(1,2)
local bulletwarn = CreateProjectile("warning", 0, Arena.height/2 - bigheight[dir])
bulletwarn.SetVar("warningtimer", 0)
bulletwarn.SetVar("soundtimer", 0)
bulletwarn.SetVar("animtimer", 0)
bulletwarn.SetVar("anim", 1)
table.insert(bulletswarn, bulletwarn)
--controlling normal bullets
--a simple method that moves the bullets 1 pixel each frame
--you can change it by editing the bullet.move
--EX: bullet.Move(5*Time.mult, 0) moves the bullets 5 pixels each frame
for i=1, #bullets do
local bullet = bullets[i]
if bullet.isactive then
bullet.Move(2*Time.mult, 0)
if bullet.y > -Arena.height/2 then
--controlling warning timer
--a method that controls the warning timer
for i=1, #bulletswarn do
local bullet = bulletswarn[i]
if bullet.isactive then
local warningtimer = bullet.GetVar("warningtimer") + (Time.mult*Time.dt)
local soundtimer = bullet.GetVar("soundtimer") + (Time.mult*Time.dt)
local animtimer = bullet.GetVar("animtimer") + (Time.mult*Time.dt)
local bulletSprite = bullet.sprite
local anim = bullet.GetVar("anim")
--flashing colors
--change the animtimer > TIME where time is how often you want the warning to blink
--warnings last for 3 seconds. Can change that as well
--to get different colors, find the rgb value of the color you want and insert them below
if animtimer > 0.08 then
animtimer = animtimer-0.08
if anim == 1 then
local r = 0 --put Red value here
local g = 0 --put Green value here
local b = 169 --put Blue value here
bulletSprite.color = {r/255, g/255, b/255} -- changes the color to whatever you'd like. Uses RGB.
bullet.SetVar("anim", 2)
elseif anim == 2 then
local r = 0 --put Red value here
local g = 0 --put Green value here
local b = 255 --put Blue value here
bulletSprite.color = {r/255, g/255, b/255} -- changes the color to whatever you'd like. Uses RGB.
bullet.SetVar("anim", 1)
--plays a timer evert 10 frames for 3 seconds.
--change the soundname to change the sound
--change the soundtimer > 0.16 to change how often it plays
--can change how long it lasts as well by changing the less than statement
if soundtimer > 0.10 then
soundtimer = soundtimer-0.10
--this controls when to spawn the bullets
--change the statement to change how long the warning timer is
if warningtimer > 2 then
warningtimer = warningtimer-2
local bullet1 = CreateProjectile("leftbigbullet", Arena.width/2+30, Arena.height/2 - bigheight[dir]) --where to spawn them
bullet1.SetVar("speed", -4) --how fast
bullet1.SetVar("deadly", true)
local bullet2 = CreateProjectile("rightbigbullet", -Arena.width/2-30, Arena.height/2 - bigheight[dir]) --where to spawn them
bullet2.SetVar("speed", 4) --how fast
bullet2.SetVar("deadly", true)
table.insert(bulletsbig, bullet1)
table.insert(bulletsbig, bullet2)
bullet.SetVar("warningtimer", warningtimer)
bullet.SetVar("animtimer", animtimer)
bullet.SetVar("soundtimer", soundtimer)
--controlling big bullets
--this method controls the big bullets
for i=1, #bulletsbig do
local bullet = bulletsbig[i]
if bullet.isactive then
local speed = bullet.GetVar("speed")
bullet.Move(speed*Time.mult, 0)
if bullet.absx > 700 or bullet.absx < -70 then
function OnHit(bullet)
if(bullet.getVar("deadly")) then