На самом деле это задание Udacity, но вы, ребята, отвечаете раньше.Я начинаю работать над своим пониманием flexbox и, насколько я понимаю, не могу понять, как получить классы «.hero» и «.content» в одной строке в двух столбцах.По какой-то причине он просто не отвечает, хотя я настроил медиазапрос с точками останова и поместил дополнительный контейнер вокруг обоих классов.Ничего из того, что я пробую, не работает, ширина обоих элементов остается на уровне 100%.Кто-нибудь может мне помочь?Я весьма озадачен.
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<h2>Absolutely astonishing breaking news!</h2>
<p>Organic raw denim Vice keffiyeh lomo Kickstarter art lomo Kickstarter art four loko.
Organic raw denim Vice keffiyeh lomo Kickstarter art lomo Kickstarter art four
<section class="news top-news">
<h2 class="news__title">Top news
<a href="#" class="news__more">+ more</a>
<li class="top-news__item">
<a href="#">Gastropub distillery Marfa farm-to-table, Etsy Truffaut fingerstache.</a>
<li class="top-news__item">
<a href="#">Squid lomo Kickstarter art lomo Kickstarter art party cronut scenester.</a>
<li class="top-news__item">
<a href="#">Organic raw denim lomo Kickstarter art Vice keffiyeh four loko.</a>
<li class="top-news__item">
<a href="#">Organic raw denim Vice keffiyeh lomo Kickstarter art lomo Kickstarter art four
<section class="scores">
<table class="scores__table">
<th colspan="2">score</th>
<td class="winner">109</td>
<td class="winner">Cubs</td>
<td class="winner">Otters</td>
<td class="winner">3</td>
<td class="winner">Wolves</td>
<td class="winner">7</td>
<td class="winner">12</td>
<td class="winner">Capons</td>
<td class="winner">Stags</td>
<td class="winner">6</td>
<section class="weather">
<span class="weather__location">Brighton, UK</span>
<span class="weather__desc">Sunny</span>
<span class="weather__today">
<img class="weather__today__image" src="images/weather.png" alt="icon of a partially sunny day">
<span class="weather__today__temp">13</span>
<span class="weather__today__deg">°C</span>
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<span>13 °C</span>
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<span>13 °C</span>
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<span>13 °C</span>
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<span>13 °C</span>
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<h2 class="news__title">Latest news
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<li class="snippet">
<img class="snippet__thumbnail" src="images/dog.jpg" alt="picture of a girl with a large, stuffed dog toy">
<h3 class="snippet__title">
<a href="#">Gastropub distillery Marfa farm-to-table</a>
<p>Gastropub distillery Marfa farm-to-table, Etsy Truffaut fingerstache. Squid lomo Kickstarter
art party cronut scenester. Organic raw denim Vice keffiyeh four loko. Squid lomo Kickstarter
art party cronut scenester. Organic raw denim Vice keffiyeh four loko.Vice keffiyeh four
loko. Squid lomo Kickstarter art party cronut scenester. Organic raw denim Vice keffiyeh
four loko.Vice keffiyeh four loko. Squid lomo Kickstarter art party cronut scenester.
Organic raw denim Vice keffiyeh four loko.
<li class="snippet">
<img class="snippet__thumbnail" src="images/dog.jpg" alt="picture of a girl with a large, stuffed dog toy">
<h3 class="snippet__title">
<a href="#">Organic raw keffiyeh four loko.</a>
<p>Vice keffiyeh four loko. Squid lomo Kickstarter art party cronut scenester. Organic raw denim
Vice keffiyeh four loko.Vice keffiyeh four loko. Squid lomo Kickstarter art party cronut
scenester. Organic raw denim Vice loko.
<li class="snippet">
<img class="snippet__thumbnail" src="images/dog.jpg" alt="picture of a girl with a large, stuffed dog toy">
<h3 class="snippet__title">
<a href="#">Kickstarter art party cronut scenester.</a>
<p>Gastropub distillery Marfa farm-to-table, Etsy Truffaut fingerstache. Squid lomo Kickstarter
art party cronut scenester. Organic raw denim Vice keffiyeh four loko. Squid lomo Kickstarter
art party cronut scenester. Organic raw denim Vice keffiyeh four loko.Vice keffiyeh four
<li class="snippet">
<img class="snippet__thumbnail" src="images/dog.jpg" alt="picture of a girl with a large, stuffed dog toy">
<h3 class="snippet__title">
<a href="#">Squid lomo Kickstarter art party cronut </a>
<p>Gastropub distillery Marfa farm-to-table, Etsy Truffaut fingerstache. Squid lomo Kickstarter
art party cronut scenester. Organic raw denim Vice keffiyeh four loko. Squid lomo Kickstarter
art party cronut scenester. Organic raw denim Vice keffiyeh four loko.Vice keffiyeh four
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