У меня есть несколько элементов, которые будут содержать изображение фиксированного размера и некоторый текст ниже допустимой длины, одно неприятное поведение, которое я заметил, когда тексты больше, чем высота текстового контейнера, где элемент div растет, но не отталкивает отображаемые элементыниже (тело имеет гибкий дисплей со столбцом направления), так что это был бы предпочтительный результат, верно?
Это то, о чем я говорю: https://imgur.com/a/MjwOxXX
Обратите внимание, как верхняя часть занимает местоиз нижней секции, перекрывая ее вместо того, чтобы весь контейнер растил и толкал вниз по нижней секции.
Это мой код:
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<div class="squared_maincontainer push" style="">
<span class="squared_title" style="">Eventos</span>
<div class="squared_contents_container" style="">
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<div class="squared_content_image" style="background-image:url('img/dogs22.jpg');"></div>
<div class="squared_content_texts_container" style=" ">
<span class="squared_content_texts_title" style="">When our dog is afraid of men</span>
<span class="squared_content_texts_description" style="">One common dog fear is that of men — but is it normal and can it be fixed? We look at the causes and solutions for when Man’s Best FriendOne common dog fear is that of men — but is it normal and can it be fixed? We look at the causes and solutions for when Man’s Best Friend doesn’t live upOne common dog fear is that of men — but is it normal and can it be fixed?One common dog fear is that of men — but is it normal and can it be fixed? We look at the causes and solutions for when Man’s Best FriendOne common dog fear is that of men — but is it normal and can it be fixed? We look at the causes and solutions for when Man’s Best Friend doesn’t live upOne common dog fear is that of men — but is it normal and can it be fixed? We look at the causes and solutions for when Man’s Best Friend doesn’t live up to...</span>
<span class="squared_content_texts_link" style="">Read More</span>
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<div class="squared_content_image" style="background-image:url('img/dogs12.jpg');"></div>
<div class="squared_content_texts_container" style=" ">
<span class="squared_content_texts_title" style="">When our dog is afraid of men</span>
<span class="squared_content_texts_description" style="">One common dog fear is that of men — but is it normal and can it be fixed? We look at the causes and solutions for when Man’s Best Friend doesn’t live up to...</span>
<span class="squared_content_texts_link" style="">Read More</span>
<a href="" class="squared_content_container" style="">
<div class="squared_content_image" style="background-image:url('img/dogs2.jpg');"></div>
<div class="squared_content_texts_container" style="">
<span class="squared_content_texts_title" style="">When our dog is afraid of men</span>
<span class="squared_content_texts_description" style="">One common dog fear is that of men — but is it normal and can it be fixed? We look at the causes and solutions for when Man’s Best Friend doesn’t live up to...</span>
<span class="squared_content_texts_link" style="">Read More</span>
<div class="menu_maincontainer push" style="">
<a class="menu_title" href="" style="">Título de sección</a>
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<div class="menu_content_image_container" style="background-image:url('img/dogs32.jpg');">
<div class="menu_content_texts_container" style="">
<a class="menu_content_texts_title" href="" style="">Titulo</a>
<a class="menu_content_texts_description" href="" style="">Descripción del titulo</a>
<div class="menu_content_image_container" style="background-image:url('img/dogs30.jpg');">
<div class="menu_content_texts_container" style="">
<a class="menu_content_texts_title" href="" style="">Titulo</a>
<a class="menu_content_texts_description" href="" style="">Descripción del titulo</a>
<div class="menu_content_image_container" style="background-image:url('img/dogs22.jpg');">
<div class="menu_content_texts_container" style="">
<a class="menu_content_texts_title" href="" style="">Titulo</a>
<a class="menu_content_texts_description" href="" style="">Descripción del titulo</a>