Я получаю ответ ниже веб-службы.
Я хочу написать тест для этого, используя specflow и C # Nunit framework
"status": "Healthy",
"results": [
"name": "Microservice one",
"status": "Healthy",
"description": "Url check MSOneURI success : status(OK)"
"name": "Microservice two",
"status": "Healthy",
"description": "Url check MSTwoURI success : status(OK)"
"name": "Microservice three",
"status": "Healthy",
"description": "Url check MSThreeURI success : status(OK)"
"name": "Microservice four",
"status": "Healthy",
"description": "Url check MSFourURI success : status(OK)"
"name": "Microservice five",
"status": "Healthy",
"description": "Url check MSFiveURI success : status(OK)"
Вот так выглядит мой файл функций
Feature: Micro Service - health check
In order to perform health check
As a service
I want to ensure downstream Micro Services are healthy
Scenario Outline: [uService] Status of downstream microservices are healthy
Given health check micro service
When health check is performed
Then <nameoftheservice> service returns correct description and status
| downstreamservice |
| Microservice one |
| Microservice two |
| Microservice three |
| Microservice four |
| Microservice five |
Мне нужна помощь в написании метода привязки для шага Тогда.