У меня есть запрос, который читает приблизительно 2,4 м строк данных.
Сам запрос выполняется нормально, но предложение ORDER BY вызывает проблемы с производительностью.Если я удаляю ORDER BY, выполнение запроса занимает 0,03 секунды.С ORDER BY это может занять от 4,5 до 5 секунд.
Есть ли еще способ оптимизировать этот запрос?Индексы были добавлены, так что это не решение.
РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ 1 - Этот запрос является сокращенной версией гораздо большего запроса PDO, поэтому я считаю, что объединение необходимо.Вы можете увидеть основной запрос внизу этого поста.
SELECT t.processing_time, t.paymentType, t.status, t.merchantTransactionId, t.paymentBrand, t.amount, t.currency, t.code, t.holder, t.bin, t.last4Digits, t.recurringType, m.name AS merchant, c.name AS channel, concat(UPPER(SUBSTRING(trim(sp.status_description),1,1)), lower(SUBSTRING(trim(sp.status_description),2))) as status_description
FROM transactionsV2 t
JOIN channels c
ON t.entityId = c.uuid
JOIN merchants m
ON m.uuid = c.sender
JOIN status_payments sp
ON t.code = sp.status_code
SELECT t.id, t.processing_time FROM transactionsV2 t
JOIN channels c ON t.entityId = c.uuid
JOIN merchants m ON m.uuid = c.sender
WHERE (t.processing_time >= "2018-11-08 00:00:00")
AND (t.processing_time <= "2018-11-12 23:59:59")
ORDER BY t.processing_time DESC
LIMIT 1000
) t2
ON t.id = t2.id
WHERE t.status = 1
$transactions = DB::connection('mysql2')->select(DB::raw("SELECT t.processing_time, t.paymentType, t.status, t.merchantTransactionId, t.paymentBrand, t.amount, t.currency, t.code, t.holder, t.bin, t.last4Digits, t.recurringType, m.name AS merchant, c.name AS channel, concat(UPPER(SUBSTRING(trim(sp.status_description),1,1)), lower(SUBSTRING(trim(sp.status_description),2))) as status_description
FROM transactionsV2 t
JOIN channels c
ON t.entityId = c.uuid
JOIN merchants m
ON m.uuid = c.sender
JOIN status_payments sp
ON t.code = sp.status_code
SELECT t.id, t.processing_time FROM transactionsV2 t
JOIN channels c ON t.entityId = c.uuid
JOIN merchants m ON m.uuid = c.sender
WHERE (t.processing_time >= :insTs1)
AND (t.processing_time <= :insTs2)
AND (:merchant1 IS NULL OR m.name LIKE :merchant2)
AND (:channel1 IS NULL OR c.name LIKE :channel2)
ORDER BY t.processing_time DESC
LIMIT 1000
) t2
ON t.id = t2.id
WHERE (:status1 IS NULL OR t.status = :status2)
AND (:holder1 IS NULL OR holder LIKE :holder2)
AND (:paymentType1 IS NULL OR t.paymentType IN (".$paymentType."))
AND (:merchantTransactionId1 IS NULL OR merchantTransactionId LIKE :merchantTransactionId2)
AND (:paymentBrand1 IS NULL OR paymentBrand LIKE :paymentBrand2)
AND (:amount1 IS NULL OR amount = :amount2)
AND (:recurringType1 IS NULL OR t.recurringType = :recurringType2)"),
['status1' => $search->searchCriteria['status'],
'status2' => $search->searchCriteria['status'],
'holder1' => $search->searchCriteria['holder'],
'holder2' => '%'.$search->searchCriteria['holder'].'%',
'paymentType1' => $paymentType,
'merchantTransactionId1' => $search->searchCriteria['merchantTransactionId'],
'merchantTransactionId2' => '%'.$search->searchCriteria['merchantTransactionId'].'%',
'paymentBrand1' => $search->searchCriteria['paymentBrand'],
'paymentBrand2' => '%'.$search->searchCriteria['paymentBrand'].'%',
'amount1' => $search->searchCriteria['amount'],
'amount2' => $search->searchCriteria['amount'],
'recurringType1' => $search->searchCriteria['recurringType'],
'recurringType2' => $search->searchCriteria['recurringType'],
'merchant1' => $search->searchCriteria['merchant'],
'merchant2' => '%'.$search->searchCriteria['merchant'].'%',
'channel1' => $search->searchCriteria['channel'],
'channel2' => '%'.$search->searchCriteria['channel'].'%',
'insTs1' => $search->searchCriteria['fromDate'] . ' 00:00:00',
'insTs2' => $search->searchCriteria['toDate'] . ' 23:59:59']);