ошибка: невозможно определить 'build / get_diff_branches.sh': отказано в разрешении на JENKINS - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 11 сентября 2018

Я использую развертывание ant для создания моего package.xml для развертывания salesforce.

Цель: sf_build

Файл сборки находится в моей рабочей области:

C: \Jenkins \ workspace \ TrailheadBranchDemo \ build \ build.xml




export LESSCHARSET=utf-8


echo 'Starting git diff'
cd ..
echo 'Switching to origin/'$targetBranch
git checkout -f origin/$targetBranch
echo 'Merging target branch ('$1') into current branch (origin/'$targetBranch')'
git merge --no-commit --no-ff $1
echo 'Merged. Looking for conflicts'
git ls-files -u | awk '{$1=$2=$3=""; print $0}' | awk '{ sub(/^[ \t]+/, ""); print }' | sort -u > conflicts.txt
if [ -s conflicts.txt ]
    echo 'Conflicts found. Please resolve conflicts prior validation...'
    echo '============================================================='
    echo -e '\n\nConflicting files:\n'
    cat conflicts.txt
    exit 1
    echo 'Starting git diff'
    git status -s > diff.txt
    echo 'Git diff done.'
    echo 'Clean double quotes'
    sed -i 's/\"//g' diff.txt
    echo 'Cleaned. Result:'
    cat diff.txt

И мой файл build.xml содержит следующие данные:

<project name="ANT Jobs" basedir="." xmlns:sf="antlib:com.salesforce">
        <format property="BUILD_DATE"
                pattern="yyyyMMdd" />
    <condition property="sf.deploy.username" value="">
            <isset property="sf.deploy.username" />
    <condition property="sf.deploy.password" value="">
            <isset property="sf.deploy.password" />
    <condition property="sf.deploy.sessionId" value="">
            <isset property="sf.deploy.sessionId" />
    <taskdef resource="com/salesforce/antlib.xml" uri="antlib:com.salesforce">
            <pathelement location="../migration_tool/ant-salesforce.jar" />
    <!-- ========================================== -->
    <!-- Deployment targets                         -->
    <!-- ========================================== -->
    <target name="sf_prepare_deployment">
        <echo message="START: Create diff dir" />
        <echo message="Checking against targer: ${target}" />
        <mkdir dir="../${diffDir}" />
        <mkdir dir="../${diffDir}/src" />
        <exec executable="C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe" osfamily="windows" failonerror="true">
            <arg value="${scriptName}.sh" />
            <arg value="${target}" />
            <arg value="${targetName}" />
        <exec executable="/bin/bash" osfamily="unix" failonerror="true">
            <arg value="${scriptName}.sh" />
            <arg value="${target}" />
        <exec executable="C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe" osfamily="windows">
            <arg value="create_changes.sh" />
            <arg value="${diffDir}" />

        <exec executable="/bin/bash" osfamily="unix">
            <arg value="create_changes.sh" />
            <arg value="${diffDir}" />
        <echo message="Generating package.xml" />

        <exec executable="C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe" osfamily="windows">
            <arg value="generate_package.sh" />
            <arg value="../final.txt" />
            <arg value="package" />
            <arg value="../${diffDir}/src" />

        <exec executable="/bin/bash" osfamily="unix">
            <arg value="generate_package.sh" />
            <arg value="../final.txt" />
            <arg value="package" />
            <arg value="../${diffDir}/src" />
        <echo message="Package generated." />
        <echo message="Adding properties if applicable" />

        <exec executable="C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe" osfamily="windows">
            <arg value="properties_helper.sh" />
            <arg value="${propsEnv}" />
            <arg value="../${diffDir}/src" />

        <exec executable="/bin/bash" osfamily="unix">
            <arg value="properties_helper.sh" />
            <arg value="${propsEnv}" />
            <arg value="../${diffDir}/src" />
        <echo message="Properties added. Finished." />
    <target name="sf_prepare_full_deployment">
        <echo message="START: Copying deployment files" />
        <copy todir="../${diffDir}/src">
            <fileset dir="../src" excludes="**/staticresources/**" />
    <target name="sf_build" depends="sf_prepare_deployment">
        <echo message="START: SFDC Deployment" />
        <echo message="../${diffDir}/src" />
        <sf:deploy  username="${sf.deploy.username}" password="${sf.deploy.password}"
                    serverurl="${sf.deploy.serverurl}" sessionId="${sf.deploy.sessionId}"
                    deployRoot="../${diffDir}/src" maxPoll="${sf.maxPoll}"
                    pollWaitMillis="${sf.pollWaitMillis}" checkOnly="${sf.checkOnly}"
                    runAllTests="${sf.runAllTests}" logType="${sf.logType}"
    <target name="sf_build_independent" depends="sf_prepare_full_deployment">
        <echo message="Adding properties if applicable" />
        <exec executable="/bin/bash" osfamily="unix">
            <arg value="properties_helper.sh" />
            <arg value="${propsEnv}" />
            <arg value="../${diffDir}/src" />
        <echo message="Properties added. Finished." />
        <echo message="START: SFDC Deployment" />
        <echo message="../${diffDir}/src" />
        <sf:deploy  username="${sf.deploy.username}" password="${sf.deploy.password}"
                    serverurl="${sf.deploy.serverurl}" sessionId="${sf.deploy.sessionId}"
                    deployRoot="../${diffDir}/src" maxPoll="${sf.maxPoll}"
                    pollWaitMillis="${sf.pollWaitMillis}" checkOnly="${sf.checkOnly}"
                    runAllTests="${sf.runAllTests}" logType="${sf.logType}"
    <target name="git_tag">
        <echo message="Build date is: ${BUILD_DATE}" />
        <echo message="Build number: ${BUILD_NUMBER}" />
        <echo message="Build tag name will be: ${ENV}_${BUILD_DATE}_${BUILD_NUMBER}" />
        <echo message="Creating tag on current repository" />
        <exec executable="/bin/bash" osfamily="unix">
            <arg value="create_tag.sh" />
            <arg value=".." />
            <arg value="${ENV}_${BUILD_DATE}_${BUILD_NUMBER}" />
            <arg value="${REPO_PASS}" />

Когда файл фиксируется в git, запускается сборка и вызывается цель ant: но когда он пытается объединить обе ветви, чтобы получить разницу, он завершается ошибкой и выдает эту ошибку:

 [echo] START: Create diff dir
 [echo] Checking against targer: origin/hotfix/test1
 [exec] Starting git diff
 [exec] Switching to origin/master
 [exec] Previous HEAD position was 78d7196... savepoint 9
 [exec] HEAD is now at d72b6e9... test commit 1
 [exec] Merging target branch (origin/hotfix/test1) into current branch (origin/master)
 [exec] Merged. Looking for conflicts
 [exec] error: cannot stat 'build/get_diff_branches.sh': Permission denied
 [exec] Starting git diff
 [exec] Git diff done.
 [exec] Clean double quotes
 [exec] Cleaned. Result:
 [exec] ?? build/
 [exec] ?? conflicts.txt
 [exec] ?? diff.txt
 [exec] /usr/bin/bash: create_changes.sh: No such file or directory
 [exec] Result: 127
 [echo] Generating package.xml
 [exec] /usr/bin/bash: generate_package.sh: No such file or directory
 [exec] Result: 127
 [echo] Package generated.
 [echo] Adding properties if applicable
 [exec] /usr/bin/bash: properties_helper.sh: No such file or directory
 [exec] Result: 127
 [echo] Properties added. Finished.

Также properties_helper.sh и generate_package.sh не распознается.Кто-нибудь сталкивался с этой проблемой в Дженкинс?

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