используйте функцию, импортированную с moudle, содержащую несколько классов в python - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 22 января 2019

Вопрос заключается в импорте модуля с именем leap_interface.py в send.py и использовании функций, определенных в leap_interface.Я задаю этот вопрос, потому что модуль leap_interface немного сложен.Он содержит несколько классов.

Во-первых, я определил функцию get_extended_fingers (self) в классе LeapInterface в модуле leap_interface, как показано ниже:

class LeapInterface(Leap.Listener):
    def on_init(self, controller):
    def on_disconnect(self, controller):
    def on_exit(self, controller):
        print "Exited Leap Motion Controller"
    def on_frame(self, controller):
        # Get the most recent frame and report some basic information
        frame = controller.frame()
    # Number of extended fingers Steven
    def get_extended_fingers(self):
        #print "extendedfingers: %d" % len(extended_finger_list)
        return len(extended_finger_list)

Во-вторых, я хочу использовать эту функцию в качестве условия ifв файле sender.py:

if li.get_extended_fingers < 2:
    msg.direction.x = hand_direction_[0]# - initial_pose[0]
    msg.direction.y = hand_direction_[1]
    msg.direction.z = hand_direction_[2]
    print "works1"

if li.get_extended_fingers > 4:
    msg.ypr.x = hand_yaw_
    msg.ypr.y = hand_pitch_
    msg.ypr.z = hand_roll_
    print "works2"

Однако мое решение не работает должным образом.В моем терминале он продолжает печатать 2, независимо от того, сколько вытянутых пальцев я показываю в поле зрения моего датчика прыжкового движения.Подскажите, пожалуйста, что я сделал не так?


import sys
import time
import threading
import Leap
from Leap import CircleGesture, KeyTapGesture, ScreenTapGesture, SwipeGesture

class LeapFinger():
    def __init__(self, finger=None):
        self.boneNames = ['metacarpal',
        for boneName in self.boneNames:
            setattr(self, boneName, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        self.tip = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

        self.leapBoneNames = [Leap.Bone.TYPE_METACARPAL,

        if finger is not None:

    def importFinger(self, finger):
        for boneName in self.boneNames:
            # Get the base of each bone
            bone = finger.bone(getattr(Leap.Bone, 'TYPE_%s' % boneName.upper()))
            setattr(self, boneName, bone.prev_joint.to_float_array())
        # For the tip, get the end of the distal bone
        self.tip = finger.bone(Leap.Bone.TYPE_DISTAL).next_joint.to_float_array()

class LeapInterface(Leap.Listener):
    def on_init(self, controller):
        # These variables as probably not thread safe
        # TODO: Make thread safe ;)
        self.hand           = [0,0,0]
        self.right_hand = False
        self.left_hand = False
        self.hand_direction = [0,0,0]
        self.hand_normal    = [0,0,0]
        self.hand_palm_pos  = [0,0,0]
        # Velocity Steven
        self.hand_palm_vel  = [0,0,0]
        # Finger tip velocity Steven
        self.index_tip_vel  = [0,0,0]
        self.hand_pitch     = 0.0
        self.hand_yaw       = 0.0
        self.hand_roll      = 0.0
        self.fingerNames = ['thumb', 'index', 'middle', 'ring', 'pinky']
        for fingerName in self.fingerNames:
            setattr(self, fingerName, LeapFinger())
        print "Initialized Leap Motion Device"

    def on_connect(self, controller):
        print "Connected to Leap Motion Controller"

        # Enable gestures

    def on_disconnect(self, controller):
        # Note: not dispatched when running in a debugger.
        print "Disconnected Leap Motion"

    def on_exit(self, controller):
        print "Exited Leap Motion Controller"

    def on_frame(self, controller):
        # Get the most recent frame and report some basic information
        frame = controller.frame()

        '''print "Frame id: %d, timestamp: %d, hands: %d, fingers: %d, tools: %d, gestures: %d" % (
              frame.id, frame.timestamp, len(frame.hands), len(frame.fingers), len(frame.tools), len(frame.gestures()))'''

        if not frame.hands.is_empty: #recently changed in API
            # Get the first hand

            #we are seeking one left and one right hands

            for hand in frame.hands:

                if hand.is_right:
                elif hand.is_left:


            if not there_is_right_hand:

            if not there_is_left_hand:

            self.hand = frame.hands[0] #old way

            # Check if the hand has any fingers
            fingers = self.hand.fingers
            extended_finger_list = fingers.extended()

            #print type(extended_finger_list)
            print "extendedfingers: %d" % len(extended_finger_list)

            if not fingers.is_empty:
                for fingerName in self.fingerNames:
                    #finger = fingers.finger_type(Leap.Finger.TYPE_THUMB)[0]
                    # finger_type(type)Returns a FingerList object containing only the specified finger types, i.e. only thumbs, or only index fingers, etc. Steven
                    finger = fingers.finger_type(getattr(Leap.Finger, 'TYPE_%s' % fingerName.upper()))[0]
                    getattr(self, fingerName).importFinger(finger)

            # Get the hand's sphere radius and palm position
            # print "Hand sphere radius: %f mm, palm position: %s" % (self.hand.sphere_radius, hand.palm_position)

            # Get the hand's normal vector and direction
            normal = self.hand.palm_normal
            direction = self.hand.direction
            pos = self.hand.palm_position
            # How about the velocity of hand Steven
            vel = self.hand.palm_velocity

            #Pointable represents fingers here

            pointable = self.hand.pointables[0]
            tip_vel = pointable.tip_velocity

            self.hand_direction[0] = direction.x
            self.hand_direction[1] = direction.y
            self.hand_direction[2] = direction.z
            self.hand_normal[0]    = normal.x
            self.hand_normal[1]    = normal.y
            self.hand_normal[2]    = normal.z
            self.hand_palm_pos[0]  = pos.x
            self.hand_palm_pos[1]  = pos.y
            self.hand_palm_pos[2]  = pos.z
            self.hand_pitch        = direction.pitch * Leap.RAD_TO_DEG
            self.hand_yaw          = normal.yaw * Leap.RAD_TO_DEG
            self.hand_roll         = direction.roll * Leap.RAD_TO_DEG
            # Velocity Steven
            self.hand_palm_vel[0]  = vel.x
            self.hand_palm_vel[1]  = vel.y
            self.hand_palm_vel[2]  = vel.z

            # Pointables Steven
            self.index_tip_vel[0]  = tip_vel.x
            self.index_tip_vel[1]  = tip_vel.y
            self.index_tip_vel[2]  = tip_vel.z

       # use the following if condition to clear the data after moveing hand out of the FOV Steven
        if frame.hands.is_empty:
            self.hand_direction[0] = 0
            self.hand_direction[1] = 0
            self.hand_direction[2] = 0
            self.hand_normal[0]    = 0
            self.hand_normal[1]    = 0
            self.hand_normal[2]    = 0
            self.hand_palm_pos[0]  = 0
            self.hand_palm_pos[1]  = 0
            self.hand_palm_pos[2]  = 0
            self.hand_pitch        = 0
            self.hand_yaw          = 0
            self.hand_roll         = 0
            # Velocity
            self.hand_palm_vel[0]  = 0
            self.hand_palm_vel[1]  = 0
            self.hand_palm_vel[2]  = 0
            # Pointables Steven
            self.index_tip_vel[0]  = 0
            self.index_tip_vel[1]  = 0
            self.index_tip_vel[2]  = 0

    def get_hand_direction(self):
        return self.hand_direction

    def get_hand_normal(self):
        return self.hand_normal

    def get_hand_palmpos(self):
        return self.hand_palm_pos

    def get_hand_yaw(self):
        return self.hand_yaw

    def get_hand_pitch(self):
        return self.hand_pitch

    def get_hand_roll(self):
        return self.hand_roll

    def get_finger_point(self, fingerName, fingerPointName):
        return getattr(getattr(self, fingerName), fingerPointName)
    # Velocity Steven
    def get_hand_palmvel(self):
        return self.hand_palm_vel
    # Finger tip velocity Steven
    def get_index_tipvel(self):
        return self.index_tip_vel
    # Number of extended fingers Steven
    def get_extended_fingers(self):
        #print "extendedfingers: %d" % len(extended_finger_list)
        return len(extended_finger_list)

class Runner(threading.Thread):

    def __init__(self,arg=None):
        self.listener = LeapInterface()
        self.controller = Leap.Controller()

    def __del__(self):

    def get_hand_direction(self):
        return self.listener.get_hand_direction()

    def get_hand_normal(self):
        return self.listener.get_hand_normal()

    def get_hand_palmpos(self):
        return self.listener.get_hand_palmpos()

    def get_hand_roll(self):
        return self.listener.get_hand_roll()

    def get_hand_pitch(self):
        return self.listener.get_hand_pitch()

    def get_hand_yaw(self):
        return self.listener.get_hand_yaw()

    def get_finger_point(self, fingerName, fingerPointName):
        return self.listener.get_finger_point(fingerName, fingerPointName)
    # Velocity
    def get_hand_palmvel(self):
        return self.listener.get_hand_palmvel()
    # Finger tip velocity Steven
    def get_index_tipvel(self):
        return self.listener.get_index_tipvel()
    # Number of extended fingers Steven
    def get_extended_fingers(self):
        return len(extended_finger_list)
        #print "extendedfingers: %d" % len(extended_finger_list)
        #return self.listener.get_extended_fingers()

    def run (self):
        while True:
            # Save some CPU time


#!/usr/bin/env python

""" For backwards compatibility with the old driver files
                Will be DELETED in the future               """

__author__ = 'flier'

import argparse

import rospy
import leap_interface
from leap_motion.msg import leap
from leap_motion.msg import leapros

'''FREQUENCY_ROSTOPIC_DEFAULT = 0.01(original rate)'''
NODENAME = 'leap_pub'

def sender():
    This method publishes the data defined in leapros.msg to /leapmotion/data
    rospy.loginfo("Parameter set on server: PARAMNAME_FREQ={}".format(rospy.get_param(PARAMNAME_FREQ_ENTIRE, FREQUENCY_ROSTOPIC_DEFAULT)))

    li = leap_interface.Runner()
    # pub     = rospy.Publisher('leapmotion/raw',leap)
    pub_ros   = rospy.Publisher('leapmotion/data',leapros, queue_size=2)

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():

        hand_direction_   = li.get_hand_direction()
        hand_normal_      = li.get_hand_normal()
        hand_palm_pos_    = li.get_hand_palmpos()
        hand_pitch_       = li.get_hand_pitch()
        hand_roll_        = li.get_hand_roll()
        hand_yaw_         = li.get_hand_yaw()
        # Velocity Steven
        hand_palm_vel_    = li.get_hand_palmvel()
        index_tip_vel_    = li.get_index_tipvel()

        msg = leapros()
        #print "extendedfingers: %d" % li.get_extended_fingers()
    if li.get_extended_fingers < 2:
            msg.direction.x = hand_direction_[0]# - initial_pose[0]
            msg.direction.y = hand_direction_[1]
            msg.direction.z = hand_direction_[2]
            msg.normal.x = hand_normal_[0]
            msg.normal.y = hand_normal_[1]
            msg.normal.z = hand_normal_[2]
            msg.palmpos.x = hand_palm_pos_[0]
            msg.palmpos.y = hand_palm_pos_[1]
            msg.palmpos.z = hand_palm_pos_[2]
            # Velocity Steven
            msg.palmvel.x = hand_palm_vel_[0]
            msg.palmvel.y = hand_palm_vel_[1]
            msg.palmvel.z = hand_palm_vel_[2]

            # Pointable/Finger tip velocity Steven
            msg.tipvel.x = index_tip_vel_[0]
            msg.tipvel.y = index_tip_vel_[1]
            msg.tipvel.z = index_tip_vel_[2]

            print "works1"

            #fingerNames = ['thumb', 'index', 'middle', 'ring', 'pinky']
            #fingerPointNames = ['metacarpal', 'proximal',
                                #'intermediate', 'distal', 'tip']       
            #for fingerName in fingerNames:
                #for fingerPointName in fingerPointNames:
                    #pos = li.get_finger_point(fingerName, fingerPointName)
                    #for iDim, dimName in enumerate(['x', 'y', 'z']):
                        #setattr(getattr(msg, '%s_%s' % (fingerName, fingerPointName)),
                                #dimName, pos[iDim]) 

            '''if frame.hands.is_empty:
                msg.index_tip.x = 0
                msg.index_tip.y = 0
                msg.index_tip.z = 0'''                

        if li.get_extended_fingers > 4:
            msg.ypr.x = hand_yaw_
            msg.ypr.y = hand_pitch_
            msg.ypr.z = hand_roll_
            print "works2"

        # We don't publish native data types, see ROS best practices
        # pub.publish(hand_direction=hand_direction_,hand_normal = hand_normal_, hand_palm_pos = hand_palm_pos_, hand_pitch = hand_pitch_, hand_roll = hand_roll_, hand_yaw = hand_yaw_)
        rospy.sleep(rospy.get_param(PARAMNAME_FREQ_ENTIRE, FREQUENCY_ROSTOPIC_DEFAULT))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    except rospy.ROSInterruptException: