Я просто реорганизовал ваши коды, удалив ненужные вещи.
someFunc() = async () => {
// when you declare arrow function, it should not have () with its name
// put async before arguments to enable await in the code block below
return new Promise(async(resolve) => {
// you don't need this line because of async and await
// await returns data wrapped by Promise
// as soon as this Promise is resolved or rejected
let obj = await AsyncStorage.getItem('some_val');
// 'await' will return the item that is wrapped by Promise.
// So, you can access the item(the returned data) in this code block.
// but if you want this 'someFunc' to return 'obj'
//do stuff with obj
resolve("yay, everything's done");
// you don't need this line because 'await' will take care of
// 'AsyncStorage.getItem('some_val')'
После рефакторинга у вас будет код, подобный приведенному ниже.
someFunc = async () => {
// One of the benefit of async and await is that you can use try/catch block.
// So, you can easily console out error without by chaining multiple '.catch' after
// every '.then'.
let obj = await AsyncStorage.getItem('some_val');
// 'obj' will be the value of item 'some_val'
// do stuff with obj
} catch(error) {
return obj; //this will return resolved Promise because of await.
Если вы хотите использовать этот объект в другомФункция, вы можете сделать что-то вроде ниже.
anotherFunc = async () => {
const resolvedObj = await someFunc();
// Since someFunc will return resolved Promise that wraps the data from
// AsyncStorage, await will assign the data to 'resolvedObj'
// However, if you return 'resolvedObj', this will be 'Promise {<resolved>:
// dataFromAsyncStorage}'
// do stuff with 'resolvedObj'
} catch(error) {