Я искал на форумах инструменты / скрипты, чтобы иметь возможность определить, какие домены используются, а какие домены не используются в базе данных sde. Я наткнулся на инструмент скрипта py, который отлично работает для .gdb, но я продолжаю получать сообщение об ошибке при его попытке .sde.
# Add as 'Script' in toolbox.
# Set Parameters input_workspace as string, output_workspace as string
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Import required modules
import arcpy
import os
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Get Paramaters for Script Tool
input_workspace = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) # The geodatabase with domains you wish to summarize
output_workspace = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) # A new file geodatabase which will house the domain info
# Set overwrite output
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
# List the domain objects
arcpy.AddMessage("Listing domains in the input workspace.")
dList = arcpy.da.ListDomains(input_workspace)
# Create the output workspace
arcpy.AddMessage("Setting up the output workspace.")
[:-1]), output_workspace.split("\\")[-1])
# Create the necessary tables in the output workspace
arcpy.AddMessage("Creating tables.")
arcpy.AddMessage("\tDomain Properties table.")
arcpy.AddMessage("\tRange Domain table.")
arcpy.AddMessage("\tApplied domains table.")
for d in dList:
if d.domainType == "CodedValue":
arcpy.AddMessage("\t" + d.name + " CV info table.")
arcpy.CreateTable_management(output_workspace,"cv_" + d.name + "_details","#","#")
# Add the necessary fields to the tables in the output workspace
arcpy.AddMessage("Adding fields.")
arcpy.AddMessage("\tDomain Properties table.")
arcpy.AddField_management(output_workspace + "\\domainProperties", "name", "TEXT")
arcpy.AddField_management(output_workspace + "\\domainProperties", "description", "TEXT")
arcpy.AddField_management(output_workspace + "\\domainProperties", "type", "TEXT")
arcpy.AddField_management(output_workspace + "\\domainProperties", "owner", TEXT")
arcpy.AddField_management(output_workspace + "\\domainProperties", "fieldType", "TEXT")
arcpy.AddField_management(output_workspace + "\\domainProperties", "applied", "TEXT")
arcpy.AddMessage("\tRange Domain table.")
arcpy.AddField_management(output_workspace + "\\rangeDomains", "name", "TEXT")
arcpy.AddField_management(output_workspace + "\\rangeDomains", "minValue", "DOUBLE")
arcpy.AddField_management(output_workspace + "\\rangeDomains", "maxValue", "DOUBLE")
arcpy.AddField_management(output_workspace + "\\rangeDomains", "fieldType", "TEXT")
arcpy.AddMessage("\tApplied domains table.")
arcpy.AddField_management(output_workspace + "\\appliedDomains", "featureClass", "TEXT")
arcpy.AddField_management(output_workspace + "\\appliedDomains", "field", "TEXT")
arcpy.AddField_management(output_workspace + "\\appliedDomains", "domainName", "TEXT")
arcpy.env.workspace = output_workspace
cvTables = arcpy.ListTables("cv_*")
for table in cvTables:
arcpy.AddMessage("\t" + table)
arcpy.AddField_management(output_workspace + "\\" + table, "code", "TEXT")
arcpy.AddField_management(output_workspace + "\\" + table, "description", "TEXT")
# Populate the domain properties table
arcpy.AddMessage("Populating the domain properties table.")
table = output_workspace + "\\domainProperties"
fields = ["name", "description", "type", "owner", "fieldType"]
cursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(table, fields)
for d in dList:
arcpy.AddMessage("\t" + d.name)
name = d.name
description = d.description
dType = d.domainType
owner = d.owner
fieldType = d.type
row = (name, description, dType, owner, fieldType)
# Populate the range domains table
arcpy.AddMessage("Populating the range domains table.")
table = output_workspace + "\\rangeDomains"
fields = ["name", "minValue", "maxValue", "fieldType"]
cursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(table, fields)
for d in dList:
if d.domainType == "Range":
arcpy.AddMessage("\t" + d.name)
name = d.name
minValue = d.range[0]
maxValue = d.range[1]
fieldType = d.type
row = (name, minValue, maxValue, fieldType)
# Populate the coded value domain tables
arcpy.AddMessage("Populating the coded value domain tables.")
fields = ["code", "description"]
for d in dList:
if d.domainType == "CodedValue":
arcpy.AddMessage("\t" + d.name)
table = output_workspace + "\\cv_" + d.name + "_details"
cursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(table, fields)
codedValues = d.codedValues
for value in codedValues:
code = value
description = codedValues[code]
row = (value, description)
# Populate the applied domains table
arcpy.AddMessage("Populating the applied domains table.")
table = output_workspace + "\\appliedDomains"
fields = ["featureClass", "field", "domainName"]
cursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(table, fields)
# List the feature classes
fcs = []
walk = arcpy.da.Walk(input_workspace, datatype="FeatureClass")
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in walk:
for filename in filenames:
fcs.append(os.path.join(dirpath, filename))
# Test to see if the fields have domains, and write the info to the applied
domains table if they do
checked = 0
for fc in fcs:
fieldList = arcpy.ListFields(fc)
for field in fieldList:
if field.domain != "":
fcName = arcpy.Describe(fc).baseName
fieldName = field.name
domainName = field.domain
row = (fcName, fieldName, domainName)
checked += 1
if not checked % 50:
arcpy.AddMessage("\tSuccessfully checked domains for " + str(checked) + " out of " + str(len(fcs)) + " feature classes.")
# Indicate which domains are applied in the geodatabase
arcpy.AddMessage("Indicating which domains are actually applied in the
domain properties table.")
allDomains = []
uniqueDomains = []
table = output_workspace + "\\appliedDomains"
fields = ["domainName"]
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(table, fields) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
for domain in set(allDomains):
table = output_workspace + "\\domainProperties"
fields = ("name", "applied")
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(table, fields) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
if row[0] in uniqueDomains:
row[1] = "Yes"
row[1] = "No"
del cursor, table, fields
Ошибка, которую я получаю при попытке использовать этот инструмент на sde, выглядит следующим образом:
Failed script exportDomainProperties...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\Downloads\exportDomainProperties\exportDomainProperties.py", line 55, in <module>
arcpy.CreateTable_management(output_workspace,"cv_" + d.name + _details","#","#")
File "c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.3\arcpy\arcpy\management.py", line 15306, in CreateTable
raise e
ExecuteError: ERROR 999999: Error executing function.
Failed to execute (CreateTable).
Failed to execute (exportDomainProperties).
Failed at Tue Sep 11 10:59:44 2018 (Elapsed Time: 1 minutes 0 seconds)
Как я уже сказал, он отлично работает на .gdb, а выходная таблица domainProperties - это именно то, что мне нужно для определения доменов, которые используются и не используются. Я ничего не знаю о PY, так что этот скрипт было здорово добавить в качестве инструмента. Пожалуйста, сценаристы PYTHON, я могу помочь вам с этим.