Заранее благодарю за любую помощь.Мои знания начального уровня.Я могу читать код, но борюсь с написанием.Я не уверен, к какой строке относится эта последняя ошибка.
Кроме того, я предполагаю, что всегда есть лучший (более эффективный) способ написания кода.
Этот пост следует после этого: VBA Excel - Как преобразовать значения именованных диапазонов из рабочей книги B в одинаковые / похожие именованные диапазоны в рабочей книге A?
После устранения многих ошибок я наконец-то получаю сообщение об ошибке: объект не поддерживаетэто свойство или метод.
1-е справочное сообщение: excel Копирование фигур из одного рабочего листа в другое
2-е справочное сообщение: https://superuser.com/questions/1042887/naming-an-object-in-excel-vba-so-it-can-be-selected-once-its-copied-to-another
Проблема: Форма будет скопирована, но не будет правильно расположена.Он назван правильно.
Я пытаюсь сделать следующее:
1. сохранить свойства формы определенных фигур в рабочей книге A
2. скопировать конкретные именованные формы из рабочей книги B
3. вставитьскопированные фигуры в определенный лист в Рабочей книге A
4. применить сохраненные свойства фигуры к скопированным фигурам
Вот весь код:
Sub Button_Transfer_FromOlderVersion()
' Start of Error Handling
On Error GoTo Errorcatch
' Declare string variable and use current open workbook filename as value
Dim WorkbookNameNew As String
WorkbookNameNew = ThisWorkbook.Name
' Declare string variable for 2nd workbook not yet identified
Dim WorkbookNameOld As String
' Find out the name of the 2nd workbook
' Declare string variable for finding and separating the filename from the path
Dim OldWorkbookFileName As String
' Show the open dialog and pass the selected file name to the string variable "OldWorkbookFileName"
OldWorkbookFileName = Application.GetOpenFilename
' If the user cancels finding the workbook file then exit subroutine
If OldWorkbookFileName = "False" Then Exit Sub
' Troubleshooting: Show me the filename with path of Workbook B
' MsgBox OldWorkbookFileName
' Troubleshooting: Show me the filename of Workbook A
' MsgBox WorkbookNameNew
' Open Workbook B which the user just selected
Workbooks.Open Filename:=OldWorkbookFileName
' Separate the filename from the path for Workbook B
WorkbookNameOld = Dir(OldWorkbookFileName)
' Troubleshooting: Show me the filename of Workbook B
' MsgBox WorkbookNameOld
' Temporarily change some settings to speed up the transfer process
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
' Transfer Values of Named Ranges from Workbook B
' Workbooks(WorkbookNameNew).Worksheets("WorksheetName").Range("NamedRange01").Value = Workbooks(WorkbookNameOld).Worksheets("WorksheetName").Range("NamedRange01").Value
' Unprotect specific Worksheet in Workbook A to help eliminate transfer issues of shapes
Sheet05.Unprotect Password:="MyPassword"
' Declare all variables
Dim worksheet01 As Worksheet
Dim worksheet02 As Worksheet
Dim PictureName01 As String
Dim PictureName02 As String
Dim shape01 As Shape
Dim shape02 As Shape
Dim shape03 As Shape
Dim shapeTop As Long
Dim shapeLeft As Long
Dim shapeHeight As Long
Dim shapeWidth As Long
'******* ******* ******* SHAPE 01
' Set variables so they are not equal to Nothing
Set worksheet01 = Workbooks(WorkbookNameNew).Worksheets("WorksheetName")
' Identify the name of the existing shape
PictureName01 = "WorkbookNewNamedPicture01"
Set shape01 = worksheet01.Shapes(PictureName01)
Set worksheet02 = Workbooks(WorkbookNameOld).Worksheets("WorksheetName")
' Identify the name of the existing shape
PictureName02 = "WorkbookOldNamedPicture01"
Set shape02 = worksheet02.Shapes(PictureName02)
Set shape03 = shape01
' Capture properties of exisitng picture such as location and size
' Measurements in points must be converted from desired inches. Use http://www.thecalculatorsite.com/conversions/length/points-to-inches.php
shapeTop = shape01.Top
shapeLeft = shape01.Left
shapeHeight = shape01.Height
shapeWidth = shape01.Width
' Copy first shape in Workbook B
' Delete existing shape in Workbook A
' Paste the copied shape into Workbook A
' Identify and select the most recently added shape in Workbook A
Set shape03 = worksheet01.Shapes(worksheet01.Shapes.Count)
' Reapply shape properties to the recently added shape in Workbook A
shape03.Top = shapeTop
shape03.Left = shapeLeft
shape03.Height = shapeHeight
shape03.Width = shapeWidth
' Apply expected name to the recently added shape in Workbook A
shape03.Name = "WorkbookNewNamedPicture01"
'******* ******* ******* SHAPE 02
'******* ******* ******* SHAPE 03
'******* ******* ******* SHAPE 04
'******* ******* ******* SHAPE 05
'******* ******* ******* SHAPE 06
' User Feedback of successful transfer and name of Workbook B
MsgBox ("TRANSFER COMPLETED FROM:" & " " & WorkbookNameOld)
' Re-protect specifc worksheet in Workbook A that received new shapes from Workbook B
Sheet05.Protect Password:="MyPassword"
' Restore the settings that were changed temporarily to speed up the transfer process
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Exit Sub
' Finish Error Handling
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub