В чистом vim вы можете сделать это:
call setline('.', join(sort(split(getline('.'), ' ')), " "))
Сделать это так, чтобы он работал в диапазоне, который меньше одной строки, немного сложнее (это позволяет либо отсортировать несколько строк по отдельности, либо отсортировать часть одной строки, в зависимости от визуального выделения):
command! -nargs=0 -range SortWords call SortWords()
" Add a mapping, go to your string, then press vi",s
" vi" selects everything inside the quotation
" ,s calls the sorting algorithm
vmap ,s :SortWords<CR>
" Normal mode one: ,s to select the string and sort it
nmap ,s vi",s
function! SortWords()
" Get the visual mark points
let StartPosition = getpos("'<")
let EndPosition = getpos("'>")
if StartPosition[0] != EndPosition[0]
echoerr "Range spans multiple buffers"
elseif StartPosition[1] != EndPosition[1]
" This is a multiple line range, probably easiest to work line wise
" This could be made a lot more complicated and sort the whole
" lot, but that would require thoughts on how many
" words/characters on each line, so that can be an exercise for
" the reader!
for LineNum in range(StartPosition[1], EndPosition[1])
call setline(LineNum, join(sort(split(getline('.'), ' ')), " "))
" Single line range, sort words
let CurrentLine = getline(StartPosition[1])
" Split the line into the prefix, the selected bit and the suffix
" The start bit
if StartPosition[2] > 1
let StartOfLine = CurrentLine[:StartPosition[2]-2]
let StartOfLine = ""
" The end bit
if EndPosition[2] < len(CurrentLine)
let EndOfLine = CurrentLine[EndPosition[2]:]
let EndOfLine = ""
" The middle bit
let BitToSort = CurrentLine[StartPosition[2]-1:EndPosition[2]-1]
" Move spaces at the start of the section to variable StartOfLine
while BitToSort[0] == ' '
let BitToSort = BitToSort[1:]
let StartOfLine .= ' '
" Move spaces at the end of the section to variable EndOfLine
while BitToSort[len(BitToSort)-1] == ' '
let BitToSort = BitToSort[:len(BitToSort)-2]
let EndOfLine = ' ' . EndOfLine
" Sort the middle bit
let Sorted = join(sort(split(BitToSort, ' ')), ' ')
" Reform the line
let NewLine = StartOfLine . Sorted . EndOfLine
" Write it out
call setline(StartPosition[1], NewLine)