Я пишу makefile на примере другого и наткнулся на это целевое правило:
ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),build_executable)
$(firstword $(dependency_files)): $(application_path)/config/gcc/app.mk
@rm -rf $(object_output_path)
-include $(dependency_files)
Это находится между другими правилами. Этот make-файл запускается рекурсивно, вызывая себя с разными целями.
Все переменные объясняются сами собой. Предварительная версия app.mk содержит только конфигурацию с набором переменных, которые используются в этом файле make. Переменная файлов зависимостей построена так:
dependency_files := $(object_files:%.o=%.d)
Мой вопрос: какой «обычной практике» соответствует это правило, что оно делает и почему оно так. Если мое понимание верно (пожалуйста, исправьте меня, если я ошибаюсь), я понимаю, что в первую очередь это включает в себя все файлы зависимостей, если они существуют. Тогда это правило может быть запущено "makeflow". Что я не понимаю, так это намерение сделать это. Кроме того, что является триггером запуска этого правила для этого одного (в основном случайного) файла зависимостей, поскольку файлы .d создаются с параметрами GCC -MMD -MP
Заранее спасибо.
# @brief This file is part of the TouchGFX 4.8.0 evaluation distribution.
# @author Draupner Graphics A/S <http://www.touchgfx.com>
# @section Copyright
# This file is free software and is provided for example purposes. You may
# use, copy, and modify within the terms and conditions of the license
# agreement.
# This is licensed software for evaluation use, any use must strictly comply
# with the evaluation license agreement provided with delivery of the
# TouchGFX software.
# The evaluation license agreement can be seen on www.touchgfx.com
# @section Disclaimer
# no obligation to support this software. Draupner Graphics A/S is providing
# the software "AS IS", with no express or implied warranties of any kind,
# including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability
# or fitness for any particular purpose or warranties against infringement
# of any proprietary rights of a third party.
# Draupner Graphics A/S can not be held liable for any consequential,
# incidental, or special damages, or any other relief, or for any claim by
# any third party, arising from your use of this software.
# Get name of this Makefile
makefile_name := $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
# Get path of this Makefile
makefile_path := $(dir $(abspath $(makefile_name)))
# Get path where the Application is
application_path := $(abspath $(makefile_path)/../..)
# Change makefile_name to a relative path
makefile_name := $(patsubst $(application_path)/%,%,$(abspath $(makefile_name)))
# Get relative path to makefile
makefile_path_relative = $(patsubst $(application_path)/%,%,$(makefile_path))
# Get path to bsp
bsp_path := $(patsubst $(application_path)/%,%,$(abspath $(makefile_path_relative)../bsp))
# Get OS path
os_path := $(patsubst $(application_path)/%,%, $(abspath $(makefile_path_relative)../CMSIS-RTOS2))
# Get target path
cmsis_core_path := $(patsubst $(application_path)/%,%, $(abspath $(makefile_path_relative)../CMSIS-COREM))
# Get identification of this system
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
UNAME := $(shell uname -s)
board_name := NONE
platform := cortex_m4f
.PHONY: all clean assets flash intflash
ifneq ($(words $(makefile_path))$(words $(MAKEFILE_LIST)),11)
all: $(filter clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS))
all clean assets flash intflash:
$(error Spaces not allowed in path)
all: $(filter clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS))
all clean assets:
@cd $(application_path) && $(MAKE) -r -f $(makefile_name) -s $(MFLAGS) _$@_
flash intflash: all
@cd $(application_path) && $(MAKE) -r -f $(makefile_name) -s $(MFLAGS) _$@_
# Directories containing application-specific source and header files.
# Additional components can be added to this list. make will look for
# source files recursively in comp_name/src and setup an include directive
# for comp_name/include.
components := gui target generated/gui_generated
# Location of folder containing bmp/png files.
asset_images_input := assets/images
# Location of folder to search for ttf font files
asset_fonts_input := assets/fonts
# Location of folder where the texts.xlsx is placed
asset_texts_input := assets/texts
build_root_path := build
object_output_path := $(build_root_path)/$(board_name)
binary_output_path := $(build_root_path)/bin
# Location of output folders where autogenerated code from assets is placed
asset_root_path := generated
asset_images_output := $(asset_root_path)/images
asset_fonts_output := $(asset_root_path)/fonts
asset_texts_output := $(asset_root_path)/texts
#include application specific configuration
include $(application_path)/config/gcc/app.mk
os_source_files := $(os_path)/RTX/Config/RTX_Config.c \
os_include_paths := $(os_path)/Include \
$(os_path)/RTX/Config \
#$(os_path)/RTX/Source \
os_wrapper := $(os_path)/OSWrappers_cmsis.cpp
ifeq ($(UNAME), Linux)
imageconvert_executable := $(touchgfx_path)/framework/tools/imageconvert/build/linux/imageconvert.out
fontconvert_executable := $(touchgfx_path)/framework/tools/fontconvert/build/linux/fontconvert.out
imageconvert_executable := $(touchgfx_path)/framework/tools/imageconvert/build/win/imageconvert.out
fontconvert_executable := $(touchgfx_path)/framework/tools/fontconvert/build/win/fontconvert.out
st_link_executable := "$(PROGRAMFILES)\\STMicroelectronics\\STM32 ST-LINK Utility\\ST-LINK Utility\\ST-LINK_CLI.exe"
st_link_external_loader := "$(PROGRAMFILES)\\STMicroelectronics\\STM32 ST-LINK Utility\\ST-LINK Utility\\ExternalLoader\\N25Q128A_STM32469I-DISCO.stldr"
target_executable := target.elf
target_hex := target.hex
########### include $(touchgfx_path)/config/toolchain-arm-none-eabi-gcc.mk #################
# Defines the assembler binary and options. These are optional and only
# of relevance if the component includes source files with an
# extension of .asm.
# Consider adding -Wall to c_compiler_options and cpp_compiler_options
#no_libs := -nostdlib -nodefaultlibs For now, include everything.
assembler := arm-none-eabi-gcc
assembler_options += -g \
-nostartfiles -fno-exceptions\
$(no_libs) -mthumb -mno-thumb-interwork \
assembler_options += $(float_options)
c_compiler := arm-none-eabi-gcc
c_compiler_options += -g \
-nostartfiles -mthumb -fno-exceptions \
-mno-thumb-interwork -std=c99 \
$(no_libs) \
-Os -fno-strict-aliasing -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections
c_compiler_options += $(float_options)
cpp_compiler := arm-none-eabi-g++
cpp_compiler_options += -g -mthumb \
-nostartfiles $(no_libs) \
-mno-thumb-interwork -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions \
-Os -fno-strict-aliasing -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections
cpp_compiler_options += $(float_options)
linker := arm-none-eabi-g++
linker_options += -g -Wl,-static -nostartfiles -mthumb $(no_libs) -mno-thumb-interwork \
-fno-exceptions -fno-rtti \
-Os -fno-strict-aliasing -Wl,--gc-sections
objcopy := arm-none-eabi-objcopy
archiver := arm-none-eabi-ar
strip := arm-none-eabi-strip
####################### Additional toolchain configuration for Cortex-M4f targets.##########################
float_abi := hard
float_options := -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16
ifneq ("$(float_abi)","hard")
float_options += -mfloat-abi=softfp
float_options += -mfloat-abi=hard
assembler_options += -mcpu=cortex-m4 -march=armv7e-m -Wno-psabi $(float_options) -DCORE_M4 -D__irq=""
c_compiler_options += -mcpu=cortex-m4 -march=armv7e-m -Wno-psabi $(float_options) -DCORE_M4 -D__irq=""
cpp_compiler_options += -mcpu=cortex-m4 -march=armv7e-m -Wno-psabi $(float_options) -DCORE_M4 -D__irq=""
linker_options += -mcpu=cortex-m4 -march=armv7e-m -Wno-psabi $(float_options)
#include everything + specific vendor folders
framework_includes := $(touchgfx_path)/framework/include
#this needs to change when assset include folder changes.
all_components := $(components) \
$(asset_fonts_output) \
$(asset_images_output) \
#keep framework include and source out of this mess! :)
include_paths := $(library_includes) $(foreach comp, $(all_components), $(comp)/include) $(framework_includes) $(source_bsp_paths)
source_paths = $(foreach comp, $(all_components), $(comp)/src)
# Finds files that matches the specified pattern. The directory list
# is searched recursively. It is safe to invoke this function with an
# empty list of directories.
# Param $(1): List of directories to search
# Param $(2): The file pattern to search for
define find
$(foreach dir,$(1),$(foreach d,$(wildcard $(dir)/*),\
$(call find,$(d),$(2))) $(wildcard $(dir)/$(strip $(2))))
unexport find
fontconvert_ttf_lower_files := $(call find, $(asset_fonts_input), *.ttf)
fontconvert_ttf_upper_files := $(call find, $(asset_fonts_input), *.TTF)
fontconvert_otf_lower_files := $(call find, $(asset_fonts_input), *.otf)
fontconvert_otf_upper_files := $(call find, $(asset_fonts_input), *.OTF)
fontconvert_bdf_lower_files := $(call find, $(asset_fonts_input), *.bdf)
fontconvert_bdf_upper_files := $(call find, $(asset_fonts_input), *.BDF)
fontconvert_font_files := $(fontconvert_ttf_lower_files) \
$(fontconvert_ttf_upper_files) \
$(fontconvert_otf_lower_files) \
$(fontconvert_otf_upper_files) \
$(fontconvert_bdf_lower_files) \
source_files := $(call find, $(source_paths),*.cpp)
gcc_source_files := $(touchgfx_path)/framework/config/gcc/stdio.c \
$(touchgfx_path)/framework/config/gcc/stdlib.c \
# bsp files
board_c_files := \
$(bsp_path)/src/main.c \
board_cpp_files := \
$(bsp_path)/src/leds.cpp \
$(bsp_path)/src/KeySampler.cpp \
# bsp include
board_include_paths := \
$(bsp_path)/inc \
gui/include \
# Compiler options
c_compiler_options += -DST -DSTM32F469xx -DUSE_OS_SYSTICK -DUSE_FLOATING_POINT -g -gdwarf-2
cpp_compiler_options += -DST -DSTM32F469xx -DUSE_OS_SYSTICK -DUSE_FLOATING_POINT -g -gdwarf-2
include_paths += $(application_path)/platform/os $(board_include_paths) $(os_include_paths)
c_source_files := $(call find, $(source_paths),*.c) $(os_source_files) $(makefile_path_relative)/isr.c $(board_c_files)
source_files += $(os_wrapper) target/gcc/gccstubs.cpp target/main.cpp \
$(board_cpp_files) \
$(bsp_path)/src/BoardConfiguration.cpp \
object_files := $(source_files:$(touchgfx_path)/%.cpp=$(object_output_path)/touchgfx/%.o) $(c_source_files:$(touchgfx_path)/%.c=$(object_output_path)/touchgfx/%.o)
object_files := $(object_files:%.cpp=$(object_output_path)/%.o)
object_files := $(object_files:%.c=$(object_output_path)/%.o)
dependency_files := $(object_files:%.o=%.d)
textconvert_script_path := $(touchgfx_path)/framework/tools/textconvert
textconvert_executable := $(call find, $(textconvert_script_path), *.rb)
text_database := $(asset_texts_input)/texts.xlsx
libraries := touchgfx-float-abi-hard RTX_CM4F
library_include_paths := $(touchgfx_path)/lib/core/$(platform)/gcc
library_include_paths += $(os_path)/RTX/Library/GCC
.PHONY: _all_ _clean_ _assets_ _flash_ _intflash_ generate_assets build_executable
# Force linking each time
.PHONY: $(binary_output_path)/$(target_executable)
_all_: generate_assets
ifeq ($(shell find $(application_path) -wholename "$(application_path)/$(binary_output_path)/extflash.bin" -size +0c | wc -l | xargs echo),1)
_flash_: _extflash_
_flash_: _intflash_
@$(st_link_executable) -c -P $(binary_output_path)/target.hex 0x90000000 -Rst -EL $(st_link_external_loader)
@$(st_link_executable) -c -P $(binary_output_path)/intflash.hex 0x08000000 -Rst
generate_assets: _assets_
@$(MAKE) -f $(makefile_name) -r -s $(MFLAGS) build_executable
build_executable: $(binary_output_path)/$(target_executable)
$(binary_output_path)/$(target_executable): $(object_files)
@echo Linking $(@)
@mkdir -p $(@D)
@mkdir -p $(object_output_path)
@$(file >$(build_root_path)/objects.tmp) $(foreach F,$(object_files),$(file >>$(build_root_path)/objects.tmp,$F))
@$(linker) \
$(linker_options) -T $(makefile_path_relative)/application.ld -Wl,-Map=$(@D)/application.map $(linker_options_local) \
$(patsubst %,-L%,$(library_include_paths)) \
@$(build_root_path)/objects.tmp -o $@ \
-Wl,--start-group $(patsubst %,-l%,$(libraries)) -Wl,--end-group
@rm -f $(build_root_path)/objects.tmp
@echo "Producing additional output formats..."
@echo " target.hex - Combined internal+external hex"
@$(objcopy) -O ihex $@ $(@D)/target.hex
@echo " intflash.elf - Internal flash, elf debug"
@$(objcopy) --remove-section=ExtFlashSection $@ $(@D)/intflash.elf 2>/dev/null
@echo " intflash.hex - Internal flash, hex"
@$(objcopy) -O ihex --remove-section=ExtFlashSection $@ $(@D)/intflash.hex
@echo " extflash.bin - External flash, binary"
@$(objcopy) -O binary --only-section=ExtFlashSection $@ $(@D)/extflash.bin
$(object_output_path)/touchgfx/%.o: $(touchgfx_path)/%.cpp $(application_path)/config/gcc/app.mk
@echo Compiling $<
@mkdir -p $(@D)
@$(cpp_compiler) \
-MMD -MP $(cpp_compiler_options) $(cpp_compiler_options_local) $(user_cflags) \
$(patsubst %,-I%,$(include_paths)) \
-c $< -o $@
$(object_output_path)/%.o: %.cpp $(application_path)/config/gcc/app.mk
@echo Compiling $<
@mkdir -p $(@D)
@$(cpp_compiler) \
-MMD -MP $(cpp_compiler_options) $(cpp_compiler_options_local) $(user_cflags) \
$(patsubst %,-I%,$(include_paths)) \
-c $< -o $@
$(object_output_path)/%.o: %.c $(application_path)/config/gcc/app.mk
@echo Compiling $<
@mkdir -p $(@D)
@$(c_compiler) \
-MMD -MP $(c_compiler_options) $(c_compiler_options_local) $(user_cflags) \
$(patsubst %,-I%,$(include_paths)) \
-c $< -o $@
ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),build_executable)
$(firstword $(dependency_files)): $(application_path)/config/gcc/app.mk
@rm -rf $(object_output_path)
-include $(dependency_files)
_assets_: BitmapDatabase $(asset_texts_output)/include/texts/TextKeysAndLanguages.hpp
alpha_dither ?= no
dither_algorith ?= 2
remap_identical_texts ?= yes
.PHONY: BitmapDatabase
@echo Converting images
@$(imageconvert_executable) -dither $(dither_algorithm) -alpha_dither $(alpha_dither) -opaque_image_format $(opaque_image_format) -non_opaque_image_format $(non_opaque_image_format) $(screen_orientation) -r $(asset_images_input) -w $(asset_images_output)
$(asset_texts_output)/include/texts/TextKeysAndLanguages.hpp: $(text_database) $(application_path)/config/gcc/app.mk $(textconvert_executable) $(fontconvert_executable) $(fontconvert_font_files)
@rm -f $(asset_fonts_output)/src/*
@rm -f $(asset_fonts_output)/include/fonts/*
@rm -f $(asset_fonts_output)/UnicodeList*.txt
@rm -f $(asset_fonts_output)/CharSizes*.csv
@mkdir -p $(asset_texts_output)/include/texts
@ruby $(textconvert_script_path)/main.rb $(text_database) $(fontconvert_executable) $(asset_fonts_output) $(asset_texts_output) $(asset_fonts_input) . $(remap_identical_texts) $(text_data_format)
@echo Cleaning
@rm -rf $(build_root_path)
# Do not remove gui_generated
@rm -rf $(asset_images_output)
@rm -rf $(asset_fonts_output)
@rm -rf $(asset_texts_output)
# Create directory to avoid error if it does not exist
@mkdir -p $(asset_root_path)
# Remove assets folder if it is empty (i.e. no gui_generated folder)
@rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty $(asset_root_path)