У меня до сих пор нет всех деталей, но вот одно из возможных решений с использованием Camel 2.22.1:
- определить один набор маршрутов в соответствии с вашими конечными точками и требованиями к обработке (я не понимаю, почему было бы необходимо определять один набор маршрутов для каждого TransferNo)
- добавьте окончательный «готовый» маршрут с агрегатором , для которого настроены
и «процессор выключения».
- делает все маршрутные потоки, в конечном итоге, в конечном итоге на "готовом" маршруте
Когда все сообщения обрабатываются, достигается ожидаемый "completeSize", поэтому агрегация завершена и вызывается процессор завершения работы.
Класс модели:
// naive simulation of a model class
public class Transfer {
// id of this transfer
private final int id;
// whether this transfer requires decryption (used for conditional routing)
private final boolean encrypted;
public Transfer(int id, boolean encrypted) {
this.id = id;
this.encrypted = encrypted;
public int getId() {
return id;
public boolean isEncrypted() {
return encrypted;
Панель запуска приложений:
import org.apache.camel.CamelContext;
import org.apache.camel.main.Main;
import org.apache.camel.main.MainListener;
import org.apache.camel.main.MainSupport;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class Launcher {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Launcher.class);
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// define number of items to simulate
int numberOfTransfersToProcess = 100;
// setup camel
Main main = new Main();
main.addRouteBuilder(new TransferRouteBuilder(numberOfTransfersToProcess));
// use this to simulate some input when the context is up
main.addMainListener(new InputDataSimulator(numberOfTransfersToProcess));
// run camel
private static class InputDataSimulator implements MainListener {
private final int numberOfTransfersToProcess;
public InputDataSimulator(int numberOfTransfersToProcess) {
this.numberOfTransfersToProcess = numberOfTransfersToProcess;
public void beforeStart(MainSupport main) {
public void configure(CamelContext context) {
public void afterStart(MainSupport mainSupport) {
try {
new TransferProducer(mainSupport.getCamelTemplate()).send(numberOfTransfersToProcess);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Could not send simulated data", e);
public void beforeStop(MainSupport main) {
public void afterStop(MainSupport main) {
Настройка маршрута:
import org.apache.camel.CamelContext;
import org.apache.camel.Exchange;
import org.apache.camel.Processor;
import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
import org.apache.camel.spi.ThreadPoolProfile;
public class TransferRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder {
private int numberOfTransfersToProcess;
public TransferRouteBuilder(int numberOfTransfersToProcess) {
this.numberOfTransfersToProcess = numberOfTransfersToProcess;
public void configure() throws Exception {
//some pooling for fun, don't take these values as references
ThreadPoolProfile threadPoolProfile = new ThreadPoolProfile();
// handle failed element
.log("Handling: - ${exception.message}")
/* go to final route */
// simulate one type of input
.log("Processing file element ${in.body.id}")
/* go directly to the final route */
// simulate another type of input
.log("Processing sftp element ${in.body.id}")
/* go to an intermediate route */
// simulate failing elements
.routeId("throw exception")
.throwException(RuntimeException.class, "Element ${in.body.id} failed by design")
// some intermediate route
.log("Decompressing element ${in.body.id}")
/* go to an intermediate route based on some condition */
/* or directly to the final route */
// another intermediate route
.log("Decrypting element ${in.body.id}")
/* eventually go to the final route */
// final route "aggregating all elements" and shutting down afterwards
.log("Element ${in.body.id} successfully processed")
/* wait for everything to finish */
.aggregate(simple("whatever"), (oldExchange, newExchange) -> newExchange)
.log("All processing complete")
/* once all expected transfers are complete, stop the app */
.process(new ShutdownCommand())
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/39275258/474287
private class ShutdownCommand implements Processor {
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
final CamelContext camelContext = exchange.getContext();
Thread shutdownThread = new Thread(() -> {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error during shutdown", e);
Производитель для имитации ввода:
import org.apache.camel.ExchangePattern;
import org.apache.camel.ProducerTemplate;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.Random;
public class TransferProducer {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TransferProducer.class);
private final ProducerTemplate template;
private final Random random = new Random();
public TransferProducer(ProducerTemplate template) {
this.template = template;
public void send(long numberOfTransfersToProcess) {
log.info("Simulating " + numberOfTransfersToProcess + " transfers");
// simulate data input to multiple endpoints
String[] endpoints = {"seda:from-file", "seda:from-sftp", "seda:throw-exception"};
for (int id = 0; id < numberOfTransfersToProcess; id++) {
// get a random endpoint
String nextEndpoint = endpoints[random.nextInt(3)];
// send some data to process
template.sendBody(nextEndpoint, ExchangePattern.InOnly, new Transfer(id, random.nextBoolean()));
log.info("Simulation of " + numberOfTransfersToProcess + " transfers complete");
Пример вывода:
18:26:04.627 INFO o.a.c.i.DefaultExecutorServiceManager - Using custom DefaultThreadPoolProfile: ThreadPoolProfile[meh (null) size:5-10, keepAlive: 60 SECONDS, maxQueue: 1000, allowCoreThreadTimeOut:false, rejectedPolicy:CallerRuns]
18:26:04.774 INFO o.a.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext - Apache Camel 2.22.1 (CamelContext: camel-1) is starting
18:26:04.777 INFO o.a.c.m.ManagedManagementStrategy - JMX is enabled
18:26:05.661 INFO o.a.c.i.c.DefaultTypeConverter - Type converters loaded (core: 195, classpath: 1)
18:26:06.306 INFO o.a.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext - StreamCaching is not in use. If using streams then its recommended to enable stream caching. See more details at http://camel.apache.org/stream-caching.html
18:26:06.313 INFO o.a.c.component.seda.SedaEndpoint - Endpoint seda://from-file is using shared queue: seda://from-file with size: 1000
18:26:06.523 INFO o.a.c.component.seda.SedaEndpoint - Endpoint seda://from-sftp is using shared queue: seda://from-sftp with size: 1000
18:26:06.547 INFO o.a.c.component.seda.SedaEndpoint - Endpoint seda://throw-exception is using shared queue: seda://throw-exception with size: 1000
18:26:06.713 INFO o.a.c.p.aggregate.AggregateProcessor - Defaulting to MemoryAggregationRepository
18:26:06.990 INFO o.a.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext - Route: from-file started and consuming from: seda://from-file
18:26:07.001 INFO o.a.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext - Route: from-sftp started and consuming from: seda://from-sftp
18:26:07.023 INFO o.a.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext - Route: throw exception started and consuming from: seda://throw-exception
18:26:07.027 INFO o.a.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext - Route: decompress started and consuming from: direct://decompress
18:26:07.041 INFO o.a.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext - Route: decrypt started and consuming from: direct://decrypt
18:26:07.059 INFO o.a.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext - Route: done started and consuming from: direct://done
18:26:07.060 INFO o.a.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext - Total 6 routes, of which 6 are started
18:26:07.075 INFO o.a.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext - Apache Camel 2.22.1 (CamelContext: camel-1) started in 2.295 seconds
18:26:07.104 INFO com.example.TransferProducer - Simulating 100 transfers
18:26:07.234 INFO com.example.TransferProducer - Simulation of 100 transfers complete
18:26:08.068 INFO from-file - Processing file element 1
18:26:08.068 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 0
18:26:08.071 INFO done - Element 1 successfully processed
18:26:08.071 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 0
18:26:08.075 INFO from-file - Processing file element 9
18:26:08.075 INFO throw exception - Handling: - Element 5 failed by design
18:26:08.076 INFO done - Element 5 successfully processed
18:26:08.076 INFO done - Element 9 successfully processed
18:26:08.079 INFO from-file - Processing file element 10
18:26:08.079 INFO done - Element 10 successfully processed
18:26:08.081 INFO throw exception - Handling: - Element 6 failed by design
18:26:08.082 INFO from-file - Processing file element 15
18:26:08.082 INFO done - Element 6 successfully processed
18:26:08.082 INFO done - Element 15 successfully processed
18:26:08.083 INFO from-file - Processing file element 17
18:26:08.084 INFO throw exception - Handling: - Element 7 failed by design
18:26:08.085 INFO done - Element 7 successfully processed
18:26:08.085 INFO decrypt - Decrypting element 0
18:26:08.085 INFO done - Element 17 successfully processed
18:26:08.086 INFO done - Element 0 successfully processed
18:26:08.086 INFO from-file - Processing file element 18
18:26:08.086 INFO throw exception - Handling: - Element 14 failed by design
18:26:08.087 INFO done - Element 18 successfully processed
18:26:08.087 INFO done - Element 14 successfully processed
18:26:08.087 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 2
18:26:08.088 INFO from-file - Processing file element 20
18:26:08.088 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 2
18:26:08.088 INFO throw exception - Handling: - Element 16 failed by design
18:26:08.089 INFO done - Element 20 successfully processed
18:26:08.089 INFO done - Element 16 successfully processed
18:26:08.089 INFO done - Element 2 successfully processed
18:26:08.090 INFO from-file - Processing file element 21
18:26:08.091 INFO throw exception - Handling: - Element 22 failed by design
18:26:08.091 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 3
18:26:08.091 INFO done - Element 21 successfully processed
18:26:08.092 INFO done - Element 22 successfully processed
18:26:08.092 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 3
18:26:08.092 INFO from-file - Processing file element 23
18:26:08.093 INFO done - Element 23 successfully processed
18:26:08.094 INFO throw exception - Handling: - Element 25 failed by design
18:26:08.094 INFO decrypt - Decrypting element 3
18:26:08.095 INFO done - Element 3 successfully processed
18:26:08.095 INFO done - Element 25 successfully processed
18:26:08.095 INFO from-file - Processing file element 26
18:26:08.096 INFO done - Element 26 successfully processed
18:26:08.096 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 4
18:26:08.096 INFO throw exception - Handling: - Element 33 failed by design
18:26:08.096 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 4
18:26:08.097 INFO from-file - Processing file element 27
18:26:08.097 INFO done - Element 33 successfully processed
18:26:08.097 INFO done - Element 27 successfully processed
18:26:08.097 INFO done - Element 4 successfully processed
18:26:08.098 INFO from-file - Processing file element 28
18:26:08.099 INFO throw exception - Handling: - Element 36 failed by design
18:26:08.099 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 8
18:26:08.100 INFO done - Element 36 successfully processed
18:26:08.100 INFO done - Element 28 successfully processed
18:26:08.100 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 8
18:26:08.102 INFO throw exception - Handling: - Element 38 failed by design
18:26:08.102 INFO done - Element 8 successfully processed
18:26:08.104 INFO done - Element 38 successfully processed
18:26:08.104 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 11
18:26:08.104 INFO from-file - Processing file element 29
18:26:08.105 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 11
18:26:08.105 INFO done - Element 29 successfully processed
18:26:08.105 INFO throw exception - Handling: - Element 39 failed by design
18:26:08.106 INFO done - Element 39 successfully processed
18:26:08.106 INFO decrypt - Decrypting element 11
18:26:08.106 INFO from-file - Processing file element 30
18:26:08.107 INFO done - Element 11 successfully processed
18:26:08.108 INFO throw exception - Handling: - Element 43 failed by design
18:26:08.108 INFO done - Element 30 successfully processed
18:26:08.109 INFO done - Element 43 successfully processed
18:26:08.109 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 12
18:26:08.109 INFO from-file - Processing file element 31
18:26:08.109 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 12
18:26:08.110 INFO done - Element 31 successfully processed
18:26:08.110 INFO throw exception - Handling: - Element 44 failed by design
18:26:08.110 INFO done - Element 44 successfully processed
18:26:08.110 INFO from-file - Processing file element 34
18:26:08.111 INFO decrypt - Decrypting element 12
18:26:08.111 INFO done - Element 34 successfully processed
18:26:08.111 INFO done - Element 12 successfully processed
18:26:08.111 INFO throw exception - Handling: - Element 45 failed by design
18:26:08.112 INFO from-file - Processing file element 35
18:26:08.112 INFO done - Element 45 successfully processed
18:26:08.112 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 13
18:26:08.112 INFO done - Element 35 successfully processed
18:26:08.113 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 13
18:26:08.113 INFO throw exception - Handling: - Element 47 failed by design
18:26:08.113 INFO from-file - Processing file element 37
18:26:08.114 INFO done - Element 47 successfully processed
18:26:08.114 INFO done - Element 37 successfully processed
18:26:08.114 INFO decrypt - Decrypting element 13
18:26:08.115 INFO done - Element 13 successfully processed
18:26:08.115 INFO from-file - Processing file element 41
18:26:08.115 INFO throw exception - Handling: - Element 48 failed by design
18:26:08.116 INFO done - Element 41 successfully processed
18:26:08.116 INFO done - Element 48 successfully processed
18:26:08.116 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 19
18:26:08.117 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 19
18:26:08.117 INFO from-file - Processing file element 42
18:26:08.118 INFO throw exception - Handling: - Element 53 failed by design
18:26:08.118 INFO done - Element 42 successfully processed
18:26:08.118 INFO done - Element 53 successfully processed
18:26:08.118 INFO decrypt - Decrypting element 19
18:26:08.119 INFO from-file - Processing file element 46
18:26:08.119 INFO done - Element 19 successfully processed
18:26:08.119 INFO throw exception - Handling: - Element 58 failed by design
18:26:08.120 INFO done - Element 46 successfully processed
18:26:08.120 INFO done - Element 58 successfully processed
18:26:08.120 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 24
18:26:08.121 INFO from-file - Processing file element 50
18:26:08.121 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 24
18:26:08.121 INFO throw exception - Handling: - Element 67 failed by design
18:26:08.121 INFO done - Element 50 successfully processed
18:26:08.122 INFO done - Element 67 successfully processed
18:26:08.122 INFO done - Element 24 successfully processed
18:26:08.122 INFO from-file - Processing file element 51
18:26:08.123 INFO done - Element 51 successfully processed
18:26:08.123 INFO throw exception - Handling: - Element 68 failed by design
18:26:08.123 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 32
18:26:08.124 INFO done - Element 68 successfully processed
18:26:08.124 INFO from-file - Processing file element 55
18:26:08.124 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 32
18:26:08.125 INFO done - Element 55 successfully processed
18:26:08.125 INFO throw exception - Handling: - Element 70 failed by design
18:26:08.125 INFO decrypt - Decrypting element 32
18:26:08.126 INFO from-file - Processing file element 57
18:26:08.126 INFO done - Element 32 successfully processed
18:26:08.126 INFO done - Element 70 successfully processed
18:26:08.127 INFO done - Element 57 successfully processed
18:26:08.127 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 40
18:26:08.128 INFO throw exception - Handling: - Element 71 failed by design
18:26:08.128 INFO from-file - Processing file element 62
18:26:08.128 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 40
18:26:08.129 INFO done - Element 71 successfully processed
18:26:08.129 INFO done - Element 62 successfully processed
18:26:08.130 INFO decrypt - Decrypting element 40
18:26:08.130 INFO from-file - Processing file element 65
18:26:08.130 INFO throw exception - Handling: - Element 82 failed by design
18:26:08.131 INFO done - Element 65 successfully processed
18:26:08.131 INFO done - Element 82 successfully processed
18:26:08.133 INFO from-file - Processing file element 66
18:26:08.133 INFO throw exception - Handling: - Element 83 failed by design
18:26:08.131 INFO done - Element 40 successfully processed
18:26:08.134 INFO done - Element 83 successfully processed
18:26:08.134 INFO done - Element 66 successfully processed
18:26:08.135 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 49
18:26:08.135 INFO from-file - Processing file element 69
18:26:08.135 INFO throw exception - Handling: - Element 84 failed by design
18:26:08.136 INFO done - Element 69 successfully processed
18:26:08.136 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 49
18:26:08.136 INFO done - Element 84 successfully processed
18:26:08.137 INFO from-file - Processing file element 73
18:26:08.137 INFO done - Element 49 successfully processed
18:26:08.137 INFO throw exception - Handling: - Element 85 failed by design
18:26:08.137 INFO done - Element 73 successfully processed
18:26:08.137 INFO done - Element 85 successfully processed
18:26:08.138 INFO from-file - Processing file element 74
18:26:08.138 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 52
18:26:08.139 INFO done - Element 74 successfully processed
18:26:08.139 INFO throw exception - Handling: - Element 86 failed by design
18:26:08.139 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 52
18:26:08.139 INFO done - Element 86 successfully processed
18:26:08.140 INFO from-file - Processing file element 80
18:26:08.140 INFO decrypt - Decrypting element 52
18:26:08.140 INFO done - Element 80 successfully processed
18:26:08.141 INFO throw exception - Handling: - Element 87 failed by design
18:26:08.141 INFO done - Element 52 successfully processed
18:26:08.141 INFO from-file - Processing file element 88
18:26:08.142 INFO done - Element 87 successfully processed
18:26:08.142 INFO done - Element 88 successfully processed
18:26:08.142 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 54
18:26:08.143 INFO from-file - Processing file element 89
18:26:08.143 INFO done - Element 89 successfully processed
18:26:08.144 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 54
18:26:08.144 INFO from-file - Processing file element 93
18:26:08.144 INFO throw exception - Handling: - Element 90 failed by design
18:26:08.145 INFO done - Element 93 successfully processed
18:26:08.145 INFO done - Element 90 successfully processed
18:26:08.145 INFO done - Element 54 successfully processed
18:26:08.146 INFO from-file - Processing file element 94
18:26:08.146 INFO throw exception - Handling: - Element 97 failed by design
18:26:08.148 INFO done - Element 97 successfully processed
18:26:08.149 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 56
18:26:08.150 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 56
18:26:08.148 INFO done - Element 94 successfully processed
18:26:08.152 INFO from-file - Processing file element 96
18:26:08.153 INFO done - Element 96 successfully processed
18:26:08.153 INFO done - Element 56 successfully processed
18:26:08.154 INFO from-file - Processing file element 98
18:26:08.161 INFO done - Element 98 successfully processed
18:26:08.161 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 59
18:26:08.162 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 59
18:26:08.164 INFO decrypt - Decrypting element 59
18:26:08.165 INFO done - Element 59 successfully processed
18:26:08.166 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 60
18:26:08.167 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 60
18:26:08.168 INFO decrypt - Decrypting element 60
18:26:08.169 INFO done - Element 60 successfully processed
18:26:08.170 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 61
18:26:08.170 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 61
18:26:08.171 INFO done - Element 61 successfully processed
18:26:08.172 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 63
18:26:08.173 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 63
18:26:08.174 INFO decrypt - Decrypting element 63
18:26:08.175 INFO done - Element 63 successfully processed
18:26:08.177 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 64
18:26:08.178 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 64
18:26:08.179 INFO done - Element 64 successfully processed
18:26:08.181 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 72
18:26:08.181 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 72
18:26:08.183 INFO done - Element 72 successfully processed
18:26:08.184 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 75
18:26:08.184 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 75
18:26:08.185 INFO decrypt - Decrypting element 75
18:26:08.186 INFO done - Element 75 successfully processed
18:26:08.187 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 76
18:26:08.187 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 76
18:26:08.188 INFO decrypt - Decrypting element 76
18:26:08.189 INFO done - Element 76 successfully processed
18:26:08.190 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 77
18:26:08.191 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 77
18:26:08.193 INFO decrypt - Decrypting element 77
18:26:08.193 INFO done - Element 77 successfully processed
18:26:08.194 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 78
18:26:08.195 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 78
18:26:08.196 INFO done - Element 78 successfully processed
18:26:08.201 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 79
18:26:08.202 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 79
18:26:08.204 INFO decrypt - Decrypting element 79
18:26:08.205 INFO done - Element 79 successfully processed
18:26:08.207 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 81
18:26:08.209 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 81
18:26:08.212 INFO decrypt - Decrypting element 81
18:26:08.214 INFO done - Element 81 successfully processed
18:26:08.216 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 91
18:26:08.217 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 91
18:26:08.218 INFO decrypt - Decrypting element 91
18:26:08.219 INFO done - Element 91 successfully processed
18:26:08.220 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 92
18:26:08.220 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 92
18:26:08.221 INFO done - Element 92 successfully processed
18:26:08.222 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 95
18:26:08.222 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 95
18:26:08.223 INFO decrypt - Decrypting element 95
18:26:08.224 INFO done - Element 95 successfully processed
18:26:08.224 INFO from-sftp - Processing sftp element 99
18:26:08.224 INFO decompress - Decompressing element 99
18:26:08.225 INFO decrypt - Decrypting element 99
18:26:08.226 INFO done - Element 99 successfully processed
18:26:08.232 INFO done - All processing complete
18:26:08.235 INFO o.a.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext - Apache Camel 2.22.1 (CamelContext: camel-1) is shutting down
18:26:08.236 INFO o.a.c.impl.DefaultShutdownStrategy - Starting to graceful shutdown 6 routes (timeout 300 seconds)
18:26:10.165 INFO o.a.c.impl.DefaultShutdownStrategy - Route: done shutdown complete, was consuming from: direct://done
18:26:10.166 INFO o.a.c.impl.DefaultShutdownStrategy - Route: decrypt shutdown complete, was consuming from: direct://decrypt
18:26:10.166 INFO o.a.c.impl.DefaultShutdownStrategy - Route: decompress shutdown complete, was consuming from: direct://decompress
18:26:10.166 INFO o.a.c.impl.DefaultShutdownStrategy - Route: throw exception shutdown complete, was consuming from: seda://throw-exception
18:26:10.167 INFO o.a.c.impl.DefaultShutdownStrategy - Route: from-sftp shutdown complete, was consuming from: seda://from-sftp
18:26:10.167 INFO o.a.c.impl.DefaultShutdownStrategy - Route: from-file shutdown complete, was consuming from: seda://from-file
18:26:10.167 INFO o.a.c.impl.DefaultShutdownStrategy - Graceful shutdown of 6 routes completed in 1 seconds
18:26:10.210 INFO o.a.camel.main.MainLifecycleStrategy - CamelContext: camel-1 has been shutdown, triggering shutdown of the JVM.
18:26:10.237 INFO o.a.c.m.MainSupport$HangupInterceptor - Received hang up - stopping the main instance.
Process finished with exit code 0