// Backend tasks
const appSourceDir = path.join(dir, '/app');
const appSourceGlob = `${appSourceDir}/**/*.*`;
const appSourceRelativeGlob = 'app/**/*.*';
const appCodeGlob = `${appSourceDir}/**/*.ts`;
const appCodeRelativeGlob = 'app/**/*.ts';
const appFilesGlob = [appSourceGlob, `!${appCodeGlob}`];
const appFilesRelativeGlob = [appSourceRelativeGlob, `!${appCodeRelativeGlob}`];
const appBuildDir = path.join(dir, '/build');
gulp.task('backend:symlink', [], function (done) {
const appTargetDir = path.join(dir, '/node_modules/app');
// symlink for app
fs.exists(appTargetDir, function (err) {
if (!err) {
fs.symlinkSync(appBuildDir, appTargetDir, 'dir');
gulp.task('backend:clean', function (done) {
clean([appBuildDir + '/**/*', '!.gitkeep'], done);
gulp.task('backend:compile', function (done) {
tsCompile([appCodeGlob], appBuildDir, appSourceDir, done);
gulp.task('backend:files', function () {
// copy fixtures and other non ts files
// from app directory to build directory
return gulp
gulp.task('backend:build', function (done) {
gulp.task('backend:watch:code', function () {
const watcher = gulp.watch([appCodeRelativeGlob], ['backend:compile']);
watcher.on('change', function (event) {
// if a file is deleted, forget about it
if (event.type === 'deleted') {
// gulp-cached remove api
delete plugin.cached.caches.code[event.path];
delete plugin.event.caches.lint[event.path];
// delete in build
del(getPathFromSourceToBuild(event.path, appSourceDir, appBuildDir));
gulp.task('backend:watch:files', function () {
const watcher = gulp.watch([appFilesRelativeGlob], ['backend:files']);
watcher.on('change', function (event) {
// if a file is deleted, forget about it
if (event.type === 'deleted') {
// gulp-cached remove api
delete plugin.cached.caches.files[event.path];
delete plugin.event.caches.lint[event.path];
// delete in build
del(getPathFromSourceToBuild(event.path, appSourceDir, appBuildDir));
gulp.task('backend:watch', ['backend:build'], function (done) {
// first time build all by backend:build,
// then compile/copy by changing
], done);
// Helpers
* remaps file path from source directory to destination directory
* @param {string} file path
* @param {string} source directory path
* @param {string} destination directory path
* @returns {string} new file path (remapped)
function getPathFromSourceToBuild(file, source, destination) {
// Simulating the {base: 'src'} used with gulp.src in the scripts task
const filePathFromSrc = path.relative(path.resolve(source), file);
// Concatenating the 'destination' absolute
// path used by gulp.dest in the scripts task
return path.resolve(destination, filePathFromSrc);
* @param {Array} path - array of paths to compile
* @param {string} dest - destination path for compiled js
* @param {string} baseDir - base directory for files compiling
* @param {Function} done - callback when complete
function tsCompile(path, dest, baseDir, done) {
const ts = plugin.typescript;
const tsProject = ts.createProject('tsconfig.json');
.src(path, {base: baseDir})
// used for incremental builds
.on('error', done)
.on('end', done);
* Delete all files in a given path
* @param {Array} path - array of paths to delete
* @param {Function} done - callback when complete
function clean(path, done) {
log('Cleaning: ' + plugin.util.colors.blue(path));
del(path).then(function (paths) {
* Log a message or series of messages using chalk's blue color.
* Can pass in a string, object or array.
function log(msg) {
if (typeof (msg) === 'object') {
for (let item in msg) {
if (msg.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
} else {