Попытка заставить div двигаться с помощью mousescroll в противоположном направлении от верхнего правого к нижнему левому углу.
Прямо сейчас идет от нижнего левого к верхнему правому
#block {
position: absolute;
top: 400px;
left: 100px;
var lastScrollYPos = 0;
$(window).on('scroll', function(){
var $this = $(this),
$block = $('#block'),
// retrieves the top and left coordinates
position = $block.offset(),
// X and Y factors allows to change the diagonal movement direction and
// degree. Negative values inverts the direction.
factorX = 1,
factorY = 1,
// retrieves current vertical scrolling position and calculate the
// relative offset
scrollYPos = $this.scrollTop(),
offset = Math.abs(scrollYPos - lastScrollYPos),
// mouse wheel delta is inverted respect to the direction, so we need to
// normalize it against the direction
direction = scrollYPos > lastScrollYPos ? -1 : 1,
// calculates the new position. NOTE: if integers only are used for factors,
// then `Math.floor()` isn't required.
newTop = position.top + Math.floor(direction * offset * factorY),
newLeft = position.left - Math.floor(direction * offset * factorX);
// moves the block
$block.offset({ top: newTop, left: newLeft });
lastScrollYPos = scrollYPos;