- TeamCity Enterprise 9.1 (сборка 36973)
- Sonarqube Версия 6.7.2 (сборка 37468)
- SonarC # 6.8.2 (сборка 4717)
- SonarQubeСканер для MSBuild 3.0.2
Шаг сборки Visual Studio (VS 2015) вызывается между этапами запуска и завершения Sonarqube.Сборка прошла успешно без каких-либо проблем в журнале, и панель инструментов также опубликована.Но информация «Строки кода» отсутствует везде («Обзор», а также вкладки «Код»)
![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/Qhva9.png)
Любая помощь по этому вопросу приветствуется.
Step 1/5: Init SonarQube (Command Line) (1s)
Step 1/5] Starting: D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\temp\agentTmp\custom_script7447098295248070367.cmd
Step 1/5] in directory: D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\Sites\CashBalanceSheet\WebService
Step 1/5] SonarQube Scanner for MSBuild 3.0.2
Step 1/5] Default properties file was found at D:\Tools\SonarQubeRunner3\SonarQube.Analysis.xml
Step 1/5] Loading analysis properties from D:\Tools\SonarQubeRunner3\SonarQube.Analysis.xml
Step 1/5] *******.verbose=false was specified - setting the log verbosity to 'Info'
Step 1/5] Pre-processing started.
Step 1/5] Preparing working directories...
Step 1/5] 13:56:09.393 Updating build integration targets...
Step 1/5] 13:56:09.413 Fetching analysis configuration settings...
Step 1/5] 13:56:09.872 Generating rulesets...
Step 1/5] 13:56:09.91 Provisioning analyzer assemblies for cs...
Step 1/5] 13:56:09.911 Installing required Roslyn analyzers...
Step 1/5] 13:56:10.232 Generating rulesets...
Step 1/5] 13:56:10.237 Provisioning analyzer assemblies for vbnet...
Step 1/5] 13:56:10.238 Installing required Roslyn analyzers...
Step 1/5] 13:56:10.353 Pre-processing succeeded.
Step 1/5] Process exited with code 0
Step 2/5: Build (Visual Studio (sln)) (1m:09s)
Step 2/5] Starting: D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\plugins\dotnetPlugin\bin\JetBrains.BuildServer.MsBuildBootstrap.exe /workdir:D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569 "/msbuildPath:C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\MSBuild.exe"
Step 2/5] in directory: D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569
Step 2/5] Sites\CashBalanceSheet\WebService\Service.CashBalanceSheet.sln.teamcity: Build target: TeamCity_Generated_Build (1m)
Step 2/5] Process exited with code 0
Step 3/5: Move Binaries (Powershell)
Step 4/5: Tests & Coverage (Powershell) (13s)
Step 4/5] PowerShell Executable: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
Step 4/5] Working directory: D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569
Step 4/5] PowerShell arguments: [-Version, 2.0, -NonInteractive, -ExecutionPolicy, ByPass, -File, D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\temp\buildTmp\powershell5599767964486762314.ps1]
Step 4/5] Process exited with code 0
Step 5/5: Publish to SonarQube (Command Line) (25s)
Step 5/5] Starting: D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\temp\agentTmp\custom_script6141167007826015232.cmd
Step 5/5] in directory: D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569
Step 5/5] SonarQube Scanner for MSBuild 3.0.2
Step 5/5] Default properties file was found at D:\Tools\SonarQubeRunner3\SonarQube.Analysis.xml
Step 5/5] Loading analysis properties from D:\Tools\SonarQubeRunner3\SonarQube.Analysis.xml
Step 5/5] Post-processing started.
Step 5/5] Fixed invalid Code Analysis ErrorLog file. Please check that VS 2015 Update 1 (or later) is installed. Fixed file: D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\Sites\CashBalanceSheet\WebService\Framework\Service.Authentication\bin\Release\Service.Authentication.dll.RoslynCA_fixed.json
Step 5/5] WARNING: File is not under the project directory and cannot currently be analysed by SonarQube. File: D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\Sites\CashBalanceSheet\BDD_client\json\currencyCounterpart.json, project: D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\Sites\CashBalanceSheet\WebService\Service\Service.CashBalanceSheet.csproj
Step 5/5] SONAR_SCANNER_OPTS is not configured. Setting it to the default value of -Xmx1024m
Step 5/5] Calling the SonarQube Scanner...
Step 5/5] INFO: Scanner configuration file: D:\Tools\SonarQubeRunner3\*******-scanner-\bin\..\conf\*******-scanner.properties
Step 5/5] INFO: Project root configuration file: D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\.*******qube\out\*******-project.properties
Step 5/5] INFO: SonarQube Scanner
Step 5/5] INFO: Java 1.8.0_20 Oracle Corporation (64-bit)
Step 5/5] INFO: Windows Server 2008 R2 6.1 amd64
Step 5/5] INFO: SONAR_SCANNER_OPTS=-Xmx1024m
Step 5/5] INFO: User cache: C:\Users\stabuild\.*******\cache
Step 5/5] INFO: Publish mode
Step 5/5] INFO: Load global settings
Step 5/5] INFO: Load global settings (done) | time=187ms
Step 5/5] INFO: Server id: AWJiow64LsT0HusiYL80
Step 5/5] INFO: User cache: C:\Users\stabuild\.*******\cache
Step 5/5] INFO: Load plugins index
Step 5/5] INFO: Load plugins index (done) | time=90ms
Step 5/5] INFO: SonarQube server 6.7.2
Step 5/5] INFO: Default locale: "en_US", source code encoding: "windows-1252" (analysis is platform dependent)
Step 5/5] INFO: Process project properties
Step 5/5] INFO: Load branch configuration
Step 5/5] INFO: Load branch configuration (done) | time=3ms
Step 5/5] INFO: Load project repositories
Step 5/5] INFO: Load project repositories (done) | time=215ms
Step 5/5] INFO: Execute project builders
Step 5/5] INFO: Execute project builders (done) | time=1ms
Step 5/5] INFO: Load quality profiles
Step 5/5] INFO: Load quality profiles (done) | time=39ms
Step 5/5] INFO: Load active rules
Step 5/5] INFO: Load active rules (done) | time=828ms
Step 5/5] INFO: Load metrics repository
Step 5/5] INFO: Load metrics repository (done) | time=31ms
Step 5/5] WARNING: WARN: SCM provider autodetection failed. No SCM provider claims to support this project. Please use *******.scm.provider to define SCM of your project.
Step 5/5] INFO: Project key: Service.CashBalanceSheet
Step 5/5] INFO: ------------- Scan Service.Referential
Step 5/5] INFO: Load server rules
Step 5/5] INFO: Load server rules (done) | time=277ms
Step 5/5] INFO: Base dir: D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\Sites\CashBalanceSheet\WebService\Framework\Service.Referential
Step 5/5] INFO: Working dir: D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\.*******qube\out\.*******\mod4
Step 5/5] INFO: Source paths: BalanceDate/CalculationDateMapper.cs, BalanceDate/DateCriteria.cs, BalanceDate/FunctionDateMapper.cs, BalanceDate/ICalculationDateMapper.cs, BalanceDate/IFunctionDateMapper.cs, Entities/BookingEntity.cs, Entities/Bucket.cs, Entities/Currency.cs, Entities/FunctionDate.cs, Entities/FunctionDates.cs, Entities/ProfitCenter.cs, Entities/ReferentialConstants.cs, Entities/StarModule.cs, BalanceDate/CalculatedFunctionDate.cs, IReferentialService.cs, Loader/BookingEntityLoader.cs, Loader/CurrencyLoader.cs, Loader/Dao/BookingEntityDao.cs, Loader/Dao/CurrencyDao.cs, Loader/Dao/IBookingEntityDao.cs, Loader/Dao/ICurrencyDao.cs, Loader/Dao/IProfitCenterDao.cs, Loader/Dao/IScheduleDao.cs, Loader/Dao/ProfitCenterDao.cs, Loader/Dao/ScheduleDao.cs, Loader/FunctionDateLoader.cs, Loader/IBookingEntityLoader.cs, Loader/ICurrencyLoader.cs, Loader/IFunctionDateLoader.cs, Loader/IProfitCenterLoader.cs, Loader/IScheduleLoader.cs, Loader/IUnitLoader.cs, Loader/ProfitCenterLoader.cs, Loader/ScheduleLoader.cs, Loader/UnitLoader.cs, Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs, ReferentialService.cs, Entities/Unit.cs, Report/ReportTypeEnum.cs, Zone/IZoneLoader.cs, Zone/IZoneMapper.cs, Zone/Zone.cs, Zone/ZoneEnum.cs, Zone/ZoneLoader.cs, Zone/ZoneMapper.cs, app.config, packages.config
Step 5/5] INFO: Source encoding: UTF-8, default locale: en_US
Step 5/5] INFO: Language is forced to cs
Step 5/5] INFO: Index files
Step 5/5] WARNING: WARN: File 'D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\Sites\CashBalanceSheet\WebService\Framework\Service.Referential\app.config' is ignored because it doesn't belong to the forced language 'cs'
Step 5/5] WARNING: WARN: File 'D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\Sites\CashBalanceSheet\WebService\Framework\Service.Referential\packages.config' is ignored because it doesn't belong to the forced language 'cs'
Step 5/5] INFO: 45 files indexed
Step 5/5] INFO: Quality profile for cs: custom_profile
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp]
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp] (done) | time=2ms
Step 5/5] ERROR: - [CHECKMARX] - NOTE: Checkmarx scan is canceled;
Step 5/5] Error while retrieving Checkmarx settings from ******* Database.
Step 5/5] Please make sure Checkmarx credentials are configured. [Checkmarx plugin version: 8.60.0]
Step 5/5] WARNING: WARN: File 'D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\Sites\CashBalanceSheet\WebService\Api\WebServices\Scripts\jquery-1.6.4-vsdoc.js' is ignored because it doesn't belong to the forced language 'cs'
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor SonarJavaXmlFileSensor [java]
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor SonarJavaXmlFileSensor [java] (done) | time=1ms
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor Import Checkmarx scan results to SonarQube [checkmarx]
Step 5/5] INFO: - [CHECKMARX] - Retrieving Checkmarx scan results for current module [Checkmarx plugin version: 8.60.0]
Step 5/5] INFO: - [CHECKMARX] - Getting Checkmarx configuration data from ******* Database.
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor Import Checkmarx scan results to SonarQube [checkmarx] (done) | time=6ms
Step 5/5] INFO: No SCM system was detected. You can use the '*******.scm.provider' property to explicitly specify it.
Step 5/5] INFO: ------------- Scan WebServices
Step 5/5] INFO: Base dir: D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\Sites\CashBalanceSheet\WebService\Api\WebServices
Step 5/5] INFO: Working dir: D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\.*******qube\out\.*******\mod12
Step 5/5] INFO: Source paths: Bootstrap/OwinBootstrapper.cs, Bootstrap/SignalRAuthenticationMiddleware.cs, Bootstrap/Startup.cs, Common/FakeSsoMiddleware.cs, Common/ISsoConfiguration.cs, Common/SsoConfiguration.cs, Common/ISgmHttpClientV2.cs, Common/SgmHttpClientV2.cs, Controller/AuthenticationController.cs, Controller/BalanceController.cs, Controller/GapPerCurrencyController.cs, Controller/MemoryController.cs, Controller/ReferentialController.cs, Controller/IOwinContext.cs, Controller/OwinContext.cs, Controller/ReportController.cs, Controller/UserController.cs, Entities/Authentication/UsersModel.cs, Entities/Authentication/EnvironmentDetails.cs, Entities/Authentication/LoginResponse.cs, Entities/Authentication/UserAccount.cs, Filters/ExceptionFilter.cs, Notificator.cs, Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs, Repositories/IUserRepository.cs, Repositories/UserRepository.cs, Settings/ClientMessagingSection.cs, Settings/ConfigurationProvider.cs, Settings/IConfigurationProvider.cs, UserAuthentication/IUserFinder.cs, UserAuthentication/UserFinder.cs, UserAuthentication/UserInformation.cs, WebService.cs, Scripts/jquery-1.6.4-vsdoc.js, Scripts/jquery-1.6.4.js, Scripts/jquery-1.6.4.min.js, Scripts/jquery.signalR-2.2.1.js, Scripts/jquery.signalR-2.2.1.min.js, app.config, packages.config
Step 5/5] INFO: Source encoding: UTF-8, default locale: en_US
Step 5/5] INFO: Language is forced to cs
Step 5/5] ERROR: - [CHECKMARX] - NOTE: Checkmarx scan is canceled;
Step 5/5] INFO: Index files
Step 5/5] Error while retrieving Checkmarx settings from ******* Database.
Step 5/5] Please make sure Checkmarx credentials are configured. [Checkmarx plugin version: 8.60.0]
Step 5/5] INFO: 33 files indexed
Step 5/5] INFO: Quality profile for cs: custom_profile
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp]
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp] (done) | time=1ms
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor SonarJavaXmlFileSensor [java]
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor SonarJavaXmlFileSensor [java] (done) | time=1ms
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor Import Checkmarx scan results to SonarQube [checkmarx]
Step 5/5] INFO: - [CHECKMARX] - Retrieving Checkmarx scan results for current module [Checkmarx plugin version: 8.60.0]
Step 5/5] INFO: - [CHECKMARX] - Getting Checkmarx configuration data from ******* Database.
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor Import Checkmarx scan results to SonarQube [checkmarx] (done) | time=1ms
Step 5/5] INFO: No SCM system was detected. You can use the '*******.scm.provider' property to explicitly specify it.
Step 5/5] INFO: ------------- Scan Service.Technical.Tests
Step 5/5] INFO: Base dir: D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\Sites\CashBalanceSheet\WebService\Tests\Service.Technical.Tests
Step 5/5] INFO: Working dir: D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\.*******qube\out\.*******\mod5
Step 5/5] INFO: Test paths: Authentication/AuthenticationServiceTest.cs, Cache/SlidingExpirationProviderTest.cs, MemoryCacheManagerTest.cs, Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs, app.config, packages.config
Step 5/5] INFO: Source encoding: UTF-8, default locale: en_US
Step 5/5] INFO: Language is forced to cs
Step 5/5] INFO: Index files
Step 5/5] WARNING: WARN: File 'D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\Sites\CashBalanceSheet\WebService\Tests\Service.Technical.Tests\app.config' is ignored because it doesn't belong to the forced language 'cs'
Step 5/5] WARNING: WARN: File 'D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\Sites\CashBalanceSheet\WebService\Tests\Service.Technical.Tests\packages.config' is ignored because it doesn't belong to the forced language 'cs'
Step 5/5] INFO: 4 files indexed
Step 5/5] INFO: Quality profile for cs: custom_profile
Step 5/5] WARNING: WARN: Property missing: '*******.cs.analyzer.projectOutPaths'. No protobuf files will be loaded for this project.
Step 5/5] WARNING: WARN: No roslyn issues report not found for this project.
Step 5/5] ERROR: - [CHECKMARX] - NOTE: Checkmarx scan is canceled;
Step 5/5] Error while retrieving Checkmarx settings from ******* Database.
Step 5/5] Please make sure Checkmarx credentials are configured. [Checkmarx plugin version: 8.60.0]
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp]
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp] (done) | time=2ms
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor SonarJavaXmlFileSensor [java]
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor SonarJavaXmlFileSensor [java] (done) | time=1ms
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor Import Checkmarx scan results to SonarQube [checkmarx]
Step 5/5] INFO: - [CHECKMARX] - Retrieving Checkmarx scan results for current module [Checkmarx plugin version: 8.60.0]
Step 5/5] INFO: - [CHECKMARX] - Getting Checkmarx configuration data from ******* Database.
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor Import Checkmarx scan results to SonarQube [checkmarx] (done) | time=1ms
Step 5/5] INFO: No SCM system was detected. You can use the '*******.scm.provider' property to explicitly specify it.
Step 5/5] INFO: ------------- Scan Service.Technical
Step 5/5] INFO: Base dir: D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\Sites\CashBalanceSheet\WebService\Framework\Service.Technical
Step 5/5] INFO: Working dir: D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\.*******qube\out\.*******\mod6
Step 5/5] INFO: Source paths: Attribute/ColumnAttribute.cs, Cache/BaseCachingProvider.cs, Cache/CacheContent.cs, Cache/CachedItem.cs, Cache/ICachedItem.cs, Cache/ICachingProvider.cs, Cache/IMemoryCacheManager.cs, Cache/ISlidingExpirationProvider.cs, Cache/MemoryCacheManager.cs, Cache/SlidingExpirationProvider.cs, Export/Csv/CsvExporter.cs, Export/Csv/ICsvExporter.cs, Dao/DatabaseConnection.cs, Dao/IDatabaseConnection.cs, Export/ExportType.cs, Logger/ILoggable.cs, Logger/ILogger.cs, Logger/Logger.cs, OpenXml/Cell/CellEditor.cs, OpenXml/Cell/CellReferenceGenerator.cs, OpenXml/Cell/CellType.cs, OpenXml/Cell/ICellEditor.cs, OpenXml/Document/ExcelCreator.cs, OpenXml/Document/IExcelCreator.cs, OpenXml/Document/SpreadSheetExplorer.cs, Export/Excel/ExcelFileData.cs, Export/Excel/ExcelExporter.cs, Export/Excel/ExportOptions.cs, Export/Excel/IExcelExporter.cs, OpenXml/FlatTable/BaseTableEditor.cs, OpenXml/FlatTable/ITableEditor.cs, OpenXml/FlatTable/LargeTableEditor.cs, OpenXml/Sheet/ISheetEditor.cs, OpenXml/Sheet/SheetEditor.cs, OpenXml/Sheet/SheetInfo.cs, OpenXml/Style/IStyleEditor.cs, OpenXml/Style/Style.cs, OpenXml/Style/StyleEditor.cs, OpenXml/Template/ExcelTemplate.cs, OpenXml/Tools/AttributeAccessor.cs, OpenXml/Tools/IAttributeAccessor.cs, Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs, Serializer/AvroSerializer.cs, Serializer/AvroSurrogate.cs, Serializer/ISerializer.cs, Serializer/XmlSerializer.cs, Zipper/Gzipper.cs, Zipper/IZipper.cs, app.config, packages.config
Step 5/5] INFO: Source encoding: UTF-8, default locale: en_US
Step 5/5] INFO: Language is forced to cs
Step 5/5] INFO: Index files
Step 5/5] INFO: 0 files indexed
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor SonarJavaXmlFileSensor [java]
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor SonarJavaXmlFileSensor [java] (done) | time=0ms
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor Import Checkmarx scan results to SonarQube [checkmarx]
Step 5/5] INFO: - [CHECKMARX] - Retrieving Checkmarx scan results for current module [Checkmarx plugin version: 8.60.0]
Step 5/5] INFO: - [CHECKMARX] - Getting Checkmarx configuration data from ******* Database.
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor Import Checkmarx scan results to SonarQube [checkmarx] (done) | time=2ms
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor C# [csharp]
Step 5/5] INFO: Importing results from 5 proto files in 'D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\.*******qube\out\Service.Referential_5583\output-cs'
Step 5/5] INFO: Importing results from 5 proto files in 'D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\.*******qube\out\WebServices_0382\output-cs'
Step 5/5] INFO: Importing results from 5 proto files in 'D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\.*******qube\out\Service.Technical_4347\output-cs'
Step 5/5] Please make sure Checkmarx credentials are configured. [Checkmarx plugin version: 8.60.0]
Step 5/5] WARNING: WARN: Protobuf file not found: D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\.*******qube\out\Service.Referential_5583\output-cs\metrics.pb
Step 5/5] WARNING: WARN: Protobuf file not found: D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\.*******qube\out\WebServices_0382\output-cs\metrics.pb
Step 5/5] WARNING: WARN: Protobuf file not found: D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\.*******qube\out\Service.Technical_4347\output-cs\metrics.pb
Step 5/5] WARNING: WARN: Protobuf file not found: D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\.*******qube\out\LiquidityRatio_1078\output-cs\metrics.pb
Step 5/5] INFO: Importing results from 5 proto files in 'D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\.*******qube\out\LiquidityRatio_1078\output-cs'
Step 5/5] INFO: Importing results from 5 proto files in 'D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\.*******qube\out\Snapshot_4057\output-cs'
Step 5/5] INFO: Importing results from 5 proto files in 'D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\.*******qube\out\WebServices.TopShelf.Host_6778\output-cs'
Step 5/5] INFO: Importing results from 5 proto files in 'D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\.*******qube\out\Service.GapPerCurrency_6549\output-cs'
Step 5/5] WARNING: WARN: Protobuf file not found: D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\.*******qube\out\Service.CashBalanceSheet_5820\output-cs\metrics.pb
Step 5/5] INFO: Importing results from 5 proto files in 'D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\.*******qube\out\Service.CashBalanceSheet_5820\output-cs'
Step 5/5] WARNING: WARN: Protobuf file not found: D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\.*******qube\out\Service.Authentication_2775\output-cs\metrics.pb
Step 5/5] INFO: Importing 11 Roslyn reports
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor C# [csharp] (done) | time=2566ms
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor C# Tests Coverage Report Import [csharp]
Step 5/5] INFO: Aggregating the HTML reports from D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\SonarResultWeb\dotCover.html
Step 5/5] INFO: Parsing the dotCover report D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\SonarResultWeb\dotCover\src\1.html
Step 5/5] INFO: Parsing the dotCover report D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\SonarResultWeb\dotCover\src\187.html
Step 5/5] INFO: Adding this code coverage report to the cache for later reuse: D:\TeamCity\BuildAgent1\work\60852095be87e569\SonarResultWeb\dotCover.html
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor C# Tests Coverage Report Import [csharp] (done) | time=513ms
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor C# Unit Test Results Import [csharp]
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor C# Unit Test Results Import [csharp] (done) | time=5ms
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor (done) | time=141ms
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor CPD Block Indexer
Step 5/5] INFO: Sensor CPD Block Indexer (done) | time=0ms
Step 5/5] INFO: No SCM system was detected. You can use the '*******.scm.provider' property to explicitly specify it.
Step 5/5] INFO: 166 files had no CPD blocks
Step 5/5] INFO: Calculating CPD for 355 files
Step 5/5] INFO: CPD calculation finished
Step 5/5] INFO: Analysis report generated in 2170ms, dir size=2 MB
Step 5/5] INFO: Analysis reports compressed in 1671ms, zip size=1 MB
Step 5/5] INFO: Analysis report uploaded in 577ms
Step 5/5] INFO: ANALYSIS SUCCESSFUL, you can browse http://localhost:8080/dashboard/index/Service.CashBalanceSheet
Step 5/5] INFO: Note that you will be able to access the updated dashboard once the server has processed the submitted analysis report
Step 5/5] INFO: More about the report processing at http://localhost:8080/api/ce/task?id=AWNeg6xPsvK0c0fsechK
Step 5/5] INFO: Task total time: 21.128 s
Step 5/5] INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Step 5/5] INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Step 5/5] INFO: Total time: 23.908s
Step 5/5] INFO: Final Memory: 71M/791M
Step 5/5] INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Step 5/5] The SonarQube Scanner has finished