Используется список файлов PDF или PS для создания одного PDF. Извините, это на VB.net, и у меня нет времени конвертировать. Но это иллюстрирует концепцию, если вы можете пройти через это. Обычно вы записываете параметры и имена файлов в текстовый файл, а затем используете этот файл в качестве аргумента Ghostscript.
Private Shared Sub ConvertToPDF(ByVal PSPathFileList As List(Of String), _
ByVal PDFPathName As String, _
ByVal WaitForExit As Boolean, ByVal DeletePS As Boolean)
'check that all files exist
PSPathFileList.ForEach(AddressOf CheckFiles)
'check old pdf file
If IO.File.Exists(PDFPathName) Then
Throw New ApplicationException( _
"PDF cannot be created. File already exists: " & PDFPathName)
End If
'convert engine
Dim myProcInfo As New ProcessStartInfo
myProcInfo.FileName = DanBSolutionsLocation & "Misc\GhostScript\GSWIN32C.EXE"
'write file names to text file as the list can be very long
Dim tempPath As String = IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(PSPathFileList.Item(0))
Dim fiName2 As String = tempPath & IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(PDFPathName) & ".txt"
Dim ft As New StreamWriter(fiName2)
ft.WriteLine("-sDEVICE=pdfwrite -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -sOUTPUTFILE=""" & PDFPathName & """ -dBATCH ")
For i As Long = 0 To PSPathFileList.Count - 1
ft.WriteLine(Chr(34) & PSPathFileList.Item(i) & Chr(34))
'set args to text file
myProcInfo.Arguments = """@" & fiName2 & """"
'set up for output and errors
myProcInfo.UseShellExecute = False
myProcInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
myProcInfo.RedirectStandardError = True
'do the conversion
Dim myProc As Process = Process.Start(myProcInfo)
If WaitForExit Then
'wait for finish; (no more than 60 seconds)
'delete PS
If DeletePS Then
PSPathFileList.ForEach(AddressOf DeleteFiles)
End If
End If
End Sub
Вот код VBA для одного PS в PDF. Таким образом, между VB.net выше и этим ниже, надеюсь, вы сможете спасти что-то полезное.
Private Sub printToPdfDemo()
'verify printer setup
'be sure to install the PsPrinterInstall module
Call PSPrinterSetup
Dim svPsFileName As String
Dim svPDFName As String
'define names
svPsFileName = "C:\Temp\Input 1.ps"
svPDFName = "C:\Temp\Output 1.PDF"
'save current printer
Dim PrinterInUse As String
PrinterInUse = Application.ActivePrinter
'print to PS
'If Fso.FileExists(svPsFileName) Then Call Fso.DeleteFile(svPsFileName)
Worksheets(1).PrintOut ActivePrinter:=PSPrinterName, PrintToFile:=True, _
'revert to saved printer name
Application.ActivePrinter = PrinterInUse
Call ConvertToPDF(svPsFileName, svPDFName)
End Sub
Sub ConvertToPDF(ByVal svPsFileName As String, ByVal svPDFName As String)
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
'Dim Fso: Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim folGS As Folder
Dim lcCmd As String
'check inputs
If svPsFileName = "" Or svPDFName = "" Then
Call MsgBox("PS file name or PDF file name is blank in ""ConvertToPDF"" macro", vbExclamation, "Error! Missing Inputs")
Exit Sub
End If
'check file
If Not fso.FileExists(svPsFileName) Then
Call MsgBox(svPsFileName & " file is not found", vbExclamation, "Error! Missing File")
Exit Sub
End If
'check variable
If DanBSolutionsLocation = "" Then DanBSolutionsLocation = GetDanBSolutionsLocation
'delete old file
If fso.FileExists(svPDFName) Then Call fso.DeleteFile(svPDFName)
'get files
Set folGS = fso.GetFolder(DanBSolutionsLocation & "Misc\GhostScript\") 'S:\DanB Solutions\Misc\GhostScript\GSWIN32C.EXE
'GS command
lcCmd = folGS.ShortPath & "\GSWIN32C.EXE " & _
"-q -dNOPAUSE -I" & folGS.ShortPath & "\lib;./fonts " & _
"-sFONTPATH=./fonts -sFONTMAP=" & folGS.ShortPath & "\lib\FONTMAP.GS " & _
"-sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOUTPUTFILE=" & """" & svPDFName & """" _
& " -dBATCH " & """" & svPsFileName & """"
Debug.Print lcCmd
Call ShellWait(lcCmd)
'delete PS
If fso.FileExists(svPDFName) Then fso.DeleteFile (svPsFileName)
End Sub