Сравнение дат на равенство может быть выполнено путем переформатирования и сравнения самих String
или анализа этих String
с LocalDate
s и сравнения этих значений.
Первый вариант - переформатировать один String
, чтобы он имел такое же форматирование, как и другой, но оба остаются String
Вторая возможность - создать современное представление времени из обоих и сравнить их с помощью встроенного сравнения этого представления.
public class TryOutClass {
* Compares two dates and checks if they are equal using {@link String} comparison.
* <p>
* <strong>Important note:</strong><br>
* This assumes the first date given is of the format "EEE, dd/MM/yy" and
* the second one is of the format "dd.MM.yyyy".
* </p>
* @param dateOne the first date to be compared to the second
* @param dateTwo the second date to be compared to the first
* @return <code>true</code> if the dates are equal, otherwise <code>false</code>
public static boolean datesEqual(String dateOne, String dateTwo) {
// cut off the leading weekday abbreviation
String processedDateOne = dateOne.substring(4, 12);
// split the String by its delimiter (/)
String[] temp = processedDateOne.split("/");
// concatenate the parts to fit the format of the second date
String comparableDateOne = temp[0] + "." + temp[1] + ".20" + temp[2];
// return the result of the String comparison
return comparableDateOne.equals(dateTwo);
* Compares two dates and checks if they are equal using the comparison of {@link LocalDate}.
* <p>
* <strong>Important note:</strong><br>
* This assumes the first date given is of the format "EEE, dd/MM/yy" and
* the second one is of the format "dd.MM.yyyy".
* </p>
* @param dateOne the first date to be compared to the second
* @param dateTwo the second date to be compared to the first
* @return <code>true</code> if the dates are equal, otherwise <code>false</code>
public static boolean equalDates(String dateOne, String dateTwo) {
// define two formattings
DateTimeFormatter firstFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd/MM/yy");
DateTimeFormatter secondFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd.MM.yyyy");
// create two LocalDates, the first one still needs to have the weekday abbreviation cut off
LocalDate firstDate = LocalDate.parse(dateOne.substring(4, 12), firstFormatter);
LocalDate secondDate = LocalDate.parse(dateTwo, secondFormatter);
// return the result of the LocalDate comparison
return firstDate.equals(secondDate);
* The main method that just executes both possibilities
* of comparing differently formatted date {@link String}s
* @param args (unused) command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
String dateOne = "Wed 01/08/18";
String dateTwo = "01.08.2018";
System.out.println("#### datesEqual ####");
String datesEqual = datesEqual(dateOne, dateTwo) ?
"The dates are equal" : "The dates differ";
System.out.println("#### equalDates ####");
String equalDates = equalDates(dateOne, dateTwo) ?
"The dates are equal" : "The dates differ";
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