В моем решении я создаю Class module
со свойствами, которые требуется разделить на строку формулы, и называется ExcelFormulaParser
Option Explicit
Public ExcelFn As String
Public Arguments As New Collection
Public preFunctionStr As String
Public postFunctionStr As String
Sub SetMeUp(formulaStr As String, FormulaToParse As String)
Dim FormulaStartPos As Integer
Dim OpenBracketCounter As Integer
Dim OpenBracketCount As Integer
Dim ClosedBracketCount As Integer
Dim WithinQuote As Boolean
' whether we are within quotation marks
Dim i As Integer
Dim strChr As String
Dim Arg_i As String
Dim Arg As String
Me.ExcelFn = FormulaToParse
FormulaStartPos = InStr(1, formulaStr, FormulaToParse)
Me.preFunctionStr = Mid(formulaStr, 1, FormulaStartPos - 1)
formulaStr = Mid(formulaStr, FormulaStartPos + Len(FormulaToParse), Len(formulaStr) - Len(FormulaToParse))
If Left(formulaStr, 1) = "(" Then
OpenBracketCounter = 1
formulaStr = Mid(formulaStr, 2, Len(formulaStr) - 1)
MsgBox ("Not the full FormulaToParse")
End If
i = 0
Arg_i = ""
Do While OpenBracketCounter > 0
i = i + 1
strChr = Left(formulaStr, 1)
If Len(formulaStr) > 0 Then
formulaStr = Right(formulaStr, Len(formulaStr) - 1)
End If
If strChr = Chr(34) Then
WithinQuote = Not (WithinQuote) ' toggle WithinQuote on or off
' don't count brackets within quotation marks
ElseIf strChr = "(" And WithinQuote = False Then
OpenBracketCounter = OpenBracketCounter + 1
ElseIf strChr = ")" And WithinQuote = False Then
OpenBracketCounter = OpenBracketCounter - 1
End If
If OpenBracketCounter = 1 And strChr = "," Then
Arg = Arg_i
Me.Arguments.Add Arg
Arg_i = ""
ElseIf OpenBracketCounter = 0 Then
Arg = Arg_i
Me.Arguments.Add Arg
Arg_i = ""
Me.postFunctionStr = formulaStr
Arg_i = Arg_i & strChr
End If
End Sub
. В качестве примера того, как вызывать и использоватьClass module
, я создал следующий модуль в том же проекте VBA:
Sub TestFormulaParser()
Dim ParsedForm As ExcelFormulaParser
Set ParsedForm = New ExcelFormulaParser
Dim StrToParse As String
StrToParse = ActiveCell.Formula
' formula contains:
'' =A4+VLOOKUP(2,$E$4:$F$8,MATCH("Value(1)",$E$4:$F$4,0),0) + 2000
Call ParsedForm.SetMeUp(StrToParse, "VLOOKUP")
preFunctionStr = ParsedForm.preFunctionStr
' returns the prefunction string i.e. =A4+
ExcelFn = ParsedForm.ExcelFn
' returns the excel function we parsed i.e. VLOOKUP
Arg1 = ParsedForm.Arguments(1)
' returns the first argument of the VLOOKUP function i.e. 2
Arg2 = ParsedForm.Arguments(2)
' returns the second argument of the VLOOKUP function i.e. $E$4:$F$8
Arg3 = ParsedForm.Arguments(3)
' returns the third argument of the VLOOKUP function i.e. MATCH("Value(1)",$E$4:$F$4,0)
Arg4 = ParsedForm.Arguments(4)
' returns the fourth argument of the VLOOKUP function i.e. 0
postFunctionStr = ParsedForm.postFunctionStr
' returns the post function string i.e. + 2000
End Sub