SQL-запрос занимает много времени для выполнения - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 13 ноября 2018

Я пытаюсь выполнить приведенный ниже запрос, и выполнение занимает много времени. Могу ли я внести изменения в приведенный ниже запрос? Выполнение занимает более 60 минут, а иногда зависает.

select distinct z.por_s as Portfolio_Number,z.lse_s as 
Account_Number,y.les_s as Lessee_Number,z.unit_S as Asset,to_char(x.d_com_s, 
'MM/DD/YYYY') as Start_Date, to_char(x.d_mat_s,'MM/DD/YYYY') as 
Maturity_Date, x.p_con_d as Yield,k.nam_long_s as Venodr_Name,z.dlr_s as 
Venodr_Number,y.client_s_name_s as Customer_Name,y.short_add_s as 
Billing_Address,y.short_cty_s as City,y.st_s as State,z.eq_add_s as 
Equipment_Address, x.trm_l as Original_Term,(x.TRM_L - x.PMT_L) as 
Remaining_Term,z.id_S as EquipmentSerialID,z.org_d as Original_Amount, 
(NVL(x.lsd_unit_d, 0.0) - NVL(x.acl_depr_d, 0.0) - NVL(x.sec_d, 0.0) - 
NVL(SUM(b.bal_d), 0.0) + NVL(SUM(NVL(a.pamt_b_d, 0.0) + NVL(a.iamt_b_d, 0.0) 
- NVL(a.pamt_p_d, 0.0) - NVL(a.iamt_p_d, 0.0)), 0.0) - NVL(x.op_bill_adj_d, 
0.0) + NVL(x.unrec_in_d, 0.0)) as OPR_Remaining_Net_Investment,
(NVL(x.rec_d, 0.0) + NVL(SUM(NVL(d.aamt_b_d, 0.0) - NVL(d.aamt_p_d, 0.0)), 
0.0) +  NVL(SUM(NVL(a.pamt_b_d, 0.0) + NVL(a.iamt_b_d, 0.0) - 
NVL(a.pamt_p_d, 0.0) - NVL(a.iamt_p_d, 0.0)), 0.0) + NVL(x.tot_res_d, 0.0) - 
NVL(x.res_guar_d, 0.0) - NVL(x.l_ue_d, 0.0) + NVL(x.r_ue_d, 0.0) + 
NVL(x.i_ue_d, 0.0) + NVL(x.d_ue_d, 0.0) + NVL(x.l_in_ptd_d, 0.0) + 
NVL(x.r_in_ptd_d, 0.0) + NVL(x.i_in_ptd_d, 0.0) + NVL(x.d_in_ptd_d, 0.0) - 
NVL(x.sec_d, 0.0) - NVL(SUM(b.bal_d), 0.0) - NVL(x.susp_l_acc_d, 0.0) + 
NVL(x.susp_r_acc_d, 0.0) + NVL(x.susp_d_acc_d, 0.0) + NVL(x.susp_i_acc_d, 
0.0)) as PRE_Remaining_Net_Investment
,z.res_d as Residual_Asset ,n.bus_phn_s as Business_Phone, n.hom_phn_s as 
Home_phone,o.field19_s as Credit_Guarantee, o.field20_s as 
Residual_Guarantee,m.add_s as Guarantor_Address,m.add2_s as 
Guarantor_Address2,m.cty_s as Guarantor_City,m.st_s as 
Guarantor_State,m.zip_s as Guarantor_Zip
from rgc c 
FULL join rls x on c.APP_LSE_S = x.LSE_S
FULL Join rar a on x.LSE_S = a.LSE_S
FULL Join rsu b on x.LSE_S = b.LSE_S
FULL Join rarb d on x.por_s = d.por_s
FULL join vrcx_les y on x.les_s = y.les_s
FULL join req z on x.LSE_S = z.LSE_S
FULL join rlr k on z.dlr_s = k.dlr_s
FULL join ral n on x.les_s = n.les_s
FULL join rug o on x.lse_s = o.lse_s
where x.act_s in ('AACQ', 'AASM', 'AEXM', 'ANOR', 'ARBK', 'ARED', 'AREN', 
'AXFR') and x.d_mat_s > to_date ('07/01/2018', 'MM/DD/YYYY')
and a.por_s = x.por_s
AND a.com_s = x.com_s
AND a.reg_s = x.reg_s
AND a.off_s = x.off_s
AND a.lse_s = x.lse_s
AND d.invo_s = a.invo_s
AND d.a_typ_s in ('PROR', 'IDR2', 'SECD')
AND NVL(a.income_accrued_c, ' ') <> 'N'
group by z.por_s,z.lse_s,y.les_s,z.unit_S,x.d_com_s,

Любые изменения, которые необходимо внести в этот запрос, просто помогут мне в этом.

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 14 ноября 2018
    select distinct z.por_s as Portfolio_Number,
    z.lse_s as Account_Number,

    from rgc c 
    FULL join rls x on c.APP_LSE_S = x.LSE_S #match nro account (1)
    FULL Join rar a on x.LSE_S = a.LSE_S #match nro account (2)
    FULL Join rsu b on x.LSE_S = b.LSE_S #match nro account (3)
    FULL Join rarb d     on x.por_s = d.por_s  #match (4)
    FULL join vrcx_les y on x.les_s = y.les_s #match nro less
    FULL join req z      on x.LSE_S = z.LSE_S #match nro account

    FULL join rlr k on z.dlr_s = k.dlr_s

    FULL join ral n on x.les_s = n.les_s #match nro less
    FULL join rug o on x.lse_s = o.lse_s #match nro account

    where x.act_s in 
    ('AACQ', 'AASM', 'AEXM', 'ANOR', 'ARBK', 'ARED', 'AREN', 'AXFR')  #use this in the full join (2)
    and x.d_mat_s > to_date ('07/01/2018', 'MM/DD/YYYY') #use this in the full join (2)
    and a.por_s = x.por_s #use this in the full join (2)
    AND a.com_s = x.com_s #use this in the full join (2)
    AND a.reg_s = x.reg_s #use this in the full join (2)
    AND a.off_s = x.off_s  #use this in the full join (2)
    AND a.lse_s = x.lse_s #use this in the full join (2)
    AND d.invo_s = a.invo_s  #use this in the full join (4)
    AND d.a_typ_s in ('PROR', 'IDR2', 'SECD')
    AND NVL(a.income_accrued_c, ' ') <> 'N' #nvl is not necesary
    group by z.por_s,z.lse_s,y.les_s,z.unit_S,x.d_com_s,

Я бы поставил ограничения в соединениях, чтобы вы не объединяли все строки (например, 1000 x 1000), только нужные вам строки (100 x 1000). Вот так:

 from rgc c 
    FULL join rls x on c.APP_LSE_S = x.LSE_S #match nro account (1)
    FULL Join rar a on x.LSE_S = a.LSE_S #match nro account (2)
    and x.act_s in 
    ('AACQ', 'AASM', 'AEXM', 'ANOR', 'ARBK', 'ARED', 'AREN', 'AXFR')  #use this in the full join (2)
    and x.d_mat_s > to_date ('07/01/2018', 'MM/DD/YYYY') #use this in the full join (2)
    and a.por_s = x.por_s #use this in the full join (2)
    AND a.com_s = x.com_s #use this in the full join (2)
    AND a.reg_s = x.reg_s #use this in the full join (2)
    AND a.off_s = x.off_s  #use this in the full join (2)
    AND a.lse_s = x.lse_s #use this in the full join (2)
    AND a.income_accrued_c <> 'N' #nvl is not necesary, if its null its <> from 'N'

    FULL Join rsu b on x.LSE_S = b.LSE_S #match nro account (3)
    FULL Join rarb d     on x.por_s = d.por_s  #match (4)
     and d.invo_s = a.invo_s  #use this in the full join (4)
     AND d.a_typ_s in ('PROR', 'IDR2', 'SECD')
    FULL join vrcx_les y on x.les_s = y.les_s #match nro less
    FULL join req z      on x.LSE_S = z.LSE_S #match nro account

    FULL join rlr k on z.dlr_s = k.dlr_s

    FULL join ral n on x.les_s = n.les_s #match nro less
    FULL join rug o on x.lse_s = o.lse_s #match nro account

 where 1=1
 group by ....

И я согласен с комментариями. Если вы хотите получить более полезный ответ, вы должны опубликовать описание каждой таблицы, используемой в запросе, а также краткое объяснение полей в них.Также приведено функциональное объяснение запроса, какую информацию вы хотите извлечь.
