Замедление цикла с использованием Python вместо сценария оболочки - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 14 ноября 2018

У меня есть два скрипта Python network.py и analysis.py, где первый читается во временной серии как np.array (около 180 МБ), обучает нейронную сеть с использованием некоторого parameters, создает predictions исохраняет его как файл .txt вместе с truth для возможной последующей проверки (оба файла размером до 160 МБ).Эти файлы затем считываются вторым скриптом, который генерирует значения, которые хранятся в многомерном np.array, размерность которого зависит от числа ранее упомянутых parameters.Ранее они передавались через сценарий оболочки в качестве аргументов, используя sys.

Я хотел получить значения во всем пространстве параметров и использовал для этого цикл сценариев оболочки.Я позволил ему работать в течение ночи и не измерял время, которое потребовалось, но можно оценить, что оно работает около 12 часов.

Чтобы сделать это быстрее, я сделал следующее: Вместо сценария оболочки я использовалдругой скрипт на python, импортирующий необходимые функции network.py и analysis.py, зацикливая их.Я передал truth и predictions из одного сценария в другой без сохранения и чтения и избавился от необходимости читать во временных циклах (упомянутых в самом начале) в каждом цикле.

Я позволил ему работать в одночасьеи, посмотрев примерно через 20 часов, он закончил только на 65%, продвигаясь очень медленно, намного медленнее, чем в начале пробега.Используя top, я увидел, что процесс занимает около 26 г виртуальной памяти, что мне кажется безумно большим.

Я что-то упустил из виду?Есть ли распространенная ошибка?Я не мог найти ответ еще.Ваша помощь высоко ценится!

Вот полные сценарии.Извините, они немного запутались, все идет ...


#!/usr/bin/env python3

import numpy as np
from kerasNetwork import network
from analysis import analysis

thesis_home = '/home/r/Raphael.Kriegmair/uni/master/thesis'
n = 1
size = '10000'
print("INFO: Reading training data")
inputStates = np.loadtxt(thesis_home + '/trainingData/modifiedShallowWater/mswOutput_' + size + '.txt')
for variables in 'u', 'h', 'r', 'uh', 'ur', 'hr', 'uhr':
    for hiddenLayers in '1', '2', '3', '4', '5':
        for nodesPerLayer in '50', '100', '250', '500', '750':
            for train in '0.1', '0.3', '0.5', '0.7', '0.9':
                truth, predictions = network(inputStates, size, variables, hiddenLayers, nodesPerLayer, train)
                analysis(truth, predictions, size, variables, hiddenLayers, nodesPerLayer,train)
                print('CURRENTLY:  ' + str(n) + ' / 875' )
                n = n+1


#!/usr/bin/env python3

from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, Conv1D#, Activation, BatchNormalization
#from keras.preprocessing.sequence import TimeseriesGenerator
import numpy as np

def network(inputStates, size, variables, hiddenLayers, nodesPerLayer, train):

    nodesPerLayer = int(nodesPerLayer)
    train = float(train)    

    print("INFO: Preprocessing training data")
    # input/output state pairs share time index
    outputStates = inputStates[:, 1:]
    inputStates = inputStates[:, :-1]

    # split variables

    u_input = inputStates[0:250,:]
    h_input = inputStates[250:500,:]
    r_input = inputStates[500:750,:]

    u_output = outputStates[0:250,:]
    h_output = outputStates[250:500,:]
    r_output = outputStates[500:750,:]

    numStates = len(inputStates[0,:])

    # normalize data

    u_mean = np.mean(u_input)
    h_mean = np.mean(h_input)
    r_mean = np.mean(r_input)

    u_sigma = np.std(u_input)
    h_sigma = np.std(h_input)
    r_sigma = np.std(r_input)

    u_input, u_output = (u_input - u_mean)/u_sigma, (u_output - u_mean)/u_sigma
    h_input, h_output = (h_input - h_mean)/h_sigma, (h_output - h_mean)/h_sigma
    r_input, r_output = (r_input - r_mean)/r_sigma, (r_output - r_mean)/r_sigma

    # choose variables

    if variables == 'uhr':
        trainInput = np.concatenate((u_input,
                                     ), axis = 0)
        trainOutput = np.concatenate((u_output,
                                      ), axis = 0)

    elif variables == 'uh':
        trainInput = np.concatenate((u_input,
                                     ), axis = 0)
        trainOutput = np.concatenate((u_output,
                                      ), axis = 0)

    elif variables == 'ur':
        trainInput = np.concatenate((u_input,
                                     ), axis = 0)
        trainOutput = np.concatenate((u_output,
                                      ), axis = 0)

    elif variables == 'hr':
        trainInput = np.concatenate((h_input,
                                     ), axis = 0)
        trainOutput = np.concatenate((h_output,
                                      ), axis = 0)

    elif variables == 'u':
        trainInput = u_input
        trainOutput = u_output

    elif variables == 'h':
        trainInput = h_input
        trainOutput = h_output

    elif variables == 'r':
        trainInput = r_input
        trainOutput = r_output


    dim = len(trainInput[:,0])

    print("INFO: Initializing model")
    # activations: relu, sigmoid, ...
    model = Sequential()
    model.add(Dense(nodesPerLayer, activation='relu', input_dim=dim))

    for layers in range(int(hiddenLayers)-1):
        model.add(Dense(nodesPerLayer, activation='relu'))

    model.add(Dense(dim, activation='linear'))

    # Train the model, iterating on the data 
    print("INFO: Training")

    val = 1 - train
    model.fit(np.swapaxes(trainInput,0,1), np.swapaxes(trainOutput,0,1), epochs=15, validation_split=val)

    print("INFO: Generating predictions")
    # generate predictions

    predictionNumStates = int(numStates*val)
    trainNumStates = int(numStates*train)
    predictions = np.empty((1,) + trainInput[:,:predictionNumStates].shape)
    print("Predictions shape:  ", predictions.shape)

    predictions[0,:,:] = trainInput[:,trainNumStates+1:]

    for n in range(predictionNumStates-1):
        #, steps=1
        # TODO: why do I need this extra index here???
        predictions[:,:,n] = model.predict(predictions[:,:,n])

    print("INFO: Saving results")
    # compare
    truth = trainOutput[:,trainNumStates+1:]
    predictions = predictions[0,:,:]
    #difference = np.square(truth - predictions[0,:,:])

    return truth, predictions

#    predictions_filename = 'predictions_' + size + '_' + variables + '_' + hiddenLayers + '_' + str(nodesPerLayer) + '_' + str(train) + '.txt'
#    truth_filename = 'truth_' + size + '_' + variables + '_' + str(train) + '.txt'
#    # these files are moved to "work" directory afterwards by experiments' shell script
#    np.savetxt(thesis_home + '/temporary/' + predictions_filename, predictions)
#    np.savetxt(thesis_home + '/temporary/' + truth_filename, truth)


import numpy as np
import sys 

#expPath = sys.argv[1]
#size = sys.argv[2]
#variables = sys.argv[3]
#hiddenLayers = sys.argv[4]
#train = sys.argv[5]
#nodesPerLayer = sys.argv[6]

#predictions_filename = 'predictions_' + size + '_' + variables + '_' + hiddenLayers + '_' + str(nodesPerLayer) + '_' + str(train) + '.txt'
#truth_filename = 'truth_' + size + '_' + variables + '_' + str(train) + '.txt'
#predictions = np.loadtxt(thesis_home + '/temporary/' + predictions_filename)
#truth = np.loadtxt(thesis_home + '/temporary/' + truth_filename)

def analysis(truth, predictions, size, variables, hiddenLayers, nodesPerLayer,train):

    print('INFO: Analysis part')

    thesis_home = '/home/r/Raphael.Kriegmair/uni/master/thesis'

    index_size = {0 : 10000}
    index_nodesPerLayer = {0 : 50, 1 : 100, 2 : 250, 3 : 500, 4 : 750}
    index_train = {0 : 0.1, 1 : 0.3, 2 : 0.5, 3 : 0.7, 4 : 0.9}
    index_hiddenLayers = {0 : 1, 1 : 2, 2 : 3, 3 : 4, 4 : 5}
#    index_variables = {0 : 'u', 1 : 'h', 2 : 'r', # single
#                       3 : 'u', 4 : 'h', # pair
#                       5 : 'u', 6 : 'r', # pair
#                       7 : 'h', 8 : 'r', # pair
#                       9 : 'u', 10 : 'h', 11 : 'r'} # combined

    size_index = {v:k for k,v in index_size.items()}
    nodesPerLayer_index = {v:k for k,v in index_nodesPerLayer.items()}
    train_index = {v:k for k,v in index_train.items()}
    hiddenLayers_index = {v:k for k,v in index_hiddenLayers.items()}
    #variables_index = {v:k for k,v in index_variables.items()}
    # 12 is trash key
    variable_keys = {'u': (0,12,12),
                     'h': (12,1,12),
                     'r': (12,12,2),
                     'uh': (3,4,12),
                     'ur': (5,12,6),
                     'hr': (12,7,8),
                     'uhr': (9,10,11)}

    difference = np.square(truth - predictions)
    # from now on only absolute value of truth needed
    truth = np.absolute(truth)

    timesteps = len(difference[0,:])

    if variables == 'uhr':   

        u_mean = np.mean(truth[:250,:])
        h_mean = np.mean(truth[250:500,:])
        r_mean = np.mean(truth[500:750,:])

        # relative error
        u_rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(difference[:250,:], axis=0)) / u_mean
        h_rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(difference[250:500,:], axis=0)) / h_mean
        r_rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(difference[500:750,:], axis=0)) / r_mean

    elif variables == 'uh':

        u_mean = np.mean(truth[:250,:])
        h_mean = np.mean(truth[250:500,:])
        r_mean = np.zeros((timesteps))

        # relative error
        u_rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(difference[:250,:], axis=0)) / u_mean
        h_rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(difference[250:500,:], axis=0)) / h_mean
        r_rmse = np.zeros((timesteps))

    elif variables == 'ur':

        u_mean = np.mean(truth[:250,:])
        h_mean = np.zeros((timesteps))
        r_mean = np.mean(truth[250:500,:])

        # relative error
        u_rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(difference[:250,:], axis=0)) / u_mean
        h_rmse = np.zeros((timesteps))
        r_rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(difference[250:500,:], axis=0)) / r_mean

    elif variables == 'hr':

        u_mean = np.zeros((timesteps))
        h_mean = np.mean(truth[:250,:])
        r_mean = np.mean(truth[250:500,:])

        # relative error
        u_rmse = np.zeros((timesteps))
        h_rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(difference[:250,:], axis=0)) / h_mean
        r_rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(difference[250:500,:], axis=0)) / r_mean

    elif variables == 'u':

        u_mean = np.mean(truth[:250,:])
        h_mean = np.zeros((timesteps))
        r_mean = np.zeros((timesteps))

        # relative error
        u_rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(difference[:250,:], axis=0)) / u_mean
        h_rmse = np.zeros((timesteps))
        r_rmse = np.zeros((timesteps))

    elif variables == 'h':    

        u_mean = np.zeros((timesteps))
        h_mean = np.mean(truth[:250,:])
        r_mean = np.zeros((timesteps))

        # relative error
        u_rmse = np.zeros((timesteps))
        h_rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(difference[:250,:], axis=0)) / h_mean
        r_rmse = np.zeros((timesteps))

    elif variables == 'r':

        u_mean = np.zeros((timesteps))
        h_mean = np.zeros((timesteps))
        r_mean = np.mean(truth[:250,:])

        # relative error
        u_rmse = np.zeros((timesteps))
        h_rmse = np.zeros((timesteps))
        r_rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(difference[:250,:], axis=0)) / r_mean

    # compute running mean

    u_runningMean = np.zeros((timesteps))
    h_runningMean = np.zeros((timesteps))
    r_runningMean = np.zeros((timesteps))

    usum_ = 0.
    hsum_ = 0.
    rsum_ = 0.
    for i in range(timesteps):
        usum_ += u_rmse[i]
        hsum_ += h_rmse[i]
        rsum_ += r_rmse[i]
        u_runningMean[i] = usum_/(i+1)
        h_runningMean[i] = hsum_/(i+1)
        r_runningMean[i] = rsum_/(i+1)

    # compute running standard deviation

    u_runningStdDev = np.zeros((timesteps))
    h_runningStdDev = np.zeros((timesteps))
    r_runningStdDev = np.zeros((timesteps))

    usum_ = 0.
    hsum_ = 0.
    rsum_ = 0.
    for i in range(timesteps):
        usum_ += np.square(u_rmse[i] - u_runningMean[i])
        hsum_ += np.square(h_rmse[i] - h_runningMean[i])
        rsum_ += np.square(r_rmse[i] - r_runningMean[i])
        u_runningStdDev[i] = np.sqrt(usum_/(i+1))
        h_runningStdDev[i] = np.sqrt(hsum_/(i+1))
        r_runningStdDev[i] = np.sqrt(rsum_/(i+1))

    # dirty fix for suspiciously large last values   
    u_rmse[timesteps-1] = u_runningMean[timesteps-1]
    h_rmse[timesteps-1] = h_runningMean[timesteps-1]
    r_rmse[timesteps-1] = r_runningMean[timesteps-1]

    #results = np.zeros((12, # 3 single = 3, 3 pairs = 6, 1 combined = 3
    #                    len(size_index),
    #                    len(nodesPerLayer_index),
    #                    len(train_index),
    #                    len(hiddenLayers_index)))

    results = np.load(thesis_home + '/experiments/results.npy')

    u_index = variable_keys[variables][0]
    h_index = variable_keys[variables][1]
    r_index = variable_keys[variables][2]

            size_index[int(size)], nodesPerLayer_index[int(nodesPerLayer)], train_index[float(train)], hiddenLayers_index[int(hiddenLayers)]] = u_runningMean[timesteps-1]

            size_index[int(size)], nodesPerLayer_index[int(nodesPerLayer)], train_index[float(train)], hiddenLayers_index[int(hiddenLayers)]] = h_runningMean[timesteps-1]

            size_index[int(size)], nodesPerLayer_index[int(nodesPerLayer)], train_index[float(train)], hiddenLayers_index[int(hiddenLayers)]] = r_runningMean[timesteps-1]

    np.save(thesis_home + '/experiments/results.npy', results)