Вот способ получить то, что вы хотите.Вам нужно будет выполнить это для объектов AD-Computer, когда машины подключены к сети, и перехватить имена компьютеров, к которым вы не можете подключиться.Как то так ...
#grab the DN of the OU where your computer objects are located...
$OU = ("OU=Computers,DC=domain,DC=com")
#put your filtered results in $computers (I filtered for Enabled objects)...
$computers = @()
ForEach ($O in $OU) {
$computers += Get-ADComputer -SearchBase $O -filter 'Enabled -eq "True"' -Properties CN,distinguishedname,lastLogonTimeStamp | Select-Object CN,distinguishedname,lastLogonTimeStamp
#instantiate some arrays to catch your results
#collected user info
$userInfo = @()
#computers you cannot ping
$offline = @()
#computers you can ping but cannot establish WinRM connection
$winRmIssue = @()
#iterate over $computers list to get user info on each...
ForEach ($computer in $computers) {
#filter out System account SIDs
$WQLFilter = "NOT SID = 'S-1-5-18' AND NOT SID = 'S-1-5-19' AND NOT SID = 'S-1-5-20'"
$WQLFilter = $WQLFilter + " AND NOT SID = `'$FilterSID`'"
#set number of login events to grab
$newest = 20
#attempt to ping computer once by name. return 'true' is success...
if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $computer.CN -Count 1 -ErrorAction Stop -Quiet) {
#if ping is true, try to get some info...
Try {
#currently logged in user...
$user = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $computer.CN | select -ExpandProperty username
#the most commonly logged in user, based on the past 20 log-ins...
$UserProperty = @{n="User";e={((New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier $_.ReplacementStrings[1]).Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount])).ToString()}}
$logs = Get-EventLog System -Source Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon -ComputerName $computer.CN -newest $newest | select $UserProperty
$freqent = $logs | Group User | Sort-Object Count | Select -First 1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
#catch any connection issues...
Catch {
$cantInvoke = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
'Computer' = $computer.CN
'Message' = "Could not Invoke-Command. Probably a WinRM issue."
$winRMIssue += $cantInvoke
#custom psobject of gathered user info...
$userInfoObj = New-Object psobject -Property ([ordered]@{
'Computer' = $computer.CN
'LoggedInUser' = $user
'mostCommonUser' = $frequent
$userInfo += $userInfoObj
#if you could not ping the computer, gather that info here in a custom object...
else {
$noPing = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
'Computer' = $computer.CN
'DN' = $computer.distinguishedname
'lastLogonDate' = [datetime]::FromFileTime($computer.lastLogonTimeStamp).toShortDateString()
$offline += $noPing
#then kick out the results to csv
$userInfo | Sort-Object Computer | export-csv -Path c:\path\file.csv -NoTypeInformation
$offline | Sort-Object lastLogonDate | export-csv -Path c:\path.file2csv -NoTypeInformation
$winRmIssue | Sort-Object Computer | export-csv -Path c:\path\file3.csv -NoTypeInformation