Я работаю над моделью прогнозирования, используя R Shiny.
В качестве входных данных у меня есть некоторые переменные для модели, такие как пол, возраст, рост ....
У меня есть кнопка с надписью «Сгенерировать прогноз».
При нажатии появляется текст и цифры на основе прогноза, сделанного с помощью входных переменных.
Я также включил кнопку действия «сброс».
Я хочу, чтобы при нажатии этой кнопки все переменные переходили к исходному значению (которое уже работает) И чтобы выход, сгенерированный после кнопки «Создать прогноз», исчезал.
Моя проблема со второй частью этого желания.
Возможно ли это и как я могу удалить выход после нажатия кнопки «сброс»?
Найдите мой скрипт ниже в качестве примера (реальный скрипт более сложный).
Я хотел бы, чтобы часть, указанная в «Результаты прогноза», исчезла при нажатии кнопки сброса.
# Define UI ----
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel(title=div( "COPD risk prediction tool")),
p("Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a lung problem that can affect people mainly as they get older. One of the main features of COPD is a change in the airways that alters how the air is held in the lungs and the ease with which breathing occurs (the airways become 'obstructed'). This may cause breathlessness, frequent coughing, production of sputum from your chest, and chest infections."),
selectInput("sex", label=h4("What is your gender?"),
choices=list("Female"=0, "Male"=1), selected=0),
selectInput("age", label=h4("What is your age?"),
choices=list("18"=18, "19"=19, "20"=20, "21"=21, "22"=22, "23"=23, "24"=24, "25"=25, "26"=26, "27"=27, "28"=28, "29"=29, "30"=30), selected=20),
"What is your current age in years?","right"),
selectInput("weight", label=h4("What is your weight?"),
choices=list("50"=50, "51"=51, "52"=52, "53"=53, "54"=54, "55"=55, "56"=56, "57"=57, "58"=58, "59"=59, "60"=60, "61"=61, "62"=62, "63"=63, "64"=64, "65"=65, "66"=66, "67"=67, "68"=68, "69"=69, "70"=70, "71"=71, "72"=72, "73"=73, "74"=74, "75"=75, "76"=76, "77"=77, "78"=78, "79"=79, "80"=80, "81"=81, "82"=82, "83"=83, "84"=84, "85"=85, "86"=86, "87"=87, "88"=88, "89"=89, "90"=90, "91"=91, "92"=92, "93"=93, "94"=94, "95"=95, "96"=96, "97"=97, "98"=98, "99"=99, "100"=100), selected=75),
"What is your current weight in kg?", "right"),
selectInput("height", label=h4("What is your height?"),
choices=list("140"=140, "141"=141, "142"=142, "143"=143, "144"=144, "145"=145, "146"=146, "147"=147, "148"=148, "149"=149, "150"=150, "151"=151, "152"=152, "153"=153, "154"=154, "155"=155, "156"=156, "157"=157, "158"=158, "159"=159, "160"=160, "161"=161, "162"=162, "163"=163, "164"=164, "165"=165, "166"=166, "167"=167, "168"=168, "169"=169, "170"=170, "171"=171, "172"=172, "173"=173, "174"=174, "175"=175, "176"=176, "177"=177, "178"=178, "179"=179, "180"=180, "181"=181, "182"=182, "183"=183, "184"=184, "185"=185), selected=170),
"What is your current height in cm?", "right"),
h4("Medical Disclaimer", style = "color:blue"),
p(strong("This risk prediction tool is for general information and should not replace advice from your GP who knows your individual history.", style = "color:blue")),
p(strong("Although we have included major risk factors, COPD can affect anyone and if you have symptoms or concerns you should speak to your doctor.", style = "color:blue")),
p(strong("This risk score is derived from Caucasian populations and may not be as accurate for other ethnic groups.", style = "color:blue")),
actionButton("submit", label = "Generate Prediction"), actionButton("reset", label=("Reset")),
# Define server logic ----
server <- function(input, output,session) {
submit <- FALSE
output$title <- eventReactive(input$submit, {
'Results of prediction'
output$label1 <- eventReactive(input$submit, {
'COPD risk prediction score'
output$label2 <- eventReactive(input$submit, {
'Your predicted risk (%) of developing COPD in your lifetime is:'
output$prediction <- eventReactive(input$submit, {
round((copdRisk(weight=input$weight, height=input$height, sex=input$sex)*100), 1)
output$label5 <- eventReactive(input$submit, {
'This means that for every 100 people sharing your characteristics '
output$label6 <- eventReactive(input$submit, {
'would develop COPD in their lifetime.'
updateSelectInput(session, "age", selected=20)
updateSelectInput(session, "weight", selected=75)
updateSelectInput(session, "height", selected=170)
updateSelectInput(session, "sex", selected=0)
#updateActionButton(session, "submit", selected=FALSE)
# Run the app ----
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)