#include <h1>iostream <h2>
#include <h1>cmath<h2>// for + of months, days, and years
#include <h1>fstream<h2> //for in and output
#include <h1>cstdlib<h2>
#include <h1>string<h2>//for string type
using namespace std;
class Device {//Input and store Device Description and Serial Numbers
string serial_number;
string device_description;
Device() {
serial_number = ("6DCMQ32");
device_description = ("TheDell");
Device(string s, string d) {
serial_number = s;
device_description = d;
class Test {
string Test_Description;
static int recent_month, recent_day, recent_year, new_month;
static int nmonth, next_month, next_day, next_year, max_day;
static void getMonth() {//Calculates the next/new month
next_month = recent_month + nmonth;
new_month = next_month % 12;
if (next_month >= 12) {
cout << "The next Date: " << new_month << " / ";
else {
cout << "The next Date: " << next_month << " / ";
static void getDay() { //Calculates day of next month
if (new_month == 4 || new_month == 6 || new_month == 9 || new_month == 11) {
max_day = 30;
else if (new_month == 2) {
max_day = 29;
else {
max_day = 31;
if (recent_day > max_day) {
cout << max_day << " / ";
else {
cout << recent_day << " / ";
static void getYear() {//Calculates the year of the next number of months
next_year = recent_year + next_month;
if (next_year >= 12) {
cout << recent_year + (next_month / 12) << endl;
else {
cout << next_year << endl;
static void getDate() {
Test::getMonth(), Test::getDay(), Test::getYear();
int Test::recent_month, Test::recent_day, Test::recent_year,
int Test::nmonth, Test::next_month, Test::next_day, Test::next_year,
class Lab : public Device, public Test {//Class Lab is a Child of Class Test and Class Device
static int n;
friend istream & operator>>(istream & cin, const Lab & lab) {
cout << "Enter Device Description and serial number: ";
getline(cin, lab.device_description);//This is where the error is
getline(cin, lab.serial_number);//This is where the error is
cout << "Enter Test Description: ";
getline(cin, lab.Test_Description);//This is where the error is
cout << "Enter number of months: ";
cin >> lab.nmonth;
cout << "Enter the most recent date(mm/dd/yyyy): ";
cin >> lab.recent_month >> lab.recent_day >> lab.recent_year;
return cin;
friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & cout, const Lab & lab) {
cout << lab.device_description << " ";
cout << lab.serial_number << endl;
cout << lab.Test_Description << endl;
return cout;
static void getFile() {
cout << "Enter the number of devices: ";
cin >> n;
Lab *obj = new Lab[n];
if (obj == 0) {
cout << "Memory Error";
for (int i = 0; i<n; i++) {
cin >> obj[i];
ofstream myfile("Device.dat", ios::binary);
myfile.write((char *)obj, n * sizeof(Lab));
Lab *obj2 = new Lab[n];
ifstream file2("Device.dat", ios::binary);
if (obj2 == 0) {
cout << "Memory Error";
file2.read((char *)obj2, n * sizeof(Lab));
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cout << obj2[i];
cout << endl;
delete[] obj2;
void getSearch(){
void main() {
Lab L;
// Ошибка C2665 'std :: getline': ни одна из двух перегрузок не может преобразовать все
типы аргументов
/ *
Цель: ввести количество месяцев для следующей даты тестирования устройства с вводом серийного номера, описания устройства, описания теста, недавней даты и количества месяцев двух испытаний. В конце необходимо выполнить поиск программы, попросив пользователя ввести серийный номер и следующую дату, если эти два значения действительны, все в устройстве перечислено.
* / <</p>