Из бэкэнда я получаю массив json, скажем, Notes (один json - одна нота), т.е.
"StrategyName": "ClearBridge Aggresive Growth fund",
"ProductType": "MF",
"FirmName": "ABC",
"Complement": "",
"TakeOver": "",
"PlatformFirm": "",
"PlatformName": "",
"topics": [
"title": "Strategy/Objective",
"text": "System to allow Owner modify product notes and save as a new note."
"title": "People",
"text": "This allows Owner to quickly create a note for different vehicle types by cloning the existing, This allows Owner to quickly create a note for different vehicle types by cloning the existing, This allows Owner to quickly create a note for different vehicle types by cloning the existing"
"title": "Philosophy/Process",
"text": "Process content"
"title": "Roles",
"text": "Currently has 40% foreign exposure"
"title": "Positioning",
"text": " test Positioning content "
"title": "Composition",
"text": " test Composition content "
"title": "Performance",
"text": " test Performance content "
"title": "Current Allocation",
"text": "Current Allocation "
"title": "Miscellaneous",
"text": "Miscellaneous Content "
"StrategyName": "JhanCock Global absolute Ret",
"ProductType": "MF",
"FirmName": "BCD",
"Complement": "",
"TakeOver": "",
"PlatformFirm": "",
"PlatformName": "",
"topics": [
"title": "Strategy/Objective",
"text": "test strategy"
"title": "People",
"text": "test people"
"title": "Philosophy/Process",
"text": "Process content"
"title": "Roles",
"text": "Currently has 30% foreign exposure"
"title": "Positioning",
"text": " test Positioning content 2 "
"title": "Composition",
"text": " test Composition content 2 "
"title": "Performance",
"text": " test Performance content 2 "
"title": "Current Allocation",
"text": "Current Allocation 2 "
"title": "Miscellaneous",
"text": "Miscellaneous Content 2 "
В угловом формате я использую MaterialTable.Я могу отобразить одну заметку в одном ряду.
Имя, FundType, FirmName, topic1, topic2, topic3 (строка заголовка)
ClearBridge Aggresive Growth Fund, MF, ABC, topic1, topic2, topic3 ..
JhanCockГлобальный абсолютный коэффициент, MF, BCD, topic1, topic2, topic3 ..
Но необходимо отображать изображение по вертикали
Имя - Фонд агрессивного роста ClearBridge, JhanCock Глобальный абсолютный показатель Ret
FundType - MF, MF
FirmName - ABC, BCD
topic1 - тема1, тема1
тема2 - тема2, тема2
тема3 - тема3,topic3
Данные - это массив Note, т.е. Note [] (в materialtable, this.dataSource.data = data as Notes [];) Я искал создание другого массива, скажем, NoteDisplay [].NotDisplay [] будет иметь данные по вертикали.Пожалуйста, руководство, если какой-либо другой подход может работать?