(Среда - Linux CentOs7)
Я работаю с файлом odbc.ini и проверяю соединение каждый раз, когда меняю изменения:
isql -v gdHive
[IM002][unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found, and no default driver specified
[ISQL]ERROR: Could not SQLConnect
В файле odbc.ini Iпробовал разные варианты описания имя-значение пары.Первоначально было установлено значение:
# Description: DSN Description.
Description=Hortonworks Hive ODBC Driver (64-bit) DSN
Я пытался изменить это значение на
Это ничего не изменило, если бы я не вставил ошибку выше.
Вот и всеconfig, это мой первый раз, когда я настраиваю это, так что я не уверен, что пропустил:
# HS2 service discovery with ZooKeeper (ServiceDiscoveryMode=1).
# Set to 1 if you are connecting to Hive Server 1. Set to 2 if you are connecting to Hive Server 2.
# The authentication mechanism to use for the connection.
# Set to 0 for No Authentication
# Set to 1 for Kerberos
# Set to 2 for User Name
# Set to 3 for User Name and Password
# Note only No Authentication is supported when connecting to Hive Server 1.
# The Thrift transport to use for the connection.
# Set to 0 for Binary
# Set to 1 for SASL
# Set to 2 for HTTP
# Note for Hive Server 1 only Binary can be used.
# When this option is enabled (1), the driver does not transform the queries emitted by an
# application, so the native query is used.
# When this option is disabled (0), the driver transforms the queries emitted by an application and
# converts them into an equivalent from in HiveQL.
# Set the UID with the user name to use to access Hive when using AuthMech 2 to 8.
# The following is settings used when using Kerberos authentication (AuthMech 1 and 10)
# The fully qualified host name part of the of the Hive Server 2 Kerberos service principal.
# For example if the service principal name of you Hive Server 2 is:
# hive/myhs2.mydomain.com@EXAMPLE.COM
# Then set KrbHostFQDN to myhs2.mydomain.com
# The service name part of the of the Hive Server 2 Kerberos service principal.
# For example if the service principal name of you Hive Server 2 is:
# hive/myhs2.mydomain.com@EXAMPLE.COM
# Then set KrbServiceName to hive
# The realm part of the of the Hive Server 2 Kerberos service principal.
# For example if the service principal name of you Hive Server 2 is:
# hive/myhs2.mydomain.com@EXAMPLE.COM
# Then set KrbRealm to EXAMPLE.COM
# Set to 1 to enable SSL. Set to 0 to disable.
# Set to 1 to enable two-way SSL. Set to 0 to disable. You must enable SSL in order to
# use two-way SSL.
# The file containing the client certificate in PEM format. This is required when using two-way SSL.
# The client private key. This is used for two-way SSL authentication.
# The password for the client private key. Password is only required for password protected
# client private key.
В сообщении об ошибке говорится только «Имя источника данных не найдено, и драйвер по умолчанию не указан».Я не уверен, как установить это имя источника данных или выбрать драйвер по умолчанию?