Это вопрос из javascript.
if (game.ship.livesPool.getPool[0].getDamaged())
Я получил ошибку в этой функции getDamaged () как неопределенную внутри другой функции.
game = new Game();
Игра определена вне этой функции как глобальная переменная.
this.ship = new Ship();
корабль определен в классе игры.
this.livesPool = new Pool();
var pool = [];
this.getPool = function(){
return pool;
lifePool определен внутри класса Pool. pool - это массив, определенный в классе Pool.
Функция getPool вернет этот массив.
pool[i] = new Lives();
каждому пулу [i] будет присвоен объект Lives в классе Pool.
this.getDamaged = function(){
return this.damaged;
Функция getDamaged () определяется таким образом внутри класса Lives.
Почему это показывает мне, что эта функция не определена?
Игровой класс
function Game() {
this.init = function () {
// Obtain the canvas from HTML
this.bgCanvas = document.getElementById('background');
this.shipCanvas = document.getElementById('ship');
this.mainCanvas = document.getElementById('main');
// Load the context
/* Just one of them passing to conditional statement is enough to test
* the availability
if (this.bgCanvas.getContext) {
this.bgContext = this.bgCanvas.getContext('2d');
this.shipContext = this.shipCanvas.getContext('2d');
this.mainContext = this.mainCanvas.getContext('2d');
Background.prototype.context = this.bgContext;
Background.prototype.canvasHeight = this.bgCanvas.height;
Background.prototype.canvasWidth = this.bgCanvas.width;
Ship.prototype.context = this.shipContext;
Ship.prototype.canvasHeight = this.shipCanvas.height;
Ship.prototype.canvasWidth = this.shipCanvas.width;
Lives.prototype.context = this.shipContext;
Lives.prototype.canvasHeight = this.shipCanvas.height;
Lives.prototype.canvasWidth = this.shipCanvas.width;
Bullet.prototype.context = this.mainContext;
Bullet.prototype.canvasHeight = this.mainCanvas.height;
Bullet.prototype.canvasWidth = this.mainCanvas.width;
Bullet.prototype.bossContext = this.shipContext;
Enemy.prototype.context = this.mainContext;
Enemy.prototype.canvasHeight = this.mainCanvas.height;
Enemy.prototype.canvasWidth = this.mainCanvas.width;
Boss.prototype.context = this.shipContext;
Boss.prototype.canvasHeight = this.shipCanvas.height;
Boss.prototype.canvasWidth = this.shipCanvas.width;
// Define background in the game
this.background = new Background();
this.background.init(0, 0, imageRepository.background.width, imageRepository.background.height);
// Define ship in the game
this.ship = new Ship();
var shipStartX = this.shipCanvas.width / 2 - imageRepository.ship.width / 2;
var shipStartY = this.shipCanvas.height / 4 * 3 + imageRepository.ship.height / 2;
this.ship.init(shipStartX, shipStartY, imageRepository.ship.width, imageRepository.ship.height);
this.ship.type = "ship";
this.ship.hasExplored = false;
// Define enemy pools in the game
this.enemyPool = new Pool(10);
this.boss = new Boss();
return true;
else {
return false;
this.runGame = function () {
this.restart = function () {
this.bgContext.clearRect(0, 0, this.bgCanvas.width, this.bgCanvas.height);
this.mainContext.clearRect(0, 0, this.mainCanvas.width, this.mainCanvas.height);
this.shipContext.clearRect(0, 0, this.shipCanvas.width, this.shipCanvas.height);
var shipStartX = this.shipCanvas.width / 2 - imageRepository.ship.width / 2;
var shipStartY = this.shipCanvas.height / 4 * 3 + imageRepository.ship.height / 2;
this.ship.x = shipStartX;
this.ship.y = shipStartY;
this.ship.hasExplored = false;
score = 0;
displayedScore = 0;
bossExist = false;
this.boss.life = 100;
this.boss.fireRate = 0;
while(this.ship.livesPool.getSize() < 3){
document.getElementById('game-over').style.display = "none";
this.start = function () {
gameStarted = true;
document.getElementById('main-menu').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('score-board').style.display = 'block';
this.backHome = function () {
gameStarted = false;
document.getElementById('game-over').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('score-board').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('main-menu').style.display = 'block';
Класс корабля.
function Ship() {
this.speed = 5;
this.bulletPool = new Pool(maxNumOfBullets);
this.bulletSoundPool = new SoundPool(maxNumOfBullets);
this.livesPool = new Pool(3);
this.hasExplored = false;
this.life = 3;
var fireRate = 15;
var counter = 0;
this.draw = function () {
if (this.livesPool.getSize() <= 0) {
this.context.clearRect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
else {
this.context.drawImage(imageRepository.ship, this.x, this.y);
this.move = function () {
// Determine if the action is move action
if (KEY_STATUS.left || KEY_STATUS.right ||
// The ship moved, so erase it's current image so it can
// be redrawn in it's new location
this.context.clearRect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
// Update x and y according to the direction to move and
// redraw the ship. Change the else if's to if statements
// to have diagonal movement.
if (KEY_STATUS.left) {
this.x -= this.speed
if (this.x <= 0) // Keep player within the screen
this.x = 0;
} else if (KEY_STATUS.right) {
this.x += this.speed
if (this.x >= this.canvasWidth - this.width)
this.x = this.canvasWidth - this.width;
} else if (KEY_STATUS.up) {
this.y -= this.speed
if (this.y <= this.canvasHeight / 4 * 3)
this.y = this.canvasHeight / 4 * 3;
} else if (KEY_STATUS.down) {
this.y += this.speed
if (this.y >= this.canvasHeight - this.height)
this.y = this.canvasHeight - this.height;
if (KEY_STATUS.space && counter >= fireRate) {
counter = 0;
this.fire = function () {
this.bulletPool.getTwo(this.x + imageRepository.ship.width / 10, this.y, 3);
Бассейн класса.
function Pool(maxSize) {
var size = maxSize;
var pool = [];
var type = "";
// This design enables us to not need to create an object each loop
this.init = function (obj) {
if (obj === "bullet") {
type = "bullet";
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
var bullet = new Bullet("bullet");
bullet.init(0, 0, imageRepository.bullet.width, imageRepository.bullet.height);
bullet.collidableWith = "enemy";
bullet.type = "bullet";
pool[i] = bullet;
else if (obj === "enemy") {
type = "enemy";
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
var enemy = null;
var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
if (rand < 8) {
enemy = new Enemy("enemy", 0, 10);
enemy.init(0, 0, imageRepository.enemy.width, imageRepository.enemy.height);
else {
enemy = new Enemy("enemy2", 2, 15);
enemy.init(0, 0, imageRepository.enemy2.width, imageRepository.enemy2.height);
enemy.collidableWith = "ship";
enemy.type = "enemy";
pool[i] = enemy;
else if (obj === "boss_bullet") {
type = "boss_bullet";
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
var bullet = new Bullet("boss_bullet");
bullet.init(0, 0, imageRepository.boss_bullet.width, imageRepository.boss_bullet.height);
bullet.collidableWith = "ship";
bullet.type = "bullet";
pool[i] = bullet;
else if (obj === "lives") {
type = "lives";
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
var lives = new Lives();
lives.init(imageRepository.background.width - ((i + 1) * imageRepository.lives.width) - 10,
imageRepository.background.height - imageRepository.lives.height - 10,
imageRepository.lives.width, imageRepository.lives.height);
pool[i] = lives;
// Return pool attribute for usage in checking collision
this.getPool = function () {
var res = [];
for (var i = 0; i < pool.length; i++) {
if (pool[i].alive) {
return res;
this.get = function (x, y, speed) {
if (pool[size - 1] instanceof Bullet) {
if (!pool[size - 1].alive) {
pool[size - 1].spawn(x, y, speed);
else if (pool[size - 1] instanceof Enemy) {
if (!pool[size - 1].alive) {
if (!(pool[0].alive && pool[0].y <= pool[0].height)) {
pool[size - 1].spawn(x, y, speed);
this.getTwo = function (x, y, speed) {
if (type === "bullet") {
if (!pool[size - 1].alive && !pool[size - 2].alive) {
this.get(x, y, speed);
this.get(x + (imageRepository.ship.width * 8) / 10
- imageRepository.bullet.width, y, speed);
else if (type === "boss_bullet") {
if (!pool[size - 1].alive && !pool[size - 2].alive) {
this.get(x, y, speed);
// This will have the center of boss as the center between two bullets
// x + 2 * (imageRepository.boss.width / 2 - x) - imageRepository.boss_bullet.width
this.get(x + imageRepository.boss.width * 3 / 5 - imageRepository.boss_bullet.width,
y, speed);
console.log(x + imageRepository.boss.width * 3 / 5 - imageRepository.boss_bullet.width);
this.animate = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (pool[i].alive) {
if (pool[i].draw()) {
pool.push((pool.splice(i, 1))[0]);
this.getSize = function () {
return size;
this.setSize = function (input) {
size = input;
this.decreaseLives = function () {
if (size >= 1) {
if (pool[size - 1] instanceof Lives) {
pool[size - 1].setDamaged(true);
this.increaseLives = function(){
if (pool[size - 1] instanceof Lives){
pool[size - 1].setDamaged(true);
Живой класс.
function Lives() {
this.alive = true;
this.damaged = false;
this.draw = function () {
this.context.clearRect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
this.context.drawImage(imageRepository.lives, this.x, this.y);
if (this.damaged)
return true;
this.clear = function () {
alive = false;
this.x = -1 * this.width;
this.y = -1 * this.height;
this.getDamaged = function(){
return this.damaged;
this.setDamaged = function(input){
this.damaged = input;