У меня ошибка при запуске этой функции. Ошибка читает
«Ошибка в alpha.simulation [jj, ii] <- opt.alpha.ROC (temp1, svm.core.data [fold ==: замена имеет нулевую длину». </p>
Я начинающий программист и буду очень признателен за любую помощь.
simulation.opt.alpha.svm.linear = function(formula.class = form.inter.par.svm,
simul = 25, k = 5, cost = opt.cost){
# Simulated / run the for loops for simul time and k number of folds to calculate the median of variation in alpha value from simulations for LR
# INPUT : Formula class - Formula for the model
# : simul - Number of Simulations
# : k - Number of folds
# : cost - Optimized cost for linear support vector machine
# Amit Gajurel - August 29,2018
jj = 1
alpha.simulation = matrix(NA,simul,k, dimnames = list(NULL,paste(1:k))) # predefining a matrix for storing mean performance
for (jj in 1:simul) {
#ii= 1
fold = sample(x = 1:k,size = nrow(svm.core.data), replace = TRUE) # selecting random samples
for (ii in 1:k) {
# fitting the data first with train set
svm.fit = svm(formula.class,
data = svm.core.data[fold!=ii,],
kernel = "linear",
cost = cost,
decision.value = TRUE) # using 4 out of 5 data part to come up with the model parameters as train set
temp = predict(svm.fit,
newdata = svm.core.data[fold==ii,],
decision.values = TRUE)
temp1 = attributes(temp)$decision.values * (-1)
alpha.simulation[jj,ii] = opt.alpha.ROC(temp1,svm.core.data[fold ==ii,]$y) #calculating the optimum value of alpha using only test set
median(alpha.simulation,na.rm = TRUE) %>% return()