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class LoginBloc {
final _repository = Repository();
final _loginResponse = BehaviorSubject<bool>(); //---->> a simple Sink
Stream<bool> get isSuccessful => _loginResponse.stream; //-----> Stream linked with above sink
* Below is an async function which uses Repository class
* to hit a login API and gets the result in a variable
* isUserLoginSuccessful[true/false]. and then Add the result
* into the sink.
* now whenever something is added to the sink, a callback is given to
* the stream linked to that Sink, which is managed by the framework itself
Future getLoginResponse() async {
bool isUserLoginSuccessful = await _repository.processUserLogin();
dispose() {
Теперь я использую этот LoginBloc на экране входа в систему.
class Login extends StatelessWidget {
final LoginBloc loginBloc; // ----> Here is the Object of LoginBloc
void _onClickLoginButton() async {
// Hit login API
// fetch Login API response data
loginBloc.getLoginResponse(); //------> here is the function we are using in Login
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return StreamBuilder<bool>( // ----> You need to use a StreamBuilder Widget on the top Root, or according to the Business logic
stream: loginBloc.isSuccessful, // ----> here is the stream which is triggered by Sink which is linked by this stream
builder: (context, snapshot) {
Я надеюсь, что это может сделать вашу концепцию потока и приемника более понятной.