Переключатель на ContextMenu или ContextMenuStrip [winforms] - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 11 сентября 2018

Я ищу способ реализации элемента контекстного меню с использованием радиокнопки, например: ContextMenu в Windows 7 с элементом меню RadioButton

У меня есть поиск через Google и SO, этоpost Добавление RadioButtons в ContextMenu близко, но это связано с Java, и я ищу элемент управления или визуализации в .NET для winforms.

Любое решение или предложение было бы большой помощью.Спасибо.

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 11 сентября 2018

Кнопки параметров, также называемые переключателями, аналогичны флажкам, за исключением того, что пользователи могут выбирать только по одной за раз. Хотя по умолчанию класс ToolStripMenuItem не обеспечивает поведение переключателей, этот класс обеспечивает поведение флажков, которые можно настроить для реализации поведения переключателей для элементов меню в MenuStrip управление.

Когда свойство CheckOnClick элемента меню имеет значение true , пользователи могут щелкнуть этот элемент, чтобы переключить отображение флажка. Свойство Checked указывает текущее состояние элемента. Чтобы реализовать базовое поведение кнопок выбора, необходимо убедиться, что при выборе элемента вы устанавливаете свойство Проверено для ранее выбранного элемента на false .

Следующие процедуры описывают, как реализовать эту и дополнительные функциональные возможности в классе, который наследует класс ToolStripMenuItem . Класс ToolStripRadioButtonMenuItem переопределяет такие элементы, как OnCheckedChanged и OnPaint , чтобы обеспечить поведение выбора и внешний вид кнопок выбора. Кроме того, этот класс переопределяет свойство Enabled , поэтому параметры в подменю отключены, если не выбран родительский элемент.

Сначала создайте класс для RadioButton

Это комбинация RadioButton и ToggleButton.

Public Class ToolStripRadioButtonMenuItem
Inherits ToolStripMenuItem

Public Sub New()
End Sub

Public Sub New(ByVal text As String)
    MyBase.New(text, Nothing, CType(Nothing, EventHandler))
End Sub

Public Sub New(ByVal image As Image)
    MyBase.New(Nothing, image, CType(Nothing, EventHandler))
End Sub

Public Sub New(ByVal text As String, ByVal image As Image)
    MyBase.New(text, image, CType(Nothing, EventHandler))
End Sub

Public Sub New(ByVal text As String, _
    ByVal image As Image, ByVal onClick As EventHandler)
    MyBase.New(text, image, onClick)
End Sub

Public Sub New(ByVal text As String, ByVal image As Image, _
    ByVal onClick As EventHandler, ByVal name As String)
    MyBase.New(text, image, onClick, name)
End Sub

Public Sub New(ByVal text As String, ByVal image As Image, _
    ByVal ParamArray dropDownItems() As ToolStripItem)
    MyBase.New(text, image, dropDownItems)
End Sub

Public Sub New(ByVal text As String, ByVal image As Image, _
    ByVal onClick As EventHandler, ByVal shortcutKeys As Keys)
    MyBase.New(text, image, onClick)
    Me.ShortcutKeys = shortcutKeys
End Sub

' Called by all constructors to initialize CheckOnClick.
Private Sub Initialize()
    CheckOnClick = True
End Sub

Protected Overrides Sub OnCheckedChanged(ByVal e As EventArgs)


    ' If this item is no longer in the checked state, do nothing.
    If Not Checked Then Return

    ' Clear the checked state for all siblings. 
    For Each item As ToolStripItem In Parent.Items

        Dim radioItem As ToolStripRadioButtonMenuItem = _
            TryCast(item, ToolStripRadioButtonMenuItem)
        If radioItem IsNot Nothing AndAlso _
            radioItem IsNot Me AndAlso _
            radioItem.Checked Then

            radioItem.Checked = False

            ' Only one item can be selected at a time, 
            ' so there is no need to continue.

        End If

End Sub

Protected Overrides Sub OnClick(ByVal e As EventArgs)

    ' If the item is already in the checked state, do not call 
    ' the base method, which would toggle the value. 
    If Checked Then Return

End Sub

' Let the item paint itself, and then paint the RadioButton
' where the check mark is displayed, covering the check mark
' if it is present.
Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)


    ' If the client sets the Image property, the selection behavior
    ' remains unchanged, but the RadioButton is not displayed and the
    ' selection is indicated only by the selection rectangle. 
    If Image IsNot Nothing Then Return

    ' Determine the correct state of the RadioButton.
    Dim buttonState As RadioButtonState = RadioButtonState.UncheckedNormal
    If Enabled Then
        If mouseDownState Then
            If Checked Then
                buttonState = RadioButtonState.CheckedPressed
                buttonState = RadioButtonState.UncheckedPressed
            End If
        ElseIf mouseHoverState Then
            If Checked Then
                buttonState = RadioButtonState.CheckedHot
                buttonState = RadioButtonState.UncheckedHot
            End If
            If Checked Then buttonState = RadioButtonState.CheckedNormal
        End If
        If Checked Then
            buttonState = RadioButtonState.CheckedDisabled
            buttonState = RadioButtonState.UncheckedDisabled
        End If
    End If

    ' Calculate the position at which to display the RadioButton.
    Dim offset As Int32 = CInt((ContentRectangle.Height - _
        RadioButtonRenderer.GetGlyphSize( _
        e.Graphics, buttonState).Height) / 2)
    Dim imageLocation As Point = New Point( _
        ContentRectangle.Location.X + 4, _
        ContentRectangle.Location.Y + offset)

    ' If the item is selected and the RadioButton paints with partial
    ' transparency, such as when theming is enabled, the check mark
    ' shows through the RadioButton image. In this case, paint a 
    ' non-transparent background first to cover the check mark.
    If Checked AndAlso RadioButtonRenderer _
        .IsBackgroundPartiallyTransparent(buttonState) Then

        Dim glyphSize As Size = RadioButtonRenderer _
            .GetGlyphSize(e.Graphics, buttonState)
        glyphSize.Height -= 1
        glyphSize.Width -= 1
        Dim backgroundRectangle As _
            New Rectangle(imageLocation, glyphSize)
        e.Graphics.FillEllipse( _
            SystemBrushes.Control, backgroundRectangle)
    End If

    RadioButtonRenderer.DrawRadioButton( _
        e.Graphics, imageLocation, buttonState)

End Sub

Private mouseHoverState As Boolean = False

Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseEnter(ByVal e As EventArgs)
    mouseHoverState = True

    ' Force the item to repaint with the new RadioButton state.

End Sub

Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseLeave(ByVal e As EventArgs)
    mouseHoverState = False
End Sub

Private mouseDownState As Boolean = False

Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseDown(ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
    mouseDownState = True

    ' Force the item to repaint with the new RadioButton state.

End Sub

Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseUp(ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
    mouseDownState = False
End Sub

' Enable the item only if its parent item is in the checked state 
' and its Enabled property has not been explicitly set to false. 
Public Overrides Property Enabled() As Boolean
        Dim ownerMenuItem As ToolStripMenuItem = _
            TryCast(OwnerItem, ToolStripMenuItem)

        ' Use the base value in design mode to prevent the designer
        ' from setting the base value to the calculated value.
        If Not DesignMode AndAlso _
            ownerMenuItem IsNot Nothing AndAlso _
            ownerMenuItem.CheckOnClick Then
            Return MyBase.Enabled AndAlso ownerMenuItem.Checked
            Return MyBase.Enabled
        End If
    End Get

    Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
        MyBase.Enabled = value
    End Set
End Property

' When OwnerItem becomes available, if it is a ToolStripMenuItem 
' with a CheckOnClick property value of true, subscribe to its 
' CheckedChanged event. 
Protected Overrides Sub OnOwnerChanged(ByVal e As EventArgs)

    Dim ownerMenuItem As ToolStripMenuItem = _
        TryCast(OwnerItem, ToolStripMenuItem)

    If ownerMenuItem IsNot Nothing AndAlso _
        ownerMenuItem.CheckOnClick Then
        AddHandler ownerMenuItem.CheckedChanged, New  _
            EventHandler(AddressOf OwnerMenuItem_CheckedChanged)
    End If


End Sub

' When the checked state of the parent item changes, 
' repaint the item so that the new Enabled state is displayed. 
Private Sub OwnerMenuItem_CheckedChanged( _
    ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
End Sub

End Class

Второй Создать класс Form1

Public Class Form1

Inherits Form

Private sample As New MenuStrip()
Private mainToolStripMenuItem As New ToolStripMenuItem()
Private toolStripMenuItem1 As New ToolStripMenuItem()
Private toolStripRadioButtonMenuItem1 As New ToolStripRadioButtonMenuItem()
Private toolStripRadioButtonMenuItem2 As New ToolStripRadioButtonMenuItem()
Private toolStripRadioButtonMenuItem3 As New ToolStripRadioButtonMenuItem()
Private toolStripRadioButtonMenuItem4 As New ToolStripRadioButtonMenuItem()
Private toolStripRadioButtonMenuItem5 As New ToolStripRadioButtonMenuItem()
Private toolStripRadioButtonMenuItem6 As New ToolStripRadioButtonMenuItem()

Public Sub New()

    Me.mainToolStripMenuItem.Text = "main"
    toolStripRadioButtonMenuItem1.Text = "option 1"
    toolStripRadioButtonMenuItem2.Text = "option 2"
    toolStripRadioButtonMenuItem3.Text = "option 2-1"
    toolStripRadioButtonMenuItem4.Text = "option 2-2"
    toolStripRadioButtonMenuItem5.Text = "option 3-1"
    toolStripRadioButtonMenuItem6.Text = "option 3-2"
    toolStripMenuItem1.Text = "toggle"
    toolStripMenuItem1.CheckOnClick = True

    mainToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems.AddRange(New ToolStripItem() { _
        toolStripRadioButtonMenuItem1, toolStripRadioButtonMenuItem2, _
    toolStripRadioButtonMenuItem2.DropDownItems.AddRange( _
        New ToolStripItem() {toolStripRadioButtonMenuItem3, _
    toolStripMenuItem1.DropDownItems.AddRange(New ToolStripItem() { _
        toolStripRadioButtonMenuItem5, toolStripRadioButtonMenuItem6})

    sample.Items.AddRange(New ToolStripItem() {mainToolStripMenuItem})
    MainMenuStrip = sample
    Text = "ToolStripRadioButtonMenuItem demo"
End Sub
End Class

Последнее - Создать класс для Program

Public Class Program

<STAThread()> Public Shared Sub Main()
    Application.Run(New Form1())
End Sub

End Class


See this result.

Кредиты Карлу Эриксону и его блогу о RadioButton и Menustrip.

Проверьте его блог здесь .
