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Полная информация
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<h1 class="pb-4">Cable Tray - FTE FRP</h1>
<P class="pb-2">Ideal
Ideal for applications that require high strength in high corrosion resistance. The tray system has 2
types: 50
and 80 mm heights that are extremely flexible. </P>
<h5 class="pb-1">Advantages:</h5>
<ul class=" pl-0">
<li class="pb-2 ml-5">
Easy to cut
<li class="pb-2 ml-5">
No hot work permit required
<li class="pb-2 ml-5">
Simple hand tools used for cutting and drilling
<li class="pb-2 ml-5">
FRP offers a Long Life Cycle
<li class="pb-2 ml-5">
FRP offers a Long Life Cycle
<li class="pb-2 ml-5">
FRP offers a Long Life Cycle
<li class="pb-2 ml-5">
FRP offers a Long Life Cycle
<li class="pb-2 ml-5">
FRP offers a Long Life Cycle
<li class="pb-2 ml-5">
FRP offers a Long Life Cycle
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<button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-light">Shop Online</button>
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