Привет, я новичок в Docker и пытаюсь обернуть голову о том, как клонировать частное репо с github, и нашел несколько интересных ссылок эмитентов / 6396
Я подписался на один из постов, и мой dockerfile выглядит как
FROM python:2.7 as builder
# Deploy app's code
#RUN set -x
RUN mkdir /code
RUN mkdir /root/.ssh/
RUN ls -l /root/.ssh/
# The GITHUB_SSH_KEY Build Argument must be a path or URL
# If it's a path, it MUST be in the docker build dir, and NOT in .dockerignore!
ARG SSH_PRIVATE_KEY=C:\\Users\\MyUser\\.ssh\\id_rsa
# Set up root user SSH access for GitHub
ADD ${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY} /root/.ssh/id_rsa
RUN ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -vT git@github.com 2>&1 | grep -i auth
# Test SSH access (this returns false even when successful, but prints results)
RUN git clone git@github.com:***********.git
COPY . /code
ENV PYTHONPATH /datawarehouse_process
# Setup app's virtualenv
RUN set -x \
&& pip install tox \
&& tox -e luigi
WORKDIR /datawarehouse_process
# Finally, remove the $GITHUB_SSH_KEY if it was a file, so it's not in /app!
# It can also be removed from /root/.ssh/id_rsa, but you're probably not
# to COPY that directory into the runtime image.
RUN rm -vf ${GITHUB_SSH_KEY} /root/.ssh/id*
#FROM python:2.7 as runtime
#COPY --from=builder /code /code
Когда я запускаю сборку Docker. из правильного местоположения я получаю эту ошибку ниже. Любая подсказка будет оценена.
c:\Domain\Project\Docker-Images\datawarehouse_process>docker build .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 281.7MB
Step 1/15 : FROM python:2.7 as builder
---> 43c5f3ee0928
Step 2/15 : RUN mkdir /code
---> Running in 841fadc29641
Removing intermediate container 841fadc29641
---> 69fdbcd34f12
Step 3/15 : RUN mkdir /root/.ssh/
---> Running in 50199b0eb002
Removing intermediate container 50199b0eb002
---> 6dac8b120438
Step 4/15 : RUN ls -l /root/.ssh/
---> Running in e15040402b79
total 0
Removing intermediate container e15040402b79
---> 65519edac99a
Step 5/15 : ARG SSH_PRIVATE_KEY=C:\\Users\\MyUser\\.ssh\\id_rsa
---> Running in 10e0c92eed4f
Removing intermediate container 10e0c92eed4f
---> 707279c92614
Step 6/15 : RUN echo "${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}"
---> Running in a9f75c224994
Removing intermediate container a9f75c224994
---> 96e0605d38a9
Step 7/15 : ADD ${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY} /root/.ssh/id_rsa
ADD failed: stat /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-
builder142890167/C:\Users\MyUser\.ssh\id_rsa: no such file or