RuntimeWarning: недопустимое значение, встречающееся в double_scalars в Python numpy - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 15 сентября 2018

Я пытаюсь решить уравнение Пуассона, используя метод Якоби, используя python numpy:

# This function applies boundary conditions on the given array
def apply_bc(u):
    u[0] = 0.0
    if bc == 'Dirichlet':
        u[num_mesh-1] = 0.0
        sys.exit('Set correct boundary condition at the right side boundary')

    # ============== Program begins here ==================================
    import numpy as np
    import math as m
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import sys

# --------------- Set the following input parameters ------------------
num_mesh = 11                  # number of mesh points

bc       = 'Dirichlet'         # Boundary condition at the right boundary; set either 'Dirichlet', 'Neumann' or 'Robin'
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------

del_x    = 1.0/(num_mesh-1.0)        # mesh size (Delta_x)
xmesh    = np.zeros(num_mesh)        # Mesh points

u_new    = np.zeros(num_mesh)        
u_old    = np.zeros(num_mesh) 
summation= np.zeros(num_mesh) 

norm = 100.0   # measure of difference between values at two consequetive time steps
iter = 0
converged = False

# Elements of system matrix
A    = np.zeros((num_mesh,num_mesh))       

# RHS matrix
Q    = np.zeros(num_mesh) 
# Compute the location of mesh points
for i in range(0, len(xmesh)):
    xmesh[i] = i * del_x

# apply boundary conditions on the initial field

# construct the elements of discretized matrix

if bc == 'Dirichlet':
    A[0,0] = 1.0
    A[(num_mesh-1),(num_mesh-1)] = 1.0

    Q[0] = 0.0
    Q[num_mesh-1] = 0.0

for i in range(1, len(u_new)-1):
    Q[i] = m.pi*m.pi*del_x*del_x*m.sin(m.pi*xmesh[i])

for i in range(0, len(u_new)):
    for j in range(0, len(u_new)):
        if i == j:
            A[i][j] = 2
        elif (j == (i + 1)):
            A[i][j] = -1
        elif (j == (i-1)):
            A[i][j] = -1
            A[i][j] = 0

A[0,0] = 1.0
A[(num_mesh-1),(num_mesh-1)] = 1.0
A[(num_mesh-1),(num_mesh-2)] = -1
A[(num_mesh-2),(num_mesh-1)] = -1


# Jacobi Method
# Iteration begins
while converged==False:
    # RHS of the discretized equation
    # On the left boundary, it is always Dirichlet BC
    Q[0] = 0.0
    if bc == 'Dirichlet':
        Q[num_mesh-1] = 0.0

    for i in range(1, len(u_new)-1):

        for j in range(1, len(u_new)-1):              
            if i!=j:
                summation[i] = summation[i] + (A[i,j] * u_old[j])

        u_new[i] = (Q[i]-summation[i])/A[i,i]

    norm = abs(max(u_new-u_old, key=abs))/abs(max(u_new, key=abs)) # compute the difference between two solutions
    iter = iter + 1
    print(iter, norm)
    import sys
    # if iter == 100:
    #   sys.exit()
    if norm <0.001:
        converged = True
    # Soution not converged -- copy current value into old
    for i in range(0, len(u_new)):
        u_old[i] = u_new[i]

# setting the x - coordinates 
x = np.arange(0, 1, 0.0001) 
# setting the corresponding y - coordinates 
exac_sol = np.sin(m.pi*x)

# plot the converged results

Но для 1067-й итерации значение norm получается как Nan, и я получаю следующую ошибку:

RuntimeWarning: недопустимое значение, встречающееся в double_scalar

Как это исправить?
