Как добавить отступ между обычной кнопкой и actionButton в блестящем приложении? - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 22 января 2019

В моем блестящем приложении есть 2 отдельные (по-разному) кнопки, между которыми, к сожалению, нет вертикальных отступов. Одна из них - это простая кнопка HTML, а другая - блестящая actionButton .

Я пытался использовать tags$style, но не думаю, что я использую его правильно. Мой код для соответствующих частей

HTML('<button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#addtools">Additional tools</button>'),
                                                             tags$div(id = 'addtools',  class="collapse",
                                                                      checkboxInput("cluster", "Cluster customers", value = TRUE),
                                                                      checkboxInput("circle", "Add circles", value = FALSE),
                                                                                       selectInput("sizes", "Radius:", 
                                                                                                   c("5 miles" = "5",
                                                                                                     "10 miles" = "10",
                                                                                                     "20 miles" = "20"))
actionButton("runfilters", label = "Apply filters")

Вся часть пользовательского интерфейса этого файла:



                              leafletOutput(outputId = "map", width = "100%", height = "100%"),

                              absolutePanel(id = "controls", class = "panel panel-default", fixed = TRUE,
                                            draggable = TRUE, top = 60, left = "auto", right = 20, bottom = "auto",
                                            width = 330, height = "auto",

                                            h2("Select your filters:"),

                                                        "Detail level:",
                                                        c("Customer level", "County level"),
                                                        selected = "County level"),

                                            selectInput("mapstates","States:", c("All states"="",
                                                                                 structure(state.abb, names=state.name),
                                                                                 "Washington, DC"="DC"),
                                                        multiple = TRUE
                                                             selectInput("mapcounties", "Counties", c("All counties"=""),
                                                                         multiple = TRUE

                                            radioButtons("retailcorrection","Customer ownership:",
                                                         selected = "Private",
                                                         inline = TRUE),

                                            conditionalPanel("input.level == 'Customer level'",

                                                                         label = "Customer type:",
                                                                         choices = c("ALL",
                                                                         selected = "ALL"
                                                             radioButtons("custoporoh","Widget Category:",
                                                                          c("Widget A",
                                                                            "Widget B"),
                                                                          selected = "Widget A",
                                                                          inline = TRUE),
                                                             conditionalPanel("input.custoporoh == 'Widget A'",
                                                                                           label = "Minimum average monthly Widget A ordering (in dosage units):",
                                                                                           min = 0, max = 1000000, value = 0
                                                                                           label = "Minimum average monthly Widget A ordering as a percentage of total ordering:",
                                                                                           min = -1, max = 1, value = -1
                                                             conditionalPanel("input.custoporoh == 'Widget B'",
                                                                              numericInput("ohrange","Minimum average monthly Widget B ordering (in dosage units):",
                                                                                           min = 0, max = 1000000, value = 0
                                                                                           label = "Minimum average monthly Widget B ordering as a percentage of total ordering:",
                                                                                           min = -1, max = 1, value = -1

                                                             HTML('<button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#addtools">Additional tools</button>'),
                                                             tags$div(id = 'addtools',  class="collapse",
                                                                      checkboxInput("cluster", "Cluster customers", value = TRUE),
                                                                      checkboxInput("circle", "Add circles", value = FALSE),
                                                                                       selectInput("sizes", "Radius:", 
                                                                                                   c("5 miles" = "5",
                                                                                                     "10 miles" = "10",
                                                                                                     "20 miles" = "20"))

                                            conditionalPanel("input.level == 'County level'",

                                                                         label = "Customer type:",
                                                                         choices = c("ALL",
                                                                         selected = "ALL"

                                                             selectInput("year", "Year:",
                                                                         choices = c("2006","2007","2008","2009","2010","2011", "2012",
                                                                                     "2013","2014","2015","2016","2017","2018", "All years" = "2019"),
                                                                         selected = "2019"
                                                             radioButtons("oporoh","Widget Category:",
                                                                          c("Widget A",
                                                                            "Widget B"),
                                                                          selected = "Widget A",
                                                                          inline = TRUE),

                                                             conditionalPanel("input.oporoh == 'Widget A'",
                                                                                           label = HTML("Minimum Widget A units per adult per month:"),
                                                                                           min = 0, max = 160, value = 0
                                                                                           label = "Minimum average monthly Widget A ordering (in dosage units):",
                                                                                           min = 0, max = 10000000, value = 0
                                                                                           label = "Minimum average monthly Widget A ordering as a percentage of total ordering:",
                                                                                           min = -1, max = 1, value = -1
                                                             conditionalPanel("input.oporoh == 'Widget B'",
                                                                                           label = "Minimum Widget B units per adult per month:",
                                                                                           min = 0, max = 160, value = 0
                                                                              numericInput("ohcrange","Minimum average monthly Widget B ordering (in dosage units):",
                                                                                           min = 0, max = 10000000, value = 0
                                                                                           label = "Minimum average monthly Widget B ordering as a percentage of total ordering:",
                                                                                           min = -1, max = 1, value = -1

                                            actionButton("runfilters", label = "Apply filters")

Я пытался реализовать :

HTML('<button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#addtools">Additional tools</button>'),                                                                
tags$div(id = 'addtools',  class="collapse", tags$style = "padding=10px"

но это, похоже, не работает. Любая помощь будет оценена.

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