Так что я запускаю точно такой же MACRO для других отчетов, которые я делаю, но по какой-то причине, когда я запускаю этот отчет, я получаю сообщение об ошибке:
Ошибка времени выполнения 3704 Операция не разрешена, когда объект закрыт
И когда я отлаживаю, это подчеркивает:
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset rs
Из моего макроса:
Sub Bucket()
Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command
Dim ConnectionString As String
Dim StrQuery As String
strSort = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Bucket").Cells(2, "A").Value
'ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;" & _
'"Data Source=RFCHaux01\sqlexpress;" & _
'"Initial Catalog=Monthly;" & _
ConnectionString = "Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Server=RFCHaux01\sqlexpress;Database=Monthly;Trusted_Connection=yes"
cnn.ConnectionTimeout = 0
cnn.CommandTimeout = 0
cnn.Open ConnectionString
'rs.ActiveConnection = cnn
StrQuery = "if exists (select * from tempdb.sys.tables where name like '#check%') drop table #check if exists (select * from tempdb.sys.tables where name like '#check2%') drop table #check2 if exists (select * from tempdb.sys.tables where name like '#finaldata%') drop table #finaldata " & _
"select i.fileno, i.code, substring(i.field,0,5) + substring(i.field,6,2) as 'FILED_MONTH', dense_rank() over(partition by i.fileno order by i.date desc, i.field desc) as 'GARN_GOAL_CHECK', " & _
"row_number() over(partition by i.fileno order by i.date desc, i.code desc) as 'row_check', " & _
"c.court_id, convert(char(2), month(m.date_recd),100) + '/' + convert(char(4),year(m.date_recd),100) as 'MONTH_RECD', m.closed_yy, " & _
"case when m.jmt_amt is null then m.suit_amt else m.jmt_amt end as 'PLACED_AMT' " & _
"into #check from master m join masforw mf on mf.forw_no = m.forw_no join clerkf c on c.venue_no = m.venue1_no join infinity i on i.fileno = m.fileno " & _
"where (i.code in ('*WRT1DT', '*WRT2DT', '*WGRMLD', '*WgGarDT')) " & _
"select i.fileno, i.code, substring(i.field,0,5) + substring(i.field,6,2) as 'FILED_MONTH', " & _
"dense_rank() over(partition by i.fileno order by i.date desc, i.field desc) as 'GARN_GOAL_CHECK', " & _
"row_number() over(partition by i.fileno order by i.date desc, i.code desc) as 'row_check', c.court_id, " & _
"convert(char(2),month(m.date_recd),100) + '/' + convert(char(4),year(m.date_recd),100) as 'MONTH_RECD', " & _
"m.closed_yy, case when m.jmt_amt is null then m.suit_amt else m.jmt_amt end as 'PLACED_AMT' " & _
"into #check2 from master m join masforw mf on mf.forw_no = m.forw_no join clerkf c on c.venue_no = m.venue1_no " & _
"join infinity i on i.fileno = m.fileno where (i.code in ('*WRT3DT','*WRT4DT','*BGRMLD')) " & _
"select distinct m.fileno as 'File Number', mf.sort_field as 'sort field', m.forw_no as 'Port', inside.amt_recvd, inside.trans_date, case when m.Source <> 'HISTORY\HISTORY' then 'Open' else 'Close' end as 'Status', ii4.field as 'Pooltype', " & _
"m.forw_refno as 'Unifund File Number', m.orig_claim as 'Original Amount', d.st as 'Debtor State', c.cnty_name as 'County Filed In', m.date_recd as 'Recieved Date', m.suit_date as 'Suit Date', m.jmt_date as 'Judgement Date', " & _
"m.statute_date as 'Statute of Limitation Date', Convert(VARCHAR(50),Convert(Datetime, i.field),101) as 'Suit to Court', Convert(VARCHAR(50),Convert(Datetime, i1.field),101) as 'Resent for Service', Convert(VARCHAR(50),Convert(Datetime, ii1.field),101) as 'Served', " & _
"i2.field as 'Suit Worthiness', i3.field as 'SW Type', d.fico_score as 'Credit Score', i4.field as 'Triple Match', i5.field as 'Place Status', i6.field as 'Prior Status', case when g.code = '*WGRMLD' then 'GARN' when g.code = '*WgGarDT' then 'GARN' " & _
"when g.code = '*WRT1DT' then 'GARN' when g.code = '*WRT2DT' then 'GARN' else '' end as 'Garn', case when g2.code = '*BGRMLD' then 'LEVY' when g2.code = '*WRT3DT' then 'LEVY' when g2.code = '*WRT4DT' then 'LEVY' else '' end as 'LEVY', i7.field as 'Verification Date 1', i9.field as 'Verification Of', i8.field as 'Verification Date 2', ii.field as 'Verification', m.charge_off_date, ii2.field as 'Grade', ii3.field as 'Grade D Overages', (m.int_coll + m.cost_recovered + m.prin_coll) as 'Collected' into #finaldata from master m left join(SELECT c1.fileno, c1.amt_recvd, c1.trans_date FROM colbills C1 WHERE trans_date = (SELECT MIN(trans_date) FROM colbills c2 where c1.FILENO = c2.FILENO AND c2.amt_recvd > 0 AND c2.amt_recvd IS NOT NULL)and AMT_RECVD = (select top 1 amt_recvd from colbills " & _
"where c1.fileno = fileno) and c1.AMT_RECVD > 0 group by c1.fileno, c1.AMT_RECVD, c1.TRANS_DATE) inside on inside.fileno = m.FILENO join masforw mf on mf.forw_no = m.forw_no join debtor d on d.fileno = m.fileno and d.number = 1 join clerkf c on c.venue_no = m.venue1_no left join infinity i on i.fileno = m.fileno and i.code = '*SCTOCT' left join infinity ii4 on ii4.fileno = m.fileno and ii4.code = '*AssetTp' left join infinity i1 on i1.fileno = m.fileno and i1.code = '*SCRSDT' left join infinity i2 on i2.fileno = m.fileno and i2.code = '*SUITREC' left join infinity i3 on i3.fileno = m.fileno and i3.code = '*SRVWFTY' left join infinity i4 on i4.fileno = m.fileno and i4.code = '*ADDMTCH' left join infinity i5 on i5.fileno = m.fileno and i5.code = '*FWCTYPE' left join infinity i6 on i6.fileno = m.fileno and i6.code = '*PRSTCOD' left join infinity i7 on i7.fileno = m.fileno and i7.code = '*PLVpD1' left join infinity i9 on i9.fileno = m.fileno and i9.code = '*PLVPN1' " & _
"left join infinity ii on ii.fileno = m.fileno and ii.code = '*PLVPN2' left join infinity i8 on i8.fileno = m.fileno and i8.code = '*PLVpD2' left join infinity ii1 on ii1.fileno = m.fileno and ii1.code = '*AMDTSV' left join infinity ii2 on ii2.fileno = m.fileno and ii2.code = '*SuitGrd' left join infinity ii3 on ii3.fileno = m.fileno and ii3.code = '*RiskGrd' left join #check g on g.fileno = m.fileno left join #check2 g2 on g2.fileno = m.fileno where (mf.sort_field = '" & strSort & "') and (m.fileno not like 'Z%' and m.fileno not like 'FOW%' ) " & _
"select f.* from #finaldata f where f.[Prior Status] <> 'RENEWED' or f.[Prior Status] is null " & _
"drop table #check drop table #check2 drop table #finaldata "
rs.Open StrQuery, cnn
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset rs
End Sub
Я предполагаю, что это может быть из-за набора записей? А может быть, мой запрос слишком сложен, поэтому время ожидания истекло, прежде чем что-то произойдет?
Я где-то читал, что когда запрос такой большой, я должен выполнить цикл DoEvents
или For
, чтобы соединение оставалось открытым до полного выполнения, но я понятия не имею.
Любые предложения с благодарностью.