Я только что дошел до того, что смог настроить Watson Assistant V2 с Unity и попытаться общаться с помощником, которого я создал с помощью одного навыка.Мне нужна дополнительная помощь, чтобы настроить помощника для работы с моим приложением Unity.
В V1 помощника можно было ориентироваться на рабочее пространство, а также ответ возвращал намерение, посещенные узлы и так далее.Мои запросы были правильно обработаны, и ответы были идентичны ответам в приложении «попробуй» на облачной панели IBM.
В новой версии я получаю тот же ответ на любой запрос, отправленный помощнику.Как выбрать правильный навык или, скорее, передать правильные настройки помощнику, чтобы получить правильные ответы?
ИЗОБРАЖЕНИЕ - Журнал Unity, показывающий ответы помощника
[ИЗОБРАЖЕНИЕ - Помощникпробная версия на панели инструментов] [2]
Код, который я использую для отправки запросов и получения ответов:
IEnumerator TokenExample()
// Create IAM token options and supply the apikey. IamUrl is the URL used to get the
// authorization token using the IamApiKey. It defaults to https://iam.bluemix.net/identity/token
TokenOptions iamTokenOptions = new TokenOptions()
IamApiKey = "API KEY",
IamUrl = "https://iam.bluemix.net/identity/token"
// Create credentials using the IAM token options
_credentials = new Credentials(iamTokenOptions, "https://gateway-fra.watsonplatform.net/assistant/api");
while (!_credentials.HasIamTokenData())
yield return null;
_assistant = new Assistant(_credentials);
_assistant.VersionDate = "2018-11-01";
Debug.Log(_assistant.GetServiceID()); // returns "AssitantV2"
public void PingAssistantV2() // triggered from a button press in UI
_assistant.CreateSession(OnCreateSession, OnFail, AssistantID); // Assistant ID is entered through the Inspector
public void OnCreateSession(SessionResponse response, Dictionary<string, object> customData)
Log.Debug("ExampleAssistantV2.OnMessage()", "Assistant: Create Session Response: {0}", customData["json"].ToString());
string _si = response.SessionId;
Debug.Log("SessionID: " +_si);
MessageInput mi = new MessageInput();
mi.Text = Query.textComponent.text; // get user query from an input field in unity UI
MessageRequest messageRequest = new MessageRequest()
Input = mi
Debug.LogFormat("<b> Query Sent: {0} </b>", Query.textComponent.text);
if (response.SessionId != null ) _assistant.Message(OnMessage, OnFail, AssistantID, _si, messageRequest);
private void OnMessage(MessageResponse AssistantResponse, Dictionary<string, object> customData)
Log.Debug("ExampleAssistant.OnMessage()", "Response: {0}", customData["json"].ToString());
Debug.LogFormat("<b> SUCCESS </b>");
// Convert resp to fsdata
fsData fsdata = null;
fsResult r = _serializer.TrySerialize(AssistantResponse.GetType(), AssistantResponse, out fsdata);
if (!r.Succeeded)
throw new WatsonException(r.FormattedMessages);
// Convert fsdata to MessageResponse
IBM.WatsonDeveloperCloud.Assistant.v2.MessageResponse messageResponse = new IBM.WatsonDeveloperCloud.Assistant.v2.MessageResponse();
object obj = messageResponse;
r = _serializer.TryDeserialize(fsdata, obj.GetType(), ref obj);
if (!r.Succeeded)
throw new WatsonException(r.FormattedMessages);
Response.text = AssistantResponse.Output.Generic.First().Text; // send response to unity UI text box
private void OnFail(RESTConnector.Error error, Dictionary<string, object> customData)
Log.Debug("OnFail()", "Failed: {0}", error.ToString());
Debug.LogFormat("<b> Failed </b>");
РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ на адрес @ комментария Тадж
Проблема сохраняется даже при использовании образца помощника V2 в SDK:
Неправильные ответы Unity v / s соответствующие ответы в dashboardtrail
Код, принятый изпример, включенный в SDK:
* Copyright 2018 IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using IBM.Watson.DeveloperCloud.Connection;
using IBM.Watson.DeveloperCloud.Logging;
using IBM.Watson.DeveloperCloud.Utilities;
using IBM.WatsonDeveloperCloud.Assistant.v2;
using UnityEngine;
using TMPro;
namespace IBM.Watson.DeveloperCloud.Services.Assistant.v2
public class ExampleAssistantV2 : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("The service URL (optional). This defaults to \"https://gateway.watsonplatform.net/assistant/api\"")]
private string _serviceUrl;
[Tooltip("The assistantId to run the example.")]
private string _assistantId;
[Tooltip("The version date with which you would like to use the service in the form YYYY-MM-DD.")]
private string _versionDate;
[Header("CF Authentication")]
[Tooltip("The authentication username.")]
private string _username;
[Tooltip("The authentication password.")]
private string _password;
[Header("IAM Authentication")]
[Tooltip("The IAM apikey.")]
private string _iamApikey;
[Tooltip("The IAM url used to authenticate the apikey (optional). This defaults to \"https://iam.bluemix.net/identity/token\".")]
private string _iamUrl;
private Assistant _service;
private bool _createSessionTested = false;
private bool _messageTested = false;
private bool _deleteSessionTested = false;
private string _sessionId;
public TMP_InputField query;
public TextMeshProUGUI response;
private void Start()
private IEnumerator CreateService()
// Create credential and instantiate service
Credentials credentials = null;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_username) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_password))
// Authenticate using username and password
credentials = new Credentials(_username, _password, _serviceUrl);
else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_iamApikey))
// Authenticate using iamApikey
TokenOptions tokenOptions = new TokenOptions()
IamApiKey = _iamApikey,
IamUrl = _iamUrl
credentials = new Credentials(tokenOptions, _serviceUrl);
// Wait for tokendata
while (!credentials.HasIamTokenData())
yield return null;
throw new WatsonException("Please provide either username and password or IAM apikey to authenticate the service.");
_service = new Assistant(credentials);
_service.VersionDate = _versionDate;
private IEnumerator SessionCreate()
Log.Debug("ExampleAssistantV2.Examples()", "Attempting to CreateSession");
_service.CreateSession(OnCreateSession, OnFail, _assistantId);
while (!_createSessionTested)
yield return null;
private IEnumerator Examples()
Log.Debug("ExampleAssistantV2.Examples()", "Attempting to Message");
MessageInput mi = new MessageInput(); // construct a messgae input
mi.Text = query.textComponent.text;
MessageRequest messageRequest = new MessageRequest() // construct a message request
Input = mi
Log.Debug("ExampleAssistantV2.OnDeleteSession()", "<b>Query: </b> <b>{0}</b>", messageRequest.Input.Text);
_service.Message(OnMessage, OnFail, _assistantId, _sessionId,messageRequest); // send a message request
while (!_messageTested)
yield return null;
//Log.Debug("ExampleAssistantV2.Examples()", "Attempting to DeleteSession");
//_service.DeleteSession(OnDeleteSession, OnFail, _assistantId, _sessionId);
//while (!_deleteSessionTested)
// yield return null;
//Log.Debug("ExampleAssistantV2.Examples()", "Assistant examples complete.");
private void OnDeleteSession(object response, Dictionary<string, object> customData)
Log.Debug("ExampleAssistantV2.OnDeleteSession()", "Session deleted.");
_createSessionTested = true;
private void OnMessage(MessageResponse _response, Dictionary<string, object> customData)
_messageTested = true;
response.text = _response.Output.Generic.First().Text; // trying to get response
Log.Debug("ExampleAssistantV2.OnDeleteSession()", "<b>RESPONSE: </b> <b>{0}</b>", response.text);
private void OnCreateSession(SessionResponse response, Dictionary<string, object> customData)
Log.Debug("ExampleAssistantV2.OnCreateSession()", "Session: <b>{0}</b>", response.SessionId);
_sessionId = response.SessionId;
_createSessionTested = true;
private void OnFail(RESTConnector.Error error, Dictionary<string, object> customData)
Log.Debug("ExampleAssistantV2.OnFail()", "Call failed: {0}: {1}", error.ErrorCode, error.ErrorMessage);
public void PingAssitant ()