Не уверен, почему я получаю ошибку java.util.NoSuchElementException - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 10 сентября 2018

В настоящее время я работаю над программой, в которой я беру информацию из текстового документа, затем распечатываю ее в другой файл и из java, но на полпути я получаю сообщение об ошибке исключения, и я не знаю, почему , Код тестера:

     import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.PrintWriter;
    public class HurricaneSelectorTester
        public static void main (String [ ] args) throws IOException
            //File scanner
            File fileName = new File("HurricaneData.txt");
            Scanner inFile = new Scanner(fileName);
            PrintWriter outputFile = new PrintWriter(new File("OutputData.txt"));
            Scanner in;
            in = new Scanner(System.in);
            //construct a Scanner object with one line

            //Declare variables
            int arrayLength = 156; 
            int [] years = new int[156];
            int index = 0;
            int cat1 = 0;
            int cat2 = 0;
            int cat3 = 0;
            int cat4 = 0;
            int cat5 = 0;
            double windAvg = 0;
            double windTotal = 0;
            double windMax = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
            double windMin = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
            double pressureAvg = 0;
            double pressureTotal = 0;
            int pressureMax = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
            int pressureMin = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
            double catAvg = 0;
            double catTotal = 0;
            int catMax = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
            int catMin = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
            int rangeMax = 0;
            int rangeMin = 0;

            //Ask for range
            System.out.println("Please enter minimum year (1995-2015)");
            rangeMin = in.nextInt();
            System.out.println("Please enter maximum year (1995-2015)");
            rangeMax = in.nextInt();

            //Print title info
            System.out.println("Hurricanes "+ ""+ rangeMin + "-" + "" + rangeMax);
            System.out.println("Year   Hurricane   Category    Pressure (mb)    Wind Speed (mph)");

            ArrayList<HurricaneSelector> hurricanes = new ArrayList<HurricaneSelector>();
            //Load all the info into the arrays
            while (inFile.hasNext())
                hurricanes.add(new HurricaneSelector(inFile.nextInt(),inFile.next(),inFile.nextInt(),inFile.nextInt(),inFile.next()));
            for(index = 0; index < 156; index++){
                years[index] = inFile.nextInt();

            HurricaneSelector dataRecord; //Data record for HurricaneSelector

            for(index = 0; index < 156; index++)
           {if(years[index]>= rangeMin && years[index]<= rangeMax){
               dataRecord = hurricanes.get(index);
           dataRecord = hurricanes.get(index);
            //Print out data
            outputFile.println("Year  Name  Category  Pressure  Wind Speed"); 
            for (index = 0; index < 156; index++){
            if(years[index]>= rangeMin && years[index]<= rangeMax){
              System.out.println(" "+hurricanes.get(index));
              outputFile.println(" "+hurricanes.get(index));


            System.out.print("      Average:");
            System.out.print("      Maximum:");
            System.out.printf("%15d%13d%20.2f",catMax , pressureMax , windMax);
            System.out.print("      Minimum:");
            System.out.printf("%15d%13d%20.2f",catMin , pressureMin , windMin);
            System.out.println("Summary of categories");
            System.out.println("   Category 1: " + cat1);
            System.out.println("   Category 2: " + cat2);
            System.out.println("   Category 3: " + cat3);
            System.out.println("   Category 4: " + cat4);
            System.out.println("   Category 5: " + cat5);



    public class HurricaneSelector
        private int myYear, myPressure, myWind, myRangeMin, myRangeMax, myCategory, category1, category2,category3, category4, category5;
        private String myMonth, myName;
        private double myNewWind;
        public double myWindAverage, myPressureAverage, myCategoryAverage, myWindMax = Integer.MIN_VALUE,
        myWindMin = Integer.MAX_VALUE, myPressureMax = Integer.MIN_VALUE, myPressureMin = Integer.MAX_VALUE,
        myCatMax = Integer.MIN_VALUE,myCatMin = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        public int total;

        * Constructor for objects of type HurricaneSelector
        * @param year is the year of the hurricane
        * @param month is the month of the hurricane
        * @param pressure is the pressure of the hurricane
        * @param wind is the wind speed of the hurricane
        * @param name is the name of the hurricane
        HurricaneSelector(int year, String month, int pressure, int wind, String name)
            myYear = year;
            myMonth = month;
            myPressure = pressure;
            myWind = wind;
            myName = name;

        * Mutator method to calculate the wind speed in mph (no parameters)
        public void calcNewWind()
            myNewWind =  (myWind* 1.15);

        * Mutator method to calculate if the value is the new Maximum (no parameters)
        public void calcWindMax()
            if (myNewWind > myWindMax){

                    myWindMax = myNewWind;


        * Mutator method to calculate if the value is the new Minimum (no parameters)
        public void calcWindMin()
            if (myNewWind > myWindMin){

                    myWindMin = myNewWind;


        * Mutator method to calculate if the value is the new Maximum (no parameters)
        public void calcPressureMax()
            if (myPressure > myPressureMax){

                    myPressureMax = myPressure;


        * Mutator method to calculate if the value is the new Minimum (no parameters)
        public void calcPressureMin()
            if (myPressure > myPressureMin){

                    myPressureMin = myPressure;


        * Mutator method to calculate if the value is the new Maximum (no parameters)
        public void calcCategoryMax()
            if (myCategory > myCatMax){

                    myCatMax = myCategory;


        * Mutator method to calculate if the value is the new Minimum (no parameters)
        public void calcCategoryMin()
            if (myCategory > myCatMin){

                    myCatMin = myCategory;


        * Mutator method to calculate which category the Hurricane fits into and get the totals(no parameters)
        public void calcCategoriesAndTotals()
            myWindAverage += myNewWind;
                myPressureAverage += myPressure;
                if (myNewWind > 74 && myNewWind < 95)

                    myCategory = 1;
                    myCategoryAverage += myCategory;
                else if(myNewWind > 96 && myNewWind < 110)

                    myCategory = 2;
                    myCategoryAverage += myCategory;
                else if(myNewWind > 111 && myNewWind < 129)

                    myCategory = 3;
                    myCategoryAverage += myCategory;
                else if(myNewWind > 130 && myNewWind < 156)

                    myCategory = 4;
                    myCategoryAverage += myCategory;
                else if(myNewWind > 157)

                    myCategory = 5;
                    myCategoryAverage += myCategory;



        * Mutator method to calculate the wind speed average (no parameters)
        public void calcWindAverage()
            myWindAverage = myWindAverage/total;

        * Mutator method to calculate the category average (no parameters)
        public void calcCategoryAverage()
            myCategoryAverage = myCategoryAverage/total;

        * Mutator method to calculate the pressure average (no parameters)
        public void calcPressureAverage()
            myPressureAverage = myPressureAverage/total;

        * Getter method to return the year of the hurricane (no parameters)
        public int getYear()
           return myYear;

        * Getter method to return the month of the hurricane (no parameters)
        public String getMonth()
           return myMonth;

        * Getter method to return the pressure of the hurricane (no parameters)
        public int getPressure()
           return myPressure;

        * Getter method to return the wind speed of the hurricane (no parameters)
        public double getNewWind()
           return myNewWind;

        * Getter method to return the name of the hurricane (no parameters)
        public String getName()
           return myName;

        * Getter method to return the wind average (no parameters)
        public Double getWindAverage()
           return myWindAverage;

        * Getter method to return the pressure average (no parameters)
        public Double getPressureAverage()
           return myPressureAverage;

        * Getter method to return the category average (no parameters)
        public Double getCategoryAverage()
           return myCategoryAverage;

        * Getter method to return the category maximum (no parameters)
        public Double getWindMax()
           return myWindMax;

        * Getter method to return the category minimum (no parameters)
        public Double getWindMin()
           return myWindMin;

        * Getter method to return the category maximum (no parameters)
        public Double getPressureMax()
           return myPressureMax;

        * Getter method to return the category minimum (no parameters)
        public Double getPressureMin()
           return myPressureMin;

        * Getter method to return the category maximum (no parameters)
        public Double getCategoryMax()
           return myCatMax;

        * Getter method to return the category minimum (no parameters)
        public Double getCategoryMin()
           return myCatMax;

        public String toString(){
            return String.format("%10d%10s%10d%10d%10.2f",myYear,myName, myCategory, myPressure, myNewWind); 

Ссылки на текстовые файлы: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eazHCEwT0Se6hfx2SDilqCqY8ZMi4E9k/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CN0JnlbMWNEB7B4nomgJ_-6mkwR1wgYc/view?usp=sharing

Я знаю, что есть другие проблемы с кодом, такие как бесполезные переменные, форматирование и т. Д., Но сейчас мне нужно исправить программу, чтобы она могла фактически запускаться и распечатывать большую часть данных прямо сейчас.

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 11 сентября 2018

Вам нужно reset() Сканер, потому что вы достигли конца цикла и хотите начать с начала следующего набора операций.

Из Документы JavaSE :

public int nextInt ()

Сканирует следующий токен ввода как int.

Вызов этого метода в форме nextInt () ведет себя точно так же, как и вызов nextInt (radix), где radix - это основание по умолчанию для этого сканера.

Возвращает: int, отсканированный со входа


InputMismatchException - если следующий токен не соответствует регулярному выражению Integer или находится вне диапазона

NoSuchElementException - если ввод исчерпан

IllegalStateException - если этот сканер закрыт

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