Какой узел я проверяю в дереве AVL, чтобы решить, нужно ли мне вращать дерево? Пример кода на C ++ - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 16 ноября 2018

Я пытаюсь понять, почему этот код работает.

Мне кажется, что в функции insert есть ошибка.

Так как prev будет родительским узлом нового узла, который мы собираемся вставить в дерево, я не вижу, как разница в высоте левого и правого потомковродителя может быть больше одного, и поэтому я не понимаю, почему когда-либо произойдет вращение.

После вставки у prev будет либо левый и правый потомок, либо простоодин ребенок.

Если у родителя один ребенок, то разница в высоте равна 1.

Если у родителя двое детей, тогда разница в высоте равна 0.

Может кто-нибудь сказать мнечего мне здесь не хватает?

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

template <class T>
class AVL;

template <class T>
T& max(T& left, T& right){
    if (left > right)
        return left;
        return right;

template <class T>
T max(const T& left, const T& right){
    if (left > right)
        return left;
        return right;




template <class T>
class AVLNode{
    AVLNode<T>* parent, *left, *right;
    int height;
    T data;
    friend class AVL < T >;
    AVLNode(const T& newdata = T(), AVLNode<T>* newparent = nullptr, AVLNode<T>* newleft = nullptr, AVLNode<T>* newright = nullptr) :
    data(newdata), parent(newparent), left(newleft), right(newright) { calcHeight(); }
    void calcHeight(){
        int leftHeight = -1;
        int rightHeight = -1;
        if (left != nullptr)
            leftHeight = left->height + 1;
        if (right != nullptr)
            rightHeight = right->height + 1;
        height = max(leftHeight, rightHeight) + 1;
    void printInOrder()const{
        if (left != nullptr)
        cout << data << endl;
        if (right != nullptr)
    int size()const{
        int leftSize = 0;
        int rightSize = 0;
        if (left != nullptr)
            leftSize = left->size();
        if (right != nullptr)
            rightSize = right->size();
        return 1 + leftSize + rightSize;
    /*    int height()const{
     int leftSize = -1;
     int rightSize = -1;
     if (left != nullptr)
     leftSize = left->height();
     if (right != nullptr)
     rightSize = right->height();
     return 1 + max(leftSize, rightSize);
    int depth() const{
        int parentDepth = -1;
        if (parent != nullptr)
            parentDepth = parent->depth();
        return 1 + parentDepth;


template <class T>
class AVL{
    AVLNode<T>* root;
    int size;
    AVLNode<T>* recursiveCopy(AVLNode<T>* toCopy);
    void singleCCR(AVLNode<T>*& point);
    void doubleCR(AVLNode<T>*& point);
    void singleCR(AVLNode<T>*& point);
    void doubleCCR(AVLNode<T>*& point);
    int heightDiff(AVLNode<T>* point);
    void doRotation(AVLNode<T>* point);
    AVL() :size(0){ root = nullptr; }

    //memory on the heap so.... here comes the big 3!
    AVL(const AVL<T>& rhs) :root(nullptr){ *this = rhs; }
    virtual ~AVL(){ clear(); }
    AVL& operator=(const AVL<T>& rhs);

    bool isInTree(const T& toFind) const{ return find(toFind) != nullptr; }
    bool isEmpty()const{ return root == nullptr; }
    int getSize()const { return size; }
    void remove(const T& toRemove){
        AVLNode<T>* item = find(toRemove);
        if (item != nullptr)
    void insert(const T&);
    void remove(AVLNode<T>*);
    AVLNode<T>* find(const T& toFind) const;
    void clear(){ while (!isEmpty()) remove(root); }
    void printInOrder()const{ root->printInOrder(); }
template <class T>
void AVL<T>::doubleCCR(AVLNode<T>*& point){

template <class T>
void AVL<T>::doubleCR(AVLNode<T>*& point){

template <class T>
void AVL<T>::singleCR(AVLNode<T>*& point){
    AVLNode<T>* grandparent = point;
    AVLNode<T>* parent = point->left;
    parent->parent = grandparent->parent;
    grandparent->parent = parent;
    grandparent->left = parent->right;
    parent->right = grandparent;
    if (grandparent->left != nullptr) //if we now have a left child, update its parent pointer
        grandparent->left->parent = grandparent;
    if (parent->parent == nullptr)//if we were the root, update the root!
        root = parent;
    else if (parent->parent->left == grandparent)
        parent->parent->left = parent;
        parent->parent->right = parent;

template <class T>
void AVL<T>::singleCCR(AVLNode<T>*& point){
    AVLNode<T>* grandparent = point;
    AVLNode<T>* parent = point->right;
    parent->parent = grandparent->parent;
    grandparent->parent = parent;
    grandparent->right = parent->left;
    parent->left = grandparent;
    if (grandparent->right != nullptr) //if we now have a right child, update its parent pointer
        grandparent->right->parent = grandparent;
    if (parent->parent == nullptr)//if we were the root, update the root!
        root = parent;
    else if (parent->parent->right == grandparent)
        parent->parent->right = parent;
        parent->parent->left = parent;

template <class T>
AVLNode<T>* AVL<T>::recursiveCopy(AVLNode<T>* toCopy){
    if (toCopy == nullptr)
        return nullptr;
    AVLNode<T>* temp = new AVLNode<T>(toCopy->data, nullptr, recursiveCopy(toCopy->left), recursiveCopy(toCopy->right));
    if (temp->left != nullptr)
        temp->left->parent = temp;
    if (temp->right != nullptr)
        temp->right->parent = temp;
    return temp;

template <class T>
AVL<T>& AVL<T>::operator=(const AVL<T>& rhs){
    if (this == &rhs)
        return *this;
    root = recursiveCopy(rhs.root);
    size = rhs.size;
    return *this;

template <class T>
void AVL<T>::remove(AVLNode<T>* toRemove){
    if (root == nullptr)
        return; //Remove from an empty tree????
    if (toRemove->left == nullptr && toRemove->right == nullptr){ //leaf node case
        if (toRemove->parent == nullptr){
            root = nullptr;
        else if (toRemove == toRemove->parent->left) //left child!
            toRemove->parent->left = nullptr; //fix the parent's pointer!
            toRemove->parent->right = nullptr;
        delete toRemove;
    else if (toRemove->right == nullptr){ //has one (left) child
        if (toRemove->parent == nullptr){
            root = toRemove->left;
            root->parent = nullptr;
        else if (toRemove == toRemove->parent->left){ //we're the left child of our parent
            toRemove->parent->left = toRemove->left;
            toRemove->left->parent = toRemove->parent;
            toRemove->parent->right = toRemove->left;
            toRemove->left->parent = toRemove->parent;
        delete toRemove;
    else if (toRemove->left == nullptr){ //has one right child, almost same solution as left child only
        if (toRemove->parent == nullptr){
            root = toRemove->right;
            root->parent = nullptr;
        else if (toRemove == toRemove->parent->left){ //we're the left child of our parent
            toRemove->parent->left = toRemove->right;
            toRemove->right->parent = toRemove->parent;
            toRemove->parent->right = toRemove->right;
            toRemove->right->parent = toRemove->parent;
        delete toRemove;
    else{ //sigh... two children!
        AVLNode<T>* temp = toRemove->right;
        while (temp->left != nullptr)
            temp = temp->left;
        toRemove->data = temp->data;


template <class T>
AVLNode<T>* AVL<T>::find(const T& toFind) const{
    AVLNode<T>* temp = root;
    while (temp != nullptr && temp->data != toFind){
        if (toFind < temp->data)
            temp = temp->left;
            temp = temp->right;
    return temp;

template <class T>
void AVL<T>::insert(const T& toInsert){
    if (root == nullptr){
        root = new AVLNode<T>(toInsert);
    else{ // if prev isn't root then shouldn't we look at prev's parent for heightDiff and rotation?
        AVLNode<T>* temp = root;
        AVLNode<T>* prev = temp;
        while (temp != nullptr){
            prev = temp;
            if (toInsert < temp->data)
                temp = temp->left;
                temp = temp->right;
        //now temp points to null and prev points to the node we want to insert onto
        if (toInsert < prev->data){ //insert onto the left of Prev
            prev->left = new AVLNode<T>(toInsert, prev);
            prev->right = new AVLNode<T>(toInsert, prev);

        if(prev != nullptr){ // when would prev be nullptr?
            if (heightDiff(prev)>1) // wouldn't only prev's parent have the possibility of > 1? ****
                doRotation(prev); // how could it ever be larger than 1?
template <class T>
void AVL<T>::doRotation(AVLNode<T>* point){
    int leftChild = -1;
    int rightChild = -1;
    if (point->left != nullptr)
        leftChild = point->left->height;
    if (point->right != nullptr)
        rightChild = point->right->height;

    if (leftChild > rightChild){//CR, but is it single or double?
        int leftGC = -1;
        int rightGC = -1;
        if (point->left->left != nullptr)
            leftGC = point->left->left->height;
        if (point->left->right != nullptr)
            rightGC = point->left->right->height;
        if (leftGC > rightGC) // single rotation
    else{//definitely a CCR, but which one?
        int leftGC = -1;
        int rightGC = -1;
        if (point->right->left != nullptr)
            leftGC = point->right->left->height;
        if (point->right->right != nullptr)
            rightGC = point->right->right->height;
        if (leftGC > rightGC) // double rotation

template<class T>
int AVL<T>::heightDiff(AVLNode<T>* point){
    int leftHeight = -1;
    int rightHeight = -1;
    if (point->left != nullptr)
        leftHeight = point->left->height;
    if (point->right != nullptr)
        rightHeight = point->right->height;
    return (abs(leftHeight - rightHeight));



int main(){

        AVL<int> b;
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            b.insert(rand() % 1000);

        cout << "Got here!" << endl;
    cout << "Got here #2" << endl;