У меня небольшая проблема с моим столом.
В третьем ряду у меня есть 2 ячейки с текстами внутри них, но в одной из них текст длиннее, а в другой - короче.
Можно ли сделать так, чтобы текст начинался на одной строке без добавления / удаления текста?
<div class="section2 center">
<th colspan="2">Our services</th>
<th>Isolation and loneliness</th>
<th>Family conflict or separation</th>
<td>Human beings are naturally social animals. When we find
ourselves becoming isolated, we should take that as a warning sign
that we are turned against ourselves in some basic way. If not
already there, we are on a path toward feeling bad, lonely,
introverted or even depressed. Read more...</td>
<td>Parental separation often initially leads to an increase in
parental conflict and anger, although for some families the level
of conflict reduces when parents do not see each other regularly.
Read more...</td>
<tr style="height:5px"></tr>
<th>Death of loss</th>
<th>Child psychological program</th>
<td> There are many kinds of loss and each has its own kind of
grief. People lose loved ones like spouses, partners, children,
family members, and friends. Even pet losses can cause grief. job or
property loss can be painful. Read more...</td>
<td>The basic premise of the program is that children who avoid
interactions with their peers or have difficulties in these
interactions do so because of a skill deficit or excessive anxiety.
Read more...</td>
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.section2 table tr:nth-child(3) td {
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![I attached this picture to see how it looks on my laptop.](https://i.stack.imgur.com/O6crV.jpg)