Мне удалось заставить его работать, используя пакет xml2
. Вот мой код:
# Read file and find the nodes
opeNER_xml <- read_xml("it-sentiment_lexicon.lmf.xml")
entries <- xml_find_all(opeNER_xml, ".//LexicalEntry")
lemmas <- xml_find_all(opeNER_xml, ".//Lemma")
confidence <- xml_find_all(opeNER_xml, ".//Confidence")
sentiment <- xml_find_all(opeNER_xml, ".//Sentiment")
# Parse and put in a data frame
opeNER_df <- data.frame(
id = xml_attr(entries, "id"),
lemma = xml_attr(lemmas, "writtenForm"),
partOfSpeech = xml_attr(entries, "partOfSpeech"),
confidenceScore = as.numeric(xml_attr(confidence, "score")),
method = xml_attr(confidence, "method"),
polarity = as.character(xml_attr(sentiment, "polarity")),
stringsAsFactors = F
# Fix a mistake
opeNER_df$polarity <- ifelse(opeNER_df$polarity == "nneutral",
"neutral", opeNER_df$polarity)
# Make quanteda dictionary
opeNER_dict <- quanteda::dictionary(with(opeNER_df, split(lemma, polarity)))