Это должно зависеть от того, как вы передаете данные и используете ли вы криптографические операции.Основываясь на официальном BluetoothLE и коде Scenario2_Client.xaml.cs , метод CharacteristicReadButton_Click
считывает фактическое значение.
GattReadResult result = await selectedCharacteristic.ReadValueAsync(BluetoothCacheMode.Uncached);
if (result.Status == GattCommunicationStatus.Success)
string formattedResult = FormatValueByPresentation(result.Value, presentationFormat);
СуществуетОтдельный код метода FormatValueByPresentation
в коде Scenario2_Client.xaml.cs , вы должны иметь возможность реализовать свою базу значений чтения на примере кода:
private string FormatValueByPresentation(IBuffer buffer, GattPresentationFormat format)
// BT_Code: For the purpose of this sample, this function converts only UInt32 and
// UTF-8 buffers to readable text. It can be extended to support other formats if your app needs them.
byte[] data;
CryptographicBuffer.CopyToByteArray(buffer, out data);
if (format != null)
if (format.FormatType == GattPresentationFormatTypes.UInt32 && data.Length >= 4)
return BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 0).ToString();
else if (format.FormatType == GattPresentationFormatTypes.Utf8)
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);
catch (ArgumentException)
return "(error: Invalid UTF-8 string)";
// Add support for other format types as needed.
return "Unsupported format: " + CryptographicBuffer.EncodeToHexString(buffer);
else if (data != null)
// We don't know what format to use. Let's try some well-known profiles, or default back to UTF-8.
if (selectedCharacteristic.Uuid.Equals(GattCharacteristicUuids.HeartRateMeasurement))
return "Heart Rate: " + ParseHeartRateValue(data).ToString();
catch (ArgumentException)
return "Heart Rate: (unable to parse)";
else if (selectedCharacteristic.Uuid.Equals(GattCharacteristicUuids.BatteryLevel))
// battery level is encoded as a percentage value in the first byte according to
// https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.characteristic.battery_level.xml
return "Battery Level: " + data[0].ToString() + "%";
catch (ArgumentException)
return "Battery Level: (unable to parse)";
// This is our custom calc service Result UUID. Format it like an Int
else if (selectedCharacteristic.Uuid.Equals(Constants.ResultCharacteristicUuid))
return BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 0).ToString();
// No guarantees on if a characteristic is registered for notifications.
else if (registeredCharacteristic != null)
// This is our custom calc service Result UUID. Format it like an Int
if (registeredCharacteristic.Uuid.Equals(Constants.ResultCharacteristicUuid))
return BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 0).ToString();
return "Unknown format: " + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);
catch (ArgumentException)
return "Unknown format";
return "Empty data received";
return "Unknown format";