У меня есть функция Javascript, возвращающая объект с объектом HTMLHtmlElement, который я хотел бы проанализировать:
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://someothersite.com/widgets/whatson.js"></script>
<script src="https://someothersite.com/widgets/jquery-deparam.js"></script>
var configuration = {
schedule: 'now'
if ( window.location.search ) configuration = $.extend({}, configuration, $.deparam( (window.location.search).replace('?','') ));
var content = $('div#output').whatsOn( configuration );
console.log( $("div#output").html() );
Вышеупомянутая функция whatsOn заполняет мой выходной div возвращаемым HTML-содержимым, но журнал консоли ничего не выводит,Если я запишу content
в консоль, это будет init
объект с данными, которые я бы хотел проанализировать.Если я добавлю следующее, он отправит [object HTMLHtmlElement]
на консоль со всеми данными на консоль:
var html = content.context.childNodes[1];
console.log( html );
Как я могу разобрать этот HTML?То, что мне нужно, это элемент innerText переменной html выше.Однако, если я перейду на content.context.childNodes[1].innerText
, я ничего не получу.
Вот код, вставленный:
* Source for the Daily and Weekly Widgets
* Both of these widgets are rendered via the custom whatsOn Jquery plugin which is implemented via this script
(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
=== Begin async caching functions ===
Asynchronous Caching Code
The below code seems to be a direct copy of the code from https://learn.jquery.com/code-organization/deferreds/examples/
This code ensures that multiple requests are not made for loading the same data/resource.
Generic cache factory (below)
One promise is cached per URL.
If there is no promise for the given URL yet, then a deferred is created and the request is issued.
If it already exists, however, the callback is attached to the existing deferred.
$.cacheFactory = function (request) {
var cache = {};
return function (key, callback) {
if (!cache[ key ]) {
cache[ key ] = $.Deferred(function (defer) {
request(defer, key);
return cache[ key ].done(callback);
// Every call to $.cacheFactory will create a cache respository and return a cache retrieval function
$.template = $.cacheFactory(function (defer, url) {
url: url,
data: $.template.params,
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: defer.resolve,
error: defer.reject,
complete: defer.always
// === End async caching functions
// This function handles rendering template markup and data
$.renderTemplate = function (data, elem, options) {
var label = ( !options.label ) ? elem.addClass('whatson-hidden') : '';
return elem.empty().append(data) && label;
// Handles error message display
$.errorMessage = function (elem) {
return elem.append('error');
=== Begin .whatsOn plugin functions ===
The following functions create a jquery plugin which can be executed on a JQuery element to render the whatson widget
The .whatsOn() functions are added to $.fn in order to create this plugin
- see https://learn.jquery.com/plugins/basic-plugin-creation/
$.fn.whatsOn = function (options) {
// Do not initialize the widget if it has already been initialized, or if the station param is missing
if (this.data('whatson-init') || !options.station) {
this.data('whatson-init', true); // widget-initialized flag
options = $.extend({}, $.fn.whatsOn.options, options);
// Force fix the old widget calls that do not use iframes.
if (options.env == 'http://composer.nprstations.org') options.env = 'https://api.composer.nprstations.org/v1';
$.fn.whatsOn.env = options.env;// Determines which API request URL to use
// Add CSS stylesheet
var css = document.createElement('link');
css.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
css.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
css.setAttribute('href', options.assets + '/widgets/css/v2.css');
Return the plugin object
When you filter elements with a selector ($('.myclass')), it can match more than only one element.
With each, you iterate over all matched elements and your code is applied to all of them.
return this.each( function () {// BEGIN Return the plugin.
var elem = options.elem = $(this);
var ucs = options.station;
var schedule = options.schedule;
var times = options.times;
var next = options.next;
var show_song = options.show_song || null;
var display_style = options.style || null;
var request_url;
// The buy links
var hide_itunes = options.hide_itunes || null;
var hide_amazon = options.hide_amazon || null;
var hide_arkiv = options.hide_arkiv || null;
if (!options.affiliates) options.affiliates = {};
if (options.itunes) options.affiliates.itunes = options.itunes;
if (options.amazon) options.affiliates.amazon = options.amazon;
if (options.arkiv) options.affiliates.arkiv = options.arkiv;
elem.addClass('whatson-wrap');// Add widget class
$("body").attr('id', 'nprds_widget'); // Add an ID to the body of the document
// Ensure that the moment() JS plugin is available, if not, then add and load it (http://momentjs.com/docs/)
if (!window.moment) {
$.getScript('https://composer.nprstations.org/widgets/js/moment.isocalendar.js').done(function (script) {
builder();// Build plugin function (see below)
} else {
builder();// Build plugin function (see below)
// This function builds the plugin, it does all of the setup required
function builder() {// BEGIN build plugin function
// Set the date/range for the widget header. If its the daily widget use a date, for the weekly widget use a range
var req_date = ( options.schedule === 'week' )
? moment().isoday(1).format('YYYY-MM-DD') + ',' + moment().isoday(7).format('YYYY-MM-DD')
: moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD');
request_url = $.fn.whatsOn.env + '/widget/' + ucs + '/' + schedule;
$.template.params = {
format: 'jsonp',
date: req_date,
times: times,
show_song: show_song || null,
style: display_style || null,
hide_itunes: hide_itunes || null,
hide_amazon: hide_amazon || null,
hide_arkiv: hide_arkiv || null,
itunes: options.affiliates.itunes || null,
amazon: options.affiliates.amazon || null,
arkiv: options.affiliates.arkive || null
// Pull out empty fields
if (!$.template.params.itunes) delete $.template.params.itunes;
if (!$.template.params.amazon) delete $.template.params.amazon;
if (!$.template.params.arkiv) delete $.template.params.arkiv;
if (!$.template.params.show_song) delete $.template.params.show_song;
if (!$.template.params.style) delete $.template.params.style;
if (!$.template.params.hide_itunes) delete $.template.params.hide_itunes;
if (!$.template.params.hide_amazon) delete $.template.params.hide_amazon;
if (!$.template.params.hide_arkiv) delete $.template.params.hide_arkiv;
// force now playing to an uncached request
if (schedule === 'now') request_url = request_url + '?bust=' + ~~(Math.random() * 1E9);
$.template(request_url) = Request widget data (from cache or a new request), uses cacheFactory (see code at the top of this script)
When the data has been received, handle the construction and rendering of the HTML
$.when( $.template(request_url) ).done( function (data) {
$.renderTemplate(data, elem, options);
// Set up the widget header
if (schedule === 'week') {
var week_of = moment().isoday(1).format('[Week of] MMMM Do, YYYY');
$.fn.whatsOn.header(elem, week_of, options);
if (schedule === 'day') {
var day_date = moment().format('dddd, MMMM Do, YYYY');
$.fn.whatsOn.header(elem, day_date, options);
// Add a handler for when an Itunes link is clicked
$('.itunes-link').on('click', function (e) { // BEGIN itunes link click handler
e.preventDefault();// If this method is called, the default action of the event will not be triggered.
var searchUrl = $(this).attr('href').split('?');
var forwardTo = '';
var searchPairs = searchUrl[1].split('&');
var searchTerms = '';
var affiliate = '';
$.each(searchPairs, function (key, value) {
var pairs = value.split('=');
if (pairs[0] == 'at') {
affiliate = pairs[1];
else {
searchTerms = searchTerms + ' ' + pairs[1];
url: 'https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStoreServices.woa/ws/wsSearch?entity=musicTrack&country=US&term=' + searchTerms + '&at' + affiliate + '&limit=1&callback=?',
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function (data) {
console.log('data', data)
if (data.resultCount > 0) {
if (data.results[0].collectionViewUrl) {
forwardTo = data.results[0].collectionViewUrl;
else {
forwardTo = data.results[0].artistViewUrl;
else {
forwardTo = 'https://itunes.apple.com/us/';
window.open(forwardTo, 'itunes');
error: function (err) {
console.log('err', err);
window.open('https://itunes.apple.com/us/', 'itunes');
});// END itunes link click handler
}).always(function () {
if (schedule === 'now') {
setTimeout(builder, 60000);
}).fail(function () {
}// END build plugin function
});// END return the plugin
// Expand/collapse episode detail - This widgets allows for you to expand an episode to view it's playlist and episode notes.
$.fn.whatsOn.collapse = function () {
$('.playlist-controls').on('click.whatsOn', function () {
$('.notes-controls').on('click.whatsOn', function () {
// Construct header and setup events handler for the next/previous link
$.fn.whatsOn.header = function (elem, date, options) {
var nav_control_prev = '<td class="whatson-prev arrow-left"><a class="hidden" href="#">Previous</a></td>';
var nav_control_next = '<td class="whatson-next arrow-right"><a class="hidden" href="#">Next</a></td>';
var header_nav = [
'<table id="whatson-header" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">',
'<tr>' + nav_control_prev + '<td class="whatson-date">' + date + '</td>' + nav_control_next + '</tr>',
// Events handler for navigational next/previous links
$(elem).find('.whatson-prev, .whatson-next').on('click', options, $.fn.whatsOn.nav);
// This is the event handler for the widget's next/previous links
$.fn.whatsOn.nav = function (e) {// BEGIN next/previous date/date-range handler
var widget = e.data.elem;
var header = '.whatson-header';
var date_header = '.whatson-date';
var content = '.whatson-content';
var direction = ( $(e.currentTarget).is('.whatson-next') ) ? 'next' : 'prev';
var current_date = widget.find(date_header).text();
var moment_date = moment(current_date, 'dddd, MMMM D YYYY');
var station = e.data.station;
var schedule = e.data.schedule;
var affiliates = e.data.affiliates;
var full_week_date = current_date.replace('Week of ', '');
var request_url;
var options = {}; // Configuration
// Configure buy links for songs within episodes
if (affiliates.itunes) options.itunes = affiliates.itunes;
if (affiliates.amazon) options.amazon = affiliates.amazon;
if (affiliates.arkiv) options.arkiv = affiliates.arkiv;
if (e.data.hide_itunes) options.hide_itunes = e.data.hide_itunes;
if (e.data.hide_amazon) options.hide_amazon = e.data.hide_amazon;
if (e.data.hide_arkiv) options.hide_arkiv = e.data.hide_arkiv;
if (e.data.show_song) options.show_song = e.data.show_song;// Display song meta data
if (e.data.style) options.style = e.data.style;// Which template is being used
// This function updates the display after a new request is made
var updater = function (request_url, update_header) {
$('.opener, .closer').off('.whatsOn'); // Disable event handlers
$.when( $.template(request_url) ).done( function (data) { // After the request, update the display
if (direction === 'next') { // The 'next' link was clicked
var next_from_current = moment(full_week_date, 'MMMM D YYYY').add('d', 7);
// Set the next date/date-range. If its the daily widget use a date, for the weekly widget use a range
var next_api = ( schedule === 'week' )
? '?date=' + next_from_current.isoday(1).format('YYYY-MM-DD')
+ ',' + next_from_current.isoday(7).format('YYYY-MM-DD')
: '?date=' + moment_date.add('d', 1).format('YYYY-MM-DD');
var next_header = ( schedule === 'week' )
? moment(next_from_current, 'MMMM D YYYY').isoday(1).format('[Week of] MMMM Do, YYYY')
: moment_date.format('dddd, MMMM Do, YYYY');
request_url = $.fn.whatsOn.env + '/widget/' + station + '/' + schedule + next_api;
$.template.params = $.extend({ format: 'jsonp' }, options);
updater(request_url, next_header);// Go ahead and update the display to be the 'next' date/date-range
} else {
// Set the previous date/date-range. If its the daily widget use a date, for the weekly widget use a range
var prev_from_current = moment(full_week_date, 'MMMM D YYYY').subtract('d', 7);
var prev_api = ( schedule === 'week' )
? '?date=' + prev_from_current.isoday(1).format('YYYY-MM-DD')
+ ',' + prev_from_current.isoday(7).format('YYYY-MM-DD')
: '?date=' + moment_date.subtract('d', 1).format('YYYY-MM-DD');
var prev_header = ( schedule === 'week' )
? moment(prev_from_current, 'MMMM D YYYY').isoday(1).format('[Week of] MMMM Do, YYYY')
: moment_date.format('dddd, MMMM Do, YYYY');
$.template.params = $.extend({ format: 'jsonp' }, options);
request_url = $.fn.whatsOn.env + '/widget/' + station + '/' + schedule + prev_api;
updater(request_url, prev_header);// Go ahead and update the display to be the 'previous' date/date-range
};// END next/previous date/date-range handler
// Default widget options
$.fn.whatsOn.options = {
schedule: 'now',
label: true,
env: 'https://api.composer.nprstations.org/v1',
assets: 'https://composer.nprstations.org',
affiliate: {},
times: true,
next: true
// === End .whatsOn plugin functions ===
})(jQuery, window, document);