Я пытаюсь заставить работать Java и Gradle jsonschema2pojo .После запуска 'Gradlew.bat' я получаю следующий вывод:
Сгенерированные классы Java должны быть созданы в папке build / generate-sources / js2p.Однако папка остается пустой.
(Необязательно, см. Код ниже): Zip всего проекта .
Возможно, я что-то делаю не так, но я нене знаю что.К сожалению, оригинальный README не очень нагляден.
Вот конфигурации, которые я использую (параметры по умолчанию остаются):
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'jsonschema2pojo'
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'org.jsonschema2pojo:jsonschema2pojo-gradle-plugin:latest.integration'
// see src/main/resources/json/external_dependencies.json
classpath 'joda-time:joda-time:2.2'
repositories {
dependencies {
compile 'javax.validation:validation-api:1.1.0.CR2'
compile 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.1.4'
// see src/main/resources/json/external_dependencies.json
compile 'joda-time:joda-time:2.2'
//jsonSchema2Pojo {
// targetPackage = 'example'
// includeJsr303Annotations = true
// propertyWordDelimiters = ['_'] as char[]
// Each configuration is set to the default value
jsonSchema2Pojo {
// Whether to allow 'additional' properties to be supported in classes by adding a map to
// hold these. This is true by default, meaning that the schema rule 'additionalProperties'
// controls whether the map is added. Set this to false to globabally disable additional properties.
includeAdditionalProperties = false
// Whether to generate builder-style methods of the form withXxx(value) (that return this),
// alongside the standard, void-return setters.
generateBuilders = false
// Whether to use primitives (long, double, boolean) instead of wrapper types where possible
// when generating bean properties (has the side-effect of making those properties non-null).
usePrimitives = false
// Location of the JSON Schema file(s). This may refer to a single file or a directory of files.
source = files("${sourceSets.main.output.resourcesDir}/json")
// Target directory for generated Java source files. The plugin will add this directory to the
// java source set so the compiler will find and compile the newly generated source files.
targetDirectory = file("${project.buildDir}/generated-sources/js2p")
// Package name used for generated Java classes (for types where a fully qualified name has not
// been supplied in the schema using the 'javaType' property).
targetPackage = ''
// The characters that should be considered as word delimiters when creating Java Bean property
// names from JSON property names. If blank or not set, JSON properties will be considered to
// contain a single word when creating Java Bean property names.
propertyWordDelimiters = [] as char[]
// Whether to use the java type long (or Long) instead of int (or Integer) when representing the
// JSON Schema type 'integer'.
useLongIntegers = false
// Whether to use the java type BigInteger when representing the JSON Schema type 'integer'. Note
// that this configuration overrides useLongIntegers
useBigIntegers = false
// Whether to use the java type double (or Double) instead of float (or Float) when representing
// the JSON Schema type 'number'.
useDoubleNumbers = true
// Whether to use the java type BigDecimal when representing the JSON Schema type 'number'. Note
// that this configuration overrides useDoubleNumbers
useBigDecimals = false
// Whether to include hashCode and equals methods in generated Java types.
includeHashcodeAndEquals = true
// Whether to include a toString method in generated Java types.
includeToString = true
// The style of annotations to use in the generated Java types. Supported values:
// - jackson (alias of jackson2)
// - jackson2 (apply annotations from the Jackson 2.x library)
// - jackson1 (apply annotations from the Jackson 1.x library)
// - gson (apply annotations from the Gson library)
// - moshi1 (apply annotations from the Moshi 1.x library)
// - none (apply no annotations at all)
annotationStyle = 'jackson'
// A fully qualified class name, referring to a custom annotator class that implements
// org.jsonschema2pojo.Annotator and will be used in addition to the one chosen
// by annotationStyle. If you want to use the custom annotator alone, set annotationStyle to none.
// customAnnotator = 'org.jsonschema2pojo.NoopAnnotator'
// Whether to include JSR-303/349 annotations (for schema rules like minimum, maximum, etc) in
// generated Java types. Schema rules and the annotation they produce:
// - maximum = @DecimalMax
// - minimum = @DecimalMin
// - minItems,maxItems = @Size
// - minLength,maxLength = @Size
// - pattern = @Pattern
// - required = @NotNull
// Any Java fields which are an object or array of objects will be annotated with @Valid to
// support validation of an entire document tree.
includeJsr303Annotations = false
// The type of input documents that will be read. Supported values:
// - jsonschema (schema documents, containing formal rules that describe the structure of JSON data)
// - json (documents that represent an example of the kind of JSON data that the generated Java types
// will be mapped to)
// - yamlschema (JSON schema documents, represented as YAML)
// - yaml (documents that represent an example of the kind of YAML (or JSON) data that the generated Java types
// will be mapped to)
sourceType = 'jsonschema'
// Whether to empty the target directory before generation occurs, to clear out all source files
// that have been generated previously. <strong>Be warned</strong>, when activated this option
// will cause jsonschema2pojo to <strong>indiscriminately delete the entire contents of the target
// directory (all files and folders)</strong> before it begins generating sources.
removeOldOutput = false
// The character encoding that should be used when writing the generated Java source files
outputEncoding = 'UTF-8'
// Whether to use {@link org.joda.time.DateTime} instead of {@link java.util.Date} when adding
// date type fields to generated Java types.
useJodaDates = false
// Whether to add JsonFormat annotations when using Jackson 2 that cause format "date", "time", and "date-time"
// fields to be formatted as yyyy-MM-dd, HH:mm:ss.SSS and yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ respectively. To customize these
// patterns, use customDatePattern, customTimePattern, and customDateTimePattern config options or add these inside a
// schema to affect an individual field
formatDateTimes = true
formatDates = true
formatTimes = true
// Whether to initialize Set and List fields as empty collections, or leave them as null.
initializeCollections = true
// Whether to add a prefix to generated classes.
classNamePrefix = ""
// Whether to add a suffix to generated classes.
classNameSuffix = ""
// An array of strings that should be considered as file extensions and therefore not included in class names.
fileExtensions = [] as String[]
// Whether to generate constructors or not.
includeConstructors = false
// **EXPERIMENTAL** Whether to make the generated types Parcelable for Android
parcelable = false
// Whether to make the generated types Serializable
serializable = false
// Whether to include getters or to omit these accessor methods and create public fields instead.
includeGetters = false
// Whether to include setters or to omit these accessor methods and create public fields instead.
includeSetters = false
// Whether to include dynamic getters, setters, and builders or to omit these methods.
includeDynamicAccessors = false
// Whether to include dynamic getters or to omit these methods.
includeDynamicGetters = false
// Whether to include dynamic setters or to omit these methods.
includeDynamicSetters = false
// Whether to include dynamic builders or to omit these methods.
includeDynamicBuilders = false
// What type to use instead of string when adding string properties of format "date" to Java types
dateType = "java.time.LocalDate"
// What type to use instead of string when adding string properties of format "date-time" to Java types
dateTimeType = "java.time.LocalDateTime"
"description": "An Address following the convention of http://microformats.org/wiki/hcard",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"post_office_box": { "type": "string" },
"extended_address": { "type": "string" },
"street_address": { "type": "string" },
"locality":{ "type": "string", "required": true },
"region": { "type": "string", "required": true },
"postal_code": { "type": "string" },
"country_name": { "type": "string", "required": true},
"address": {"type": "array", "items": "string"}
"dependencies": {
"post_office_box": "street_address",
"extended_address": "street_address"