Я реализовал преобразователь потока.Обратите внимание, что это всего лишь упражнение (для изучения Дартс).Этот преобразователь преобразует целые числа в строки.Я даю код ниже, и вы также можете найти его на GitHub .
// Conceptually, a transformer is simply a function from Stream to Stream that
// is encapsulated into a class.
// A transformer is made of:
// - A stream controller. The controller provides the "output" stream that will
// receive the transformed values.
// - A "bind()" method. This method is called by the "input" stream "transform"
// method (inputStream.transform(<the stream transformer>).
import 'dart:async';
/// This class defines the implementation of a class that emulates a function
/// that converts a data with a given type (S) into a data with another type (T).
abstract class TypeCaster<S, T> {
T call(S value);
/// This class emulates a converter from integers to strings.
class Caster extends TypeCaster<int, String> {
String call(int value) {
return "<${value.toString()}>";
// StreamTransformer<S, T> is an abstract class. The functions listed below must
// be implemented:
// - Stream<T> bind(Stream<S> stream)
// - StreamTransformer<RS, RT> cast<RS, RT>()
class CasterTransformer<S, T> implements StreamTransformer<S, T> {
StreamController<T> _controller;
bool _cancelOnError;
TypeCaster<S, T> _caster;
// Original (or input) stream.
Stream<S> _stream;
// The stream subscription returned by the call to the function "listen", of
// the original (input) stream (_stream.listen(...)).
StreamSubscription<S> _subscription;
/// Constructor that creates a unicast stream.
/// [caster] An instance of "type caster".
CasterTransformer(TypeCaster<S, T> caster, {
bool sync: false,
bool cancelOnError: true
}) {
_controller = new StreamController<T>(
onListen: _onListen,
onCancel: _onCancel,
onPause: () => _subscription.pause(),
onResume: () => _subscription.resume(),
sync: sync
_cancelOnError = cancelOnError;
_caster = caster;
/// Constructor that creates a broadcast stream.
/// [caster] An instance of "type caster".
CasterTransformer.broadcast(TypeCaster<S, T> caster, {
bool sync: false,
bool cancelOnError: true
}) {
_cancelOnError = cancelOnError;
_controller = new StreamController<T>.broadcast(
onListen: _onListen,
onCancel: _onCancel,
sync: sync
_caster = caster;
/// Handler executed whenever a listener subscribes to the controller's stream.
/// Note: when the transformer is applied to the original stream, through call
/// to the method "transform", the method "bind()" is called behind the
/// scenes. The method "bind()" returns the controller stream.
/// When a listener is applied to the controller stream, then this function
/// (that is "_onListen()") will be executed. This function will set the
/// handler ("_onData") that will be executed each time a value appears
/// in the original stream. This handler takes the incoming value, casts
/// it, and inject it to the (controller) output stream.
/// Note: this method is called only once. On the other hand, the method "_onData"
/// is called as many times as there are values to transform.
void _onListen() {
_subscription = _stream.listen(
onError: _controller.addError,
onDone: _controller.close,
cancelOnError: _cancelOnError
/// Handler executed whenever the subscription to the controller's stream is cancelled.
void _onCancel() {
_subscription = null;
/// Handler executed whenever data comes from the original (input) stream.
/// Please note that the transformation takes place here.
/// Note: this method is called as many times as there are values to transform.
void _onData(S data) {
/// This method is called once, when the stream transformer is assigned to the
/// original (input) stream. It returns the stream provided by the controller.
/// Note: here, you can see that the process transforms a value of type
/// S into a value of type T. Thus, it is necessary to provide a function
/// that performs the conversion from type S to type T.
/// Note: the returned stream may accept only one, or more than one, listener.
/// This depends on the method called to instantiate the transformer.
/// * CasterTransformer() => only one listener.
/// * CasterTransformer.broadcast() => one or more listener.
Stream<T> bind(Stream<S> stream) {
_stream = stream;
return _controller.stream;
// TODO: what should this method do ? Find the answer.
StreamTransformer<RS, RT> cast<RS, RT>() {
return StreamTransformer<RS, RT>((Stream<RS> stream, bool b) {
// What should we do here ?
main() {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TEST: unicast controller.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create a controller that will be used to inject integers into the "input"
// stream.
StreamController<int> controller_unicast = new StreamController<int>();
// Get the stream "to control".
Stream<int> integer_stream_unicast = controller_unicast.stream;
// Apply a transformer on the "input" stream.
// The method "transform" calls the method "bind", which returns the stream that
// receives the transformed values.
Stream<String> string_stream_unicast = integer_stream_unicast.transform(CasterTransformer<int, String>(new Caster()));
string_stream_unicast.listen((data) {
print('String => $data');
// Inject integers into the "input" stream.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TEST: broadcast controller.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
StreamController<int> controller_broadcast = new StreamController<int>.broadcast();
Stream<int> integer_stream_broadcast = controller_broadcast.stream;
Stream<String> string_stream_broadcast = integer_stream_broadcast.transform(CasterTransformer<int, String>.broadcast(new Caster()));
string_stream_broadcast.listen((data) {
print('Listener 1: String => $data');
string_stream_broadcast.listen((data) {
print('Listener 2: String => $data');
Класс CasterTransformer<S, T>
расширяет абстрактный класс StreamTransformer<S, T>
Таким образом, он реализует метод StreamTransformer<RS, RT> cast<RS, RT>()
В документации сказано, что:
Результирующий преобразователь во время выполнения проверит, что все события данных потока этопреобразования на самом деле являются экземплярами S, и он проверит, что все события данных, генерируемые этим преобразователем, на самом деле являются экземплярами RT.
См .: https://api.dartlang.org/stable/2.1.0/dart-async/StreamTransformer/cast.html
Во-первых, я думаю, чтов этой документации есть опечатка: в ней должно быть сказано: « ... это преобразование на самом деле является экземпляром RS » (вместо S).
Однако мне это неясно.
- Зачем нам нужен потоковый преобразователь для проверки типов значений?Цель трансформатора - преобразовать, не так ли?Если целью компонента является проверка, то почему бы нам не назвать его средством проверки?
- И, кроме того, зачем нам проверять, что преобразователь (мы реализуем) выдает требуемые данные?Если этого не произойдет, то мы столкнемся с ошибкой, которая должна быть исправлена.
Может кто-нибудь объяснить цель метода Cast()